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Everything posted by MarcusTherion

  1. I have also reached 20 posts. Thank you for sharing this epic experience with me.
  3. What you gonna do when they come for you. Dank memes dank memes.
  4. Dank memes dank memes, what you gonna do?
  5. If I remove it, will he be epic?
  6. Why does he wear the memes?
  7. Infact, tell me about your memes.
  8. Actually like, really epic.
  9. MarcusTherion

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    What I would give to marry this woman. Otherwise, another night-hype song.
  10. MarcusTherion

    Your most played games?

    I feel like Cs 1.6 should be up there somewhere. And 10 years worth of WoW. Along with god knows how many hours of Wc3/d2 back in the day.
  11. MarcusTherion

    2014 Mod Selection - Nominations

    Why not have candidates come up with motivational speeches, to show to the people just why they should be nominated and voted for. Videos for bonus points if they really feel it'll net them more positive attention.
  12. MarcusTherion

    LoL vs DOTA 2

    Fuck this shit board and it not loading my post.
  13. MarcusTherion

    LoL vs DOTA 2

    no it doesn't sorry how do you counterplay void's ult? zeus' ult? phantom assassin in general? what kind of weakness does abbadon have that you could possibly amplify? ursa? night stalker? balance isn't essential to competitive play at the highest level. good design is. and dota doesn't have it there is no emphasis whatsoever on individual skill yeah, you can be really creative in dota and most heroes are relevant in at least one strategy but none of that matters when the most complicated play in the game is "hey use your ranged targeted aoe stun and then I'll nuke him for 1000 and they'll be out of the game" I'm not going to defend some of riot's most recent balance changes but they're still a million times better than "we've introduced a new hero whose ultimate passively gives him global attack range" Right, so how do you stop a snowballing Katarina? What about a Kha thats gone on a 12-0 rampage due to early ganks? By not letting them kill you right? Same applies to them heroes. Don't get caught in the void ult, don't let yourself be caught by Zeus ult, have a BKB if you really need, someone on your team buy a pipe.
  14. MarcusTherion

