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Everything posted by tsc

  1. tsc

    Second Bronyism War

    lrn2pistolBut I think that screws with UGC 6v6 format (class limit 2). Shoot. Quickly, retroactively change the rules!
  2. tsc

    Second Bronyism War

    Engies are allowed on 6v6, though...
  3. tsc


    Someone not a pat.
  4. tsc


    This would have been a good parody, but you posted it while the thread in question was still active. I think that's a bit tasteless considering the subject matter of that thread in the first place.A few weeks later, we could have laughed about it and reminisced about how we all came together and stuff like that, but now is too soon.
  5. tsc


    Unacceptable. Now, I don't care if you're a rival gang, a Guardian Angel, or the goddamn Salvation Army... we're getting you off the street and off the front page.
  6. "In the time it took you to read this description, you've dropped three ranks in stats."No, seriously, I would give stuff if I had any to any person able to surpass Buddha on the SPUFserver rankings.
  7. tsc

    Lolwut? Valve...

    virtual ≠ realSupreme Commander = Logical
  8. tsc

    Lolwut? Valve...

    Out of context. This is virtual reality, not anything real.
  9. tsc

    The SPUF Civil War

    ... not what I meant.Oh god what have I done.
  10. tsc

    The SPUF Civil War

    In the trenches with me, obviously.
  11. tsc

    SPUF Highlander Team

    I'd be interested, although I kinda suck and most my weekends are somewhat busy. I can do most classes, except not Scout.
  12. tsc

    The SPUF Civil War

    Supreme Commander here. What's going o-Never mind. What are you guys doing to fix it? SCARECROW. SCARECROW.
  13. If drops ever completely worked for me, I'd probably be a bit better off. But I often don't have metal to waste when an update comes around.
  14. The most I've had ever was 3.66 ref, and that was due to some trading luck.
  15. I hate all of you rich people who have the luxury of crafting hats and all.
  16. tsc

    Super SPUF Fighter

    See, this is why you have them sign NDAs - you can sue them in court if that happens and win loadsamone.
  17. What could they POSSIBLY have to add now? (unless it's a run-of-the-mill weekly update, in which case nothing) SPUFserver should restart gracefully when the update's released to apply it.
  18. tsc

    I Made a Deal With Ted

    Nah, but they can only do it to admins.
  19. tsc

    Update Incoming - 9/4

    I guess this guarantees a new update sometime later this week to add in the other items. Especially because they haven't put the key in the schema yet.
  20. tsc

    Update Incoming - 9/4

    Link?Although I'm all up for the unusual market completely crashing, this sounds too good to be true.
  21. tsc

    Update Incoming - 9/4

    No idea, it's been added to the schema.It also says, I don't think we've ever had a crate whose contents were unknown.
  22. tsc

    Update Incoming - 9/4

    By the way, they've added crate 47 and a fall crate which is 48.
  23. tsc


    For some reason mine is automatically up every time the game launches. I have no idea why.It could be because of HLDJ, or maybe because it's open when I quit the game.
  24. tsc

    I Made a Deal With Ted

    I know, but still?How has an admin/mod NOT gone power crazy before now? I mean, HOW?