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Posts posted by tsc

  1. The status feed will be reenabled shortly. I would like to apologize to those who were using the status feed as intended to post short updates.


    Shitposting continues to be a serious issue that we will be addressing in the near future. For now, the most serious violators are warned to back down from posting in the status feed, lest they are infracted for violations of rule 5 before we are able to make a final decision on the situation. Thank you for your cooperation.

  2. Note that status updates are not completely removed in their current state. As it currently stands, you can still access status updates for the community globally via a special page, and you can choose to friend users and thus receive notifications when they post a new status update. Given these options, and how status updates were serving as a dumping ground for posts not even measuring up to the low standards of TIAM, I am strongly in favor of making the change permanent.

  3. The main pro in upgrading early is in letting you guys test it to get acclimated to it and possibly find some bugs that need to be fixed. The final release will probably be smoother, but not by much. The benefit to upgrading is that certain bugs currently being encountered will probably be fixed.


    Since I don't expect there to be many themes or plugins available on launch, we will be losing our current themes and certain extra functionality like Steam logins and our donation manager, so it doesn't really make a difference as to when we upgrade as far as that goes.

  4. It's an RC, so updates shouldn't fuck anything over, and I will make a backup and check that everything is working before finalizing anything destructive, so hopefully that shouldn't be an issue.


    I'm more concerned about users with Steam logins since those will have to be all changed over and verified or else people might be locked out of their accounts.

  5. IPS just released the first release candidate, so a release is near.


    We basically have two options on this:

    • upgrade to the release candidates and each one after that
    • upgrade to the final release

    As part of deciding which path to take, I'd like your input. Also, if you log into your account via Steam, please post here - the upgrade may involve migrating you to a regular forum account so that you can still log in after the upgrade.

  6. A few clarifications...


    First, as to how it would be implemented - IP.Blog is a separate component of the IPS suite, so in order to add it we'd need to pay the license fee and ongoing maintenance fees. That's not really an issue though as me and Binary have agreed to cover the costs of buying it if there is enough interest, and the maintenance fee is not too bad (and we can always deactivate it later if it's not being used).


    As to usage... it's obvious that it does conflict with certain ways the forums are being used right now. It certainly would impact TIAM and could be construed as a longer version of status updates, sure. However, based on what I remember from the preview of IPS4, it's pretty clear to me that blogs will offer more flexibility in presenting content with features like privacy settings included.


    At the end of the day, I think that it can offer some interesting possibilities in the future, but it's up to you all to decide - I'm just offering the option.
