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Everything posted by tsc

  1. tsc

    TF2 general

    So newbie 6v6 cups are being held. I know that most of you aren't really enthusiastic about competitive, but would a few people maybe be interested in forming a team?
  2. tsc

    Civ 5

    I would want to play a game with you guys, but I'm the LCD because I have all the DLC before either expansion was released... so yeah.
  3. tsc

    TF2 general

    Why 6's Are They Way They Are - A Guide
  4. tsc

    SUMMER SEAL 2013

    Credit card bill, transaction logs on PayPal, etc. etc.
  5. tsc

    Unboxing Event?

    Well, the issue isn't really crates, but more of needing keys really. I don't want to spend more than $5 or $10, but that's not really much of a show if I only unbox 2-4 crates myself.
  6. tsc

    Unboxing Event?

    Are you guys sick of unboxing already, or do ye still have some spirit left after being drained of cash from the Steam sale? I want to unbox a few crates, but unboxing a few feels kind of boring, and I don't really have the spare cash to go on a spree. Therefore, I propose an impromptu, completely unannounced (hopefully the Elder Mod isn't a Valve spy), casual unboxing even where we see if Lady Luck is with any of us. Anyone interested?
  7. tsc

    SUMMER SEAL 2013

    Who sacrificed the most money to the gaming gods?
  8. tsc

    SUMMER SEAL 2013

    I believe that July 22nd is included as a day, although I may be wrong. It does seem a bit weird for the sale to be only 11 days though.
  9. tsc

    TF2 general

    TF2 certainly isn't dying, folks. Now whether it's something utterly unrecognizable from its humble beginnings is a subject worthy of debate.
  10. tsc

    SUMMER SEAL 2013

    I have 182 games, a large percent of which I've never played. So for any game to be worth it, it would have to be a) not in my current library and good enough to get immediately promoted over my current backlog.
  11. tsc

    SUMMER SEAL 2013

    I haven't even played much of FTL. And now in the final hours of Day 10 I'm getting a serious urge to buy something... ANYTHING... but nothing's worth it.
  12. tsc

    SUMMER SEAL 2013

    2/3 of the way through the sale in 23 minutes and I still won't have spent a dime. I'm starting to scare myself.
  13. The lack of games here disturbs me. If the choice is indeed to be TF2, what do you guys want to play? Gamemodes, mods, etc.?
  14. tsc

    R.I.P. Idling

    You have to click on the notification first, and for that you have to be in the menu, etc. etc.
  15. tsc

    R.I.P. Idling

    I'm classifying it as a trade secret until I can verify that it works.
  16. tsc

    R.I.P. Idling

    Idling is still possible, it's just a bit harder to automate. I suspect I have a method for automating it even with the new restrictions.
  17. tsc

    rammite needs help badly

    Which motherboard do you have? You could try reflashing the BIOS yourself, modern BIOSes make the process pretty simple. Anyway, reinstall shouldn't be necessary if all you're changing is the motherboard. You'll have to boot into Safe Mode and install new drivers, and Windows might reject your activation, but besides that you'll be good.
  18. tsc

    SUMMER SEAL 2013

    At 1PM EST will be the end of the first third of the sale...
  19. Seconded, except I stipulate Battlefront II with Conversion Pack because it's on Steam and request vanilla Civilization because I'm a scrub who night the full pack very early without expansions and want to continue my no-spending streak.
  20. tsc

    Gaming Night 2: The flying bovines.

    Well there goes the first game to beginner's luck.
  21. tsc

    Gaming Night 2: The flying bovines.

    GTA IV beating Battlefront II? I am the sad.
  22. tsc

    TF2 general

    Source? Registered servers can host anything they want - the only things are that they can get QuickPlay players if they're following the guidelines and they can drop gifts during Halloween. Both of the SPUFservers are registered as they always will be.
  23. tsc

    SUMMER SEAL 2013

    I actually think I won't open my wallet this time. I bought everything I wanted last summer, and I haven't played most of it yet. I haven't seen any new releases since then that I gave much of a care for.
  24. tsc

    Gaming Night 2: The flying bovines.

    It's EA publishing it though. Battlefront is in terrible hands.
  25. tsc

    Gaming Night 2: The flying bovines.
