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Everything posted by Jaydor

  1. Jaydor


    Negima is different in that just underwent a genre shift.
  2. Jaydor


    Okay, I want you guys to take a look at this manga page. And now this one.
  3. Jaydor

    Anime General Discussion

    I still don't understand that scene at all. But then again, I guess it doesn't need to make sense when you'd mostly read Prisma for the fanservice and action scenes anyways.
  4. Jaydor

    Anime General Discussion

    And.. it turned out that the main heroine isn't DFC like she initially appeared. Goddamn it.
  5. Jaydor

    Anime General Discussion

    I just started watching Yuushibu. Everyone in this series is insanely pretty and there seems to be a fanservice shot at least every two minutes. That said, all of the characters are likable and the premise is interesting.
  6. Jaydor

    Anime General Discussion

    It's pretty bad.
  7. Jaydor

    Anime General Discussion

    There is that upcoming Fate project Ufotable is working on.
  8. Jaydor

    Anime General Discussion

    22 episodes. It's a slice of life that uses mysteries as a framing device. (Albeit, it's not a mystery anime, which seems to be a common misconception.)
  9. Jaydor

    Anime General Discussion

    Hmm, have you tried Hyouka yet, Corv?
  10. Jaydor

    Anime General Discussion

    Well shit.
  11. Jaydor

    Anime General Discussion

    Baccano is one of those series that you should make sure to rewatch. It's nice to pick up on those little things that you missed due to not having the proper context for them the first time around. Oh, and read the light novels for Baccano and DRRR afterwards.
  12. Jaydor

    Anime General Discussion

  13. Jaydor

    Anime General Discussion

    HF had a lot of cool scenes, but I kind of feel like they were the only thing carrying the route other than Kotomine and Ilya. Sakura was the least compelling heroine by far and Zouken basically comes out of nowhere.
  14. Jaydor

    Anime General Discussion

    Maybe I'd change my mind if I saw the sources. There was a time I thought the Umineko anime was decent. I regret watching the Umineko anime instead of just reading the damn VN. The only worthwhile part of that adaptation was OH DESIRE.
  15. Jaydor

    Anime General Discussion

    goddamn, that is some bad animation
  16. Jaydor


    I haven't played X or Y due to not having a 3DS.
  17. Jaydor

    Apparently this is a thing

    No, that's just bullshit through and through. We're gonna have to agree to disagree then. Just so we're clear, I'm not saying that "moe" hasn't always been a thing, nor am I one of those people who is of the mindset that moe is "ruining" anime. I've actually watched quite a lot of anime that are or could be considered moe and enjoyed them. But if you seriously believe that the whole moe phenomenon did not see a rise in the early 2000's and onwards, then I think you're deluding yourself. A rise? Perhaps, but not nearly as much as some people would like to claim. If anything, what's flooding the market right now are poorly written harems.
  18. Jaydor


    Well, we don't have a proper light novel thread, but I don't really think it's worth making if few people here actually read them. Same with visual novels.
  19. Jaydor

    Apparently this is a thing

    My tsun is reserved solely for Corv.
  20. Jaydor

    Apparently this is a thing

    I mean seriously, I'm aware of what good English voice acting is. It exists. In most cases, this just happens not to be in English-dubbed anime, for better or for worse. Natural sounding voice acting in the context of an entertainment medium, which I didn't believe required explicit word to imply.
  21. Jaydor

    Apparently this is a thing

    Highlighting subtitles does not an argument make, even if the person in question who watches dubs. Not when there are a number of aspects of downloading anime that don't involve subtitling which are still superior to the alternative of streaming, and especially not when all material is available in dubbed format. Seriously, there's an extremely small of series that actually do get dubbed, so don't give me that. So no, it's still important either way. DDL is also a thing, in case you wanted to watch while you download something. And while I don't expect anime to sound like everyday conversational English/Japanese/whathaveyou, I do expect it to sound natural in whatever sense of the word which would fit the given context of this discussion. And by that I mean, I don't expect it to sound like my list of complaints. Albeit if said list of complaints is apparently not the norm, perhaps you would do well to direct me to a number of competently done dubs, because in my experience, that claim is rather far removed from reality. And as for the second part of that statement, Nakata Jouji hasn't sounded any more off to me regardless of the role he's playing, nor has Tomokazu Sugita. Although that being said, I can't quite say that I'm incapable of recognizing a mediocre or poorly done VA even when the characters are talking in moon. Or even just a comparatively worse VA job. There's a reason why there's a number of bit roles that seem to be given to people relatively few have actually heard of prior.
  22. Jaydor

    Apparently this is a thing

    Bullshit, the language barrier is irrelevant. Inflection and tone are two things in voice acting which are self-evident. Even if that weren't the case? I know what natural sounding English is like, given I speak the language. The vast majority of dubs.. aren't that. I can't tell you how many times I've watched an English dub and sat there in awe at the ever present awkward pauses, sudden changes in tone and pitch, every individual sentence being spoken like it's a Bond one-liner, mispronunciations, unconvincing sounding dialogue which was intended to be emotional, lack of flow, miscast voice actors, etc. Especially when seemingly every dub has the same six actors because the licensing company can't bother to hire someone else. Now, that's not to say that there haven't been good dubs. Steve Blum did a pretty good job of playing Spike Spiegel, for example. On the other hand, Austin Tindle made for an extremely poor Accelerator, in a series where said character's voice acting was one of the few reasons why the adaptation was even worth watching. As for streaming, well.. No, I really can't see any justification for it. Want to watch something without waiting for it to download completely? There are ways to do that. And even if there weren't, I'd gladly another ten to fifteen minutes to download something for the sake of being able to choose my subbing group of choice, superior video and audio quality, the option of Blu-ray releases (which are highly important if you watching something that's animated by SHAFT, and even if not, is still better than using the TV release due to the studio redrawing certain scenes) that may or may not be on a given streaming site, and actual chapters than play a game of darts with streaming. Albeit in many cases, I find that the difference in time taken between streaming a given episode and simply downloading it is negligible. And yes, being able to choose subtitles is important due to differences in translations, editing, and typesetting between groups. More than once during my time streaming have I run into an episode that seemed to have been subbed by Hadena, which isn't so much a translation so much as a script ran through a combination of Google Translate and Babelfish. The extra amount of time taken to delete something is also negligible to the point of not being complaint worthy, and that's assuming you delete everything as opposed to saving it for potential rewatching. Space shouldn't be an issue either, hard drives are only getting cheaper, and I personally haven't had any issues with space despite not expanding and picking up shows from every season for over a year. If the difference in audio and video quality is nigh-imperceptible to you, then I don't really have anything to say to that. On the other hand, I can argue that there isn't much reason to not go with an objectively superior option in viewing animu if the ease/difficulty of doing so is the same as the alternative.
  23. Jaydor

    Apparently this is a thing

    I seem to get that a lot.
  24. Jaydor

    Apparently this is a thing

    How much attention do you honestly have to devote towards reading subtitles? Because I can assure you, it shouldn't be anything remotely significant.
  25. Jaydor

    Anime General Discussion

    Shows by JC Staff aren't bad in and of themselves (hopefully). Many of them just tend to be poor, if not awful adaptations.