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Posts posted by tsc

  1. Yeah I'm calling ruse. As recently as the 12th of September tsc was talking about the IPS 4 release. ~19 days isn't nearly as much time as this "migration" has been said to take.


    Well, it isn't like we get much of a choice when the upgrade happens... once the next version is out, this one stops receiving security updates.

    So in addition to the testing forum that IPS has had up for a while now, they've released a prerelease so that we can install it and test it on our own board.

    Unfortunately, it's only available to active clients, which I am not because I haven't coughed up the dosh for the renewal fee (was hoping to wait for the actual version to come out). Thus, would there be interest in getting it and testing it out? We would be keeping this version active no matter what until the GA release hits, so it would only be for testing/feedback.


    We cannot avoid migrating to IPS4, because this is nowhere near ready, but it will not be our software in the long term. I'd estimate we're remaining on this for another 6 months while we iron things out.

  2. Actually, Rammite just informed me that he hasn't actually been in the loop for a while now (or at least while the major changes were happening), and so he is no longer a reliable resource until he looks at the website. I didn't notice because I was too busy fixing the bugs that arose due to said major changes. I apologize for putting him on the spot when he is unqualified to talk about such things in greater detail.


    That leaves binary.

  3. Binary's post summed it up best:

    So, I just want to get things straight. These changes will not be happening any time soon, like months away. We still have a lot of work to do, but we want to let you know in advance. Also note that there are a few features that are still being worked on. Now, we know that change is a little daunting, but trust me, once you see what we've been working on, you'll know how serious we are about this.


    We are not taking feedback right now because we want to get the pure, unadulterated vision out to you first before considering any changes. We had hoped to get the preview out in the same day as the announcement, but issues cropping up prevented that from happening. Again, this change will not go live tomorrow, nor within the next week, and probably not even before the year ends. It will be a gradual process as we continue to tweak it and prepare this community for a migration over.



    What's "proven software basis" even mean?

    It's used by some of the largest websites in the world. This will make it able to sustain our future growth that will undoubtedly occur as a result of us using this platform.


    ok ok im calling you out on this this is some sort of joke it's like a reddit format isn't it are you suggesting we just move to a subreddit or something?


    No, I am not suggesting that. We will very much remain independent.

  5. Over the past few months, the staff here at SPUFpowered have been hard at work to create our vision of the future for this community. In the next few days, we will be releasing this vision as SPUFpowered "Next", which will serve as a preview of what we will eventually transition to.


    The features of this new system will include:

    • sorting of content based on voting
    • movement towards self-moderation
    • context-rich thread system
    • proven software basis

    We hope that you will be as enthusiastic about this radical change as we are, and thank you for your continuing support as we work to make this the best damn community on the Internet.



    Here's a preview site: next.spufpowered.com
