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Everything posted by Paero

  1. It's very nice that job application forms have key questions about what you've done in previous jobs, as everyone has had a previous job before.

    1. 1Fort 2Fort

      1Fort 2Fort

      I like the ones where its overly paranoid and asks questions where its like "Its ok to steal since they don't pay me enough" "the only people in positions of power kissed ass to get there" "Are People are always out to get you"

    2. Paero


      The one I keep encountering is "GIVE ONE EXAMPLE OF WHEN YOU HAVE PROVIDED EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE AND THE CONSEQUENCES OF DOING SO." like fuck I dunno maybe that time I made a card for mother's day in year 3 and my mum said it was nice??

    3. Rammite


      I hate now entry-level jobs nowadays require like 20 years of experience


    4. Show next comments  204 more
  2. Paero

    New Emoticon Suggestion thread.

    .jpg My browser crashed the first time I scrolled down to that. Same, now it's refusing to load.
  3. Paero


    Hey friend.
  4. The father understands.
  5. Paero

    Anime General Discussion

    I always delete shows after I've watched them, but even I still torrent. You just can't compete with 1080p cute girls doing cute things.
  6. Paero

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    It's a real shame Showtek moved to fucking Big Room House of all things https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxX0I1ASUPg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmrSeXD6LVI&feature=youtu.be
  7. Paero

    The IT thread.

  8. Paero

    TF2 general

    I can feel the rage already
  9. Paero

    E3 2014

  10. Paero

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    I also highly recommend his newest album Yeezus. Pretty much the yin to MBDTF's yang. It's everything that the last album wasn't - crass, minimalist and abrasive - but it's also a masterpiece in its own right. Throwing in Good Kid M.A.A.D City because that shit was one of the best rap albums of last year.
  11. Paero

    Anime General Discussion

    Dont have an account, but when I first started torrenting shit I was told if you just google bakabt followed by the name you can get onto the download page. Having an account just enables you to use the search function on their site. It's how I've always done it unless it's not on there, in which case I just go to nyaa.eu.
  12. Paero

    Anime General Discussion

    I always just google "bakabt" followed by whatever anime I wanna watch, I went through all of the utorrent setting so ads dont appear in my client but I'm trying to make the move over to Deluge. Never seed my shit because I'm a dick and I've not had problems with bakabt yet, although I don't download as much as other people. Bonus Clannads for no reason.
  13. Paero

    Anime General Discussion

    Yuru Yuri is finished.
  14. Paero


    I always assumed the colour scheme for E/S/R's male protag was green and black because of his bag. Whenever I see the red I get annoyed.
  15. Paero

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I didn't mind the gunplay too much. Disarming guards and taking out the others was kinda fun. The problem was that I felt forced into doing that, it was said early on that you can run past them but when I tried to do that on normal difficulty I usually got kill pretty quickly, and even when I turned it down to easy I still felt the need to disarm one to take out the others because getting shot repeatedly and just running on felt really bad (if I was actually able to do so).
  16. Paero

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Completed Mirror's Edge, spoilering thoughts incase anyone hasn't played it.
  17. Paero

    Dota General

    Bump because this is the single best cast of all time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1NeX32DxWE
  18. Paero

    Touhou Containment Thread

    not even lolis
  19. Paero

    Star Citizen

    How intensive is this game. I've just assumed that you'd need a powerhouse just to run it but a lot of recent games have had some good options of people with less powerful PCs.
  20. Paero

    Anime General Discussion

    I am hyped.
  21. Paero


    Soon was when I posted that. Nothing good happened, he went by the splits in run 997 (which was the 18:44 run) to show how good the early portion of the game was but overall his next runs weren't that good.