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Everything posted by tsc

  1. tsc

    Ludum Dare 25

    You know, this would actually be fun, especially since we're coding "games" for our final project in APCS (I mean Yahtzee), but seriously, that's the weekend before finals. WHY MUST EVERYTHING HAPPEN SIMULTANEOUSLY
  2. tsc


    Didn't you get banned on multiple accounts? If they figured that out, they probably could permanently ban you just for that.
  3. tsc


    @Overridepublic void exec() { while (true) { Thread.sleep(1000); }}
  4. tsc

    Adventures in Linux!

    You have to upgrade linearly, apparently. I decided to wipe the whole thing, though, because 11.10 broke my networking so that I couldn't update any further.
  5. tsc

    Adventures in Linux!

    Well, I got accepted into the Steam for Linux beta yesterday. I had a partition with Ubuntu on it, so I decided to update it up to the newest release. It should be fine, I said. I log in, start the update manager, and am greeted with a "this distribution is no longer supported, please upgrade" message. Yeah, I'm still on 11.04 apparently, which is what I installed when I first built the computer. Now it's been two hours and the first of three upgrades, to 11.10, is still not finished. When all this upgrading gets done, I'll talk about it a little more. Hopefully.
  6. tsc

    The 25 Raffles of Smissmas.

    Fill up the SPUFserver.
  7. tsc

    The 25 Raffles of Smissmas.

    Ooh, this would be interesting on Hightower. Especially if at the end you tumble off the cliff.
  8. tsc

    The 25 Raffles of Smissmas.

    What are you trying to imply here? That's just a list of completely normal and ordinary SPUFserver events.
  9. tsc

    The 25 Raffles of Smissmas.

    I'm surprised that the Bison, of all things, was the one item not won.
  10. tsc

    Steam, Wat r u doing, Steam, STAHP

    This may be the first Steam sale since I joined in which I'm not tempted to buy anything. This bodes well for the Winter Sale. Also, congrats ian on getting on the big banner! In addition, they released Big Picture even while it still has bugs...
  11. tsc

    [NOTURBLOG] Wot I think

    I have an anti-static strap, I should be fine. And after further consideration, I got an Arduino and will be subjecting it to my horrible experiments until proper parts arrive since, well, it's cheaper if I fry this board by accident.
  12. tsc

    [NOTURBLOG] Wot I think

    If I don't manage to short out my board while working with GPIO for the first time (and, admittedly, electronics too), I'll see if I can't post something short about it.
  13. tsc

    The SPUF Civil War

    And to think I was going to forgive him for the signature scandal...
  14. tsc

    Another patch?

    Yeah, announced on HLDS. It was an optional update for servers that fixed MvM matchmaking.
  15. I await the inevitable initial Schadenfrauede and later disappointment when the bot overshoots my birthday.
  16. tsc

    Hi I'm Splosion.

    Hi. I'm thesupremecommander, or 'that guy who runs the server with a bunch of stuff on it'. Contrary to popular belief, I don't actually pay for the server, but rather take money from ian and shove it into the server. I'm also a judge on the SPUFpowered Court who decides important cases impartially and occasionally practice law by suing people who deserve it.
  17. tsc

    newest steam error

    Good luck with that. Oh, and you're back, chesse20. How's life been?
  18. tsc

    [NOTURBLOG] Wot I think

    I actually have a Raspberry Pi Model B (the original before various changes). I can post thoughts on it later if you want. +1 this. I haven't found a decent electronic device sub-$100 yet - though if you get a cheap portable screen, a Raspberry Pi, and a keyboard/mouse, that could certainly work.
  19. tsc

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    You could. I logged 9 hours and I know that some of that was partway through a second run.
  20. tsc

    To Buy or Not to Buy?

    CS:S or CS:GO?
  21. tsc


    coding SPUF.info - 1 bud running a game server - 15 keys coding the SCL - 9 buds and rising community love, support, and appreciation - priceless There are some things items can't buy, but for everything else there's trading.
  22. tsc

    SPUFpowered Projects

    Redmine is traditionally really annoying to set up, and this time proved no different. However, it is orders of magnitude below designing SPUF.info or SCL.