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Everything posted by Paero

  1. Paero

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Apparently Russia and France weren't some of the main combatants of WWI, like I'm not well versed on history but im pretty sure that's factually incorrect. Thanks America 4Head
  2. Hospice is just fucking miserable. Memes aside it's a great album but holy shit it's the only one that's ever made me legit cry.
  3. i know dead meme but this is a good un friends
  4. Paero

    World of Warcraft

    I've been thinking a lot about it recently, because I can't put my finger on just what makes me not enjoy the game as much anymore. It's a combination of loads of the changes they're made over the years but I think the main one is the way in which challenges are presented, which I think is because of how many difficulty levels there are now. Having LFR, Normal, Heroic and Mythic is just ridiculous in my opinion. When someone completes Normal mode, what real incentive do they have to progress onto Heroic? They get better stats, gear which looks the same as they already have (but is a slightly different colour) and which will inevitably be transmogged, and just the challange of completing something on a harder difficulty. The only thing that changes is that bosses get a few more mechanics, and more health. At the end of the day you're just seeing something you've already done, and there's no excitement in that. I genuinely think that if Blizzard want to stop the decline of raiders that's been happening for a few years, then they need to really re-work how progression works in raids throughout the expansion. Looking at WoD at the moment, what reason is there to go to Highmaul or Blackrock Foundry? None. Better gear can be obtained elsewhere, and quicker too. Those are two (very good) raids that are now gone to waste, and now only exist for people to either A: Get legendary quest items from (for now) and B: To be farmed for transmog. It's ridiculous that content they make just become irrelevant less than a year after they release it. I know this isn't going to happen in Legion, but the best solution to a content drought would be making it so that the best way to get into the most recent raid would be by going through the previous tiers. It makes no sense to just have things like Tanaan Jungle to boost people past content which is perfectly fine. Plus if old raids weren't rendered moot when a new one was released you could keep the actual difficulties of raids the same, but only have LFR, Normal and Heroic (where Normal and Heroic are equal to Heroic and Mythic respectively on the live servers) and have the Heroic version of the previous tier act as the transition point to the next tier. It's not a perfect system, it would make raids harder in general, but there would be so much content to go through before getting to the final tier of the expansion that if a player made it that far then they would certainly have the skill to beat it, they just may need to get a bit of extra gear. Alternatively you could keep the item upgrade system (something which I really like) and use it as a pseudo-catchup mechanic where you could use it on gear from the previous tiers raid, once a new tier has been released (so Highmaul Gear could be upgraded once BRF was released, to give players a little extra help to progress into BRF, then let BRF gear be upgraded once HFC was out)
  5. Paero

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    Oh my god Showtek have released a new Hardstyle track for the first time in 4 years and it's fuckin banging
  6. Paero

    Dota General

  7. Distressed denim is in style get with the times old man
  8. Paero

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Pretty much just summed up everything everyone thinks about WoW currently. I'd play retail if it was better than Vanilla/Burning Crusade/Wrath but it just isn't. I defended a lot of the changes Blizzard made but honestly they don't give a fuck about WoW anymore, what with people spending more in one month on shit like Hearthstone than they would in two years on WoW, and everyone and their mum being hyped about Overwatch. Thanks for killing probably one of the (if not the) single most innovative game of all time Blizzard you really did good there :^)))))
  9. Paero

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Well, Blizzard shut down the most popular WoW Private Server around I know, intellectual property and all that, but it pisses me off. They provide no way to play older versions of the game, and refuse to admit that some people might be justified in not liking the game in its current state. These were fans who worked for years to provide the best, most accurate clone of Vanilla WoW, for absolutely 0 profit (that we're aware of) and Blizzard shut them down. Every day this company pisses me off more and more, and shit like this makes me not want to give them my money. I don't want to say that I'm never going to play WoW again because I probably will, but as it stands Legion really isn't shaping up to be anything better than Warlords of Draenor imo. Sure, it was well within their right to shut it down, I get that completely, but they constantly refuse to recognize that some people don't like the game currently, and act like proper cunts when they're asked. It's just sad.