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Everything posted by tsc

  1. tsc

    SPUFnet IRC 2: Electric Bugaloo

    Y U NO INSTALL SERVICES No, really. Install a services package.
  2. tsc

    Vidya confessions

    I haven't played the classics nor any of the Half-Life games. I have played through Portal and Portal 2 singleplayer though.
  3. tsc

    2012 US Presidential Debates

    Required to watch the debate, so here we go!I wonder how a livechat between SPUFfers would go.
  4. tsc

    Vidya confessions

    I've never played any of the classics. At all.I also seriously joke that I never had a childhood, because, well...
  5. tsc


    Because I just* got it and it's an awesome game.Tried my hand at a few levels and then at the Moustachium challenges. It's hard, but it feels great when you figure out the solution.Anyone have any particularly innovative solutions they're proud of to share?*Humble Bundle for Android 3
  6. tsc

    Humble Indie Bundle 3

    This is quite obviously why they have the new Humble Bundle accounts. Access your keys at any time!
  7. tsc

    Spuf is dead.

    The world needs you at your computer and not at school, Rammite. That's the only thing this means.
  8. tsc

    The SPUF Civil War

    [403 FORBIDDEN]
  9. Right... I'm probably going to be gone the 29th, at least for the early afternoon. So the SPUFserver cannae host this unless I get my event scheduling system up by the end of the week (unlikely).Also, there may be problems with the War occurring as well. I don't know the exact times stuff is happening.
  10. Heavy vs. AdministratorSee, problem solved.
  11. tsc

    The SPUF Civil War

    LIES. We all know that a PANCRACY is equivalent to DICTATORSHIP. While your goals may be SOMEWHAT NOBLE, your intentions are MALEVOLENT. Also, this just in: capitalizing RANDOM WORDS for EMPHASIS is UNDERRATED.
  12. tsc

    HAPPY 9/23 DAY!

    Nope, it's not.
  13. tsc

    HAPPY 9/23 DAY!

    Tell us when your ban ends so that binary can put it on the calendar.
  14. tsc

    The SPUF Civil War

    As Supreme Commander I will marshal all of my armies against you, for what we need is a DEMOCRACY (covering up a thinly-veiled oligarchy), not a DICTATORSHIP.
  15. It's official.Anti's are looking for redemption, Bronies are looking for superiority, all in round 2.As Chief Admin and a neutral figure, I'm happy to provide the official SPUFserver (competitive edition) for this showdown. I'm still trying to figure out what configs and all will be put up (probably UGC 6v6/HL combo).Discuss configs/predictions/trash/other.
  16. If it's only a problem with games, I suspect it's something to do with files.Try reinstalling your games and defragging.
  17. tsc

    Second Bronyism War

    They do have somewhat of a point, though.And as much as you want to deny it, they're going to keep thinking that they're getting shafted in every game.
  18. tsc

    Second Bronyism War

    Ted, you really should have seen that storm coming.
  19. tsc

    Every Valve thing has just shut down.

    When Valve stuff breaks, HLDS gets filled with emails. That's when you know a storm is brewing.
  20. tsc

    It be talk like a pirate day

    Arrrrr, why be you usin' Bin'? Google be better!
  21. tsc

    Second Bronyism War

    Let's throw a little weight behind it, then. If someone does throw/cheat/troll, they will be permanently banned from the competitive SPUFserver.That's right, permanently. I don't care whether you're the best player on the SPUF 6v6 team, you're gone.
  22. tsc

    Second Bronyism War

    I did wonder about that when I saw his name on the list for the bronies, and I also realized the inevitable complaints about the fact that he was organizing it.You can't really do anything, though, unless you want to redo the entire process in which each team has a leader who picks the players to field or something like that. In any case, it's not unexpected that the bronies are more organized and compose more of the higher echelons of SPUF.
  23. tsc

    Second Bronyism War

    This is the base config. It's pretty much everything the base UGC config. The whitelist will be the UGC HL whitelist (which is pretty lenient as it is). Class restrictions will be based on the 6v6 config. // SPUFserver (Competitive Division) Official Configs// Based on UGC 6v6 & HL Configshostname "The Official SPUFserver (Competitive Division)"tv_name "SPUFserverCompTV"tv_title "SPUFserverCompTV"mp_tournament_whitelist "cfg/item_whitelist.txt"tv_autorecord 1tv_enable 1tv_chattimelimit 1tv_delay 90tv_delaymapchange 1tv_transmitall 1tv_maxrate 8000log onmp_logdetail 3decalfrequency 60host_framerate 0mp_allowspectators 1mp_autocrosshair 0mp_autoteambalance 0mp_bonusroundtime 0mp_chattime 10mp_disable_respawn_times 0mp_enableroundwaittime 1mp_fadetoblack 0mp_falldamage 1mp_footsteps 1mp_forcecamera 1mp_fraglimit 0mp_idledealmethod 0mp_idlemaxtime 0mp_respawnwavetime 10.0mp_stalemate_enable 0mp_stalemate_timelimit 0mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0mp_teamplay 0mp_time_between_capscoring 30mp_tournament 1mp_tournament_allow_non_admin_restart 0mp_tournament_stopwatch 1mp_weaponstay 0sv_allow_color_correction 0sv_allow_voice_from_file 0sv_allow_wait_command 0sv_allowdownload 1sv_allowupload 0sv_alltalk 0sv_cheats 0sv_client_cmdrate_difference 30sv_client_max_interp_ratio 1sv_client_min_interp_ratio 1sv_client_predict 1sv_consistency 1sv_gravity 800sv_minrate 20000sv_maxrate 60000sv_maxupdaterate 66sv_minupdaterate 40sv_maxcmdrate 66sv_mincmdrate 40sv_pausable 1sv_pure 2sv_pure_kick_clients 1sv_rcon_log 1sv_showladders 0sv_specaccelerate 5sv_specnoclip 1sv_specspeed 3sv_turbophysics 1tf_allow_player_use 0tf_arena_first_blood 0tf_clamp_airducks 1tf_damage_disablespread 1tf_tournament_hide_domination_icons 1tf_weapon_criticals 0tf_use_fixed_weaponspreads 1tf_teamtalk 1mp_tournament_restart