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Everything posted by tsc

  1. tsc

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    No, they aren't adding really anything significant as far as I can tell. It just seems to be an improved version with a few new features, I don't get why it warrants me buying an entirely new game right now.
  2. tsc


    Well, here's the newest thing I'll be working on for a while. It's basically my own version of TF2x10. It's broken to all extremes (heh) right now. Best way you can help me is to go in-game, join the SPUFserver Custom Edition, and just equip weapons and start testing them and report the broken stuff to me. If I can figure out what attributes are broken, it'll make it easy to figure out what I'll have to override manually. The main cvar is tf2xtreme_enabled for admins to enable/disable. It's currently on at the time of this post, and it may not be when you go on, but you can always bug an admin to go turn it on. If any of you are interested (doubt it), the source repository is available. There is also a public forum (because this is being released under my own auspices rather than under the SPUFserver banner).
  3. tsc

    Custom Title Initiative

    All titles should be restored now. If you are still without a title, that means I either missed you or you didn't request one properly (either not at all or when you were ineligible). Approved. Approved.
  4. tsc

    Custom Title Initiative

    I'm currently working on restoring titles. If yours isn't back soon, please pester me in this thread. Restorations will be processed before new requests.
  5. tsc

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    So they add a bunch of stuff. How exactly am I supposed to be excited when I already have Sanctum?
  6. tsc

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Meh, still don't understand the point of getting this. What's the difference from Sanctum?
  7. tsc


    For OPL right now, it's more like: class Despair {public final static function start() {while (is_finite($codingAbility) {$code = Despair::randomCoding();if (Despair::works($code)) {$codingAbility++;}throw new UnexpectedValueException("Nobody's that good at coding, are you mental?");}}
  8. tsc


    Turned into a full-length project... it would have been a side project if there were people coding with me.
  9. tsc


    OPL is on hiatus until June because of real life. I figured that this would be an easy side-project.
  10. tsc

    Competitive Leagues

    Would anyone be interested in forming a HL team? I couldn't main on one since all of the league schedule default match days for Monday nights, but I wouldn't mind backing up and playing on days that aren't Monday. Same question for a 6's team, although that would be even more restricted for me if I do manage to form a CEVO team with my physical friends.
  11. tsc


    Pushed the change. Won't fix items that are having issues because of the multiplier, but it should fix the attributes that enable stuff (like food items).
  12. tsc


    I actually might have a fix that unbreaks most of the attributes but causes some to be missed. I'll probably implement that to fix all of the issues, and eventually everything will get reimplemented anyway.
  13. tsc


    Not unexpected, I'll probably have to mod ammo for weapons manually. TF2 can't handle <1 second switch times, it seems. Firing at the speed of light makes it hard for the graphics to keep up. Assuming that the firing speed is working as intended... It's a broken attribute. Firing very slowly, I presume? That's supposed to happen. Issue with clip calculation. I'll have to change it so that it doesn't work on the change (since it's represented as -25% clip size in the game) but rather on the amount of ammo. Broken attributes.
  14. tsc


    If any of you have the time, can you check damage penalties? Some weapons shouldn't even be causing damage and may even heal other players on hit, but that's something that I don't know.
  15. tsc


    No... just weapon stats. Anything else would be blatantly difficult to do. May implement such things later and make it an option.
  16. tsc


    Which, I remind you, we're trying not to scare away new users with. Now that IS weird. It probably shouldn't be doing that.
  17. tsc


    Fair enough. You know, though, that he would never have known anything about this until you mentioned it here, right?
  18. tsc


    I assume it's because movement speed is being set below 0%, which doesn't quite make sense. Probably going to have to change something similar for damage modifiers and such.
  19. tsc


    Already making me give the new guy a warning? Being the janitor is hard enough...
  20. tsc


    Janitor's override. That is all. ... why haven't we moved that under the Saloon yet? Maybe, it will definitely be a consideration if nothing else.
  21. tsc


    However, realistically speaking, if he requests access there is not a legitimate reason to deny him access.
  22. tsc


    Cube beat you to it.
  23. tsc

    Custom Title Initiative

    I'm a lazy son-of-a-gun working on TF2x10 TF2xTreme. It would have helped if I had realized that your user titles would get wiped like that the first time they did before there were so many people with them.
  24. tsc


    Hello there. For your own safety, please don't go looking for the wrong forums until you're ready to go looking for them.