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Everything posted by Paero

  1. Paero

    I Call a Court Hearing

    I vote we stop using Burgerland terms and start using English terms so I understand what's going on.
  2. Paero

    We Friend Codes now

    4871-5672-1977 hit me up boys
  3. Paero

    Dota General

    New DK are playing in The Summit. DreamyU on AntiMage. They seem forgettable, which is really sad. I hope this is just because I've never seen them play before because I want to support the DK name still, even if none of the old team are there.
  4. Paero

    Anime General Discussion

    Live action Kiki's Delivery Service. This is either gonna turn out shit or pretty good. As most things can. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Gn-U78u6sM
  5. Paero

    Smache Brothers

    is mai waifu Game is good, it's safe to say
  6. Showtek played at XQL oh lord.

  7. Paero

    Smache Brothers

    I caved and bought it early.
  8. Paero

    Smache Brothers

    Prolly gonna pick this up sometime this week. Tried out the demo to see how it feels, still don't like the camera but I'm too used to SF and I'll get used to it.
  9. Paero

    Dota General

    6k is pro tier. 5k is very good. 4k is good. 3k is better than average. 2k is average. 1k is kill yourself tier. Or something like that.
  10. Paero

    Smache Brothers

  11. Paero

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

  12. If I'm correct then all things on computers are done using algorithms. Spoiler So it can't be really random CAN it? Spoiler This is where you all call me a retard and say "Yes it can Paero fuck off you're a retard"
  13. Paero

    Smache Brothers

    I'm considering buying it, roughly what fps does it run at/how well does it run in general? I've only seen a bit of it but it seems to have a kinda low framerate.
  14. Paero

    TF2 general

    Nearly as much as Pewdiepie
  15. Paero


    Zone Eliza flash when?
  16. Paero


    Dick=rock hard.
  17. Paero

    Touhou Containment Thread

    If this is /jp/ can we post Fatchy
  18. Paero

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Just started HL1. Bought the collection because £7 and I'm pretty sure I heard someone say it's good this one time.
  19. Paero

    Anime General Discussion

    Little Witch Academia 2 when?
  20. Paero

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    Paero continues his journey into normalfaggotry. I've been listening to loads of stuff recently that I really don't want to like but do anyway. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8jkOOVCBMs