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Everything posted by VDZ

  1. VDZ


    Paero, i could play a match with you and see where you are messing up. (or was this posted when you were trying to do a filia combo with cerebella?)
  2. VDZ

    Smache Brothers

    If that's true how does it factor in the books being disposable? will he only be able to use 1 b move per book? Also how does he call his better sword as opposed to the bronze sword?
  3. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    by watch the movie he means watch the third movie. the first two are the exact same.
  4. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    http://youtu.be/6E5eLUUKNNc edit: Episode 2 is honestly the best abridged series i've ever seen. LOTS of spoilers though, you are warned.
  5. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    It's all Action no story. If you don't like that no it doesn't get better. And a list of anime you say? I could go back and make a list of some of the most influential.
  6. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    in spoiler is borderline NSFW (two chicks making out)... This is the rot that is consuming anime. and i hate myself for finding it so funny. proper reaction
  7. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    hm... i'm watching Aldnoah as well which is looking good but the completely emotionless main character might piss me off. Glasslip is probably my favorite show so far but also it has an emotionless character, shadow the hedgehog. Monthly Girls' nozaki-kun is turning out to be a really funny reverse harem. Hanayamata is kinda good. Akame ga Kill is a little more moe than i originally expected but i'll watch it. Then theres tokyo ghoul and zankaku no terror which are probably my favorites past glasslip.
  8. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    technically speaking, touhou IS an anime... there was an anime made of touhou.
  9. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    why is it wrong to call it anime? Anime is Japanese for animation. which is synonymous with cartoon. the only real difference is its point of origin, and style. That being said i feel more comfortable calling it anime because it is in a Japanese art style. That being said there is ALSO nothing wrong with saying "Japanese cartoons" for anime or "Japanese comics" for manga. for example: k-pop (korean pop) has a certain style. Beyond having a different language just listening to the rhythems you can tell its different from western pop. is it incorrect to call it pop though? Nah. they are the same. EDIT: also, watch this guys http://youtu.be/sFyQ3SaDXKo
  10. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    u wut m8? Wna fite?
  11. VDZ

    Smache Brothers

    i'm TOTALLY going to main robin. with a yoshi amiibo
  12. VDZ


    I can only confirm on filia from a cr. Mk. It's kinda sad but I'm getting better at mix ups. I find it really hard to dash with my Logitech controller I really need a game pad. My combo I do from memory is cr lp, cr lk, cr Mk, HP, j HP, j HK, dash, j mp, hairball, Sampson, reset into anti air special. I don't know how to continue the combo from there. But the combo does a decent amount of damage I just need to get another way to hit confirm. Also I need to figure out how to combo off of a grab
  13. VDZ


    Do we then have to fight all other gyms as our own type? That would be silly
  14. VDZ


    Well I would say that no one would be the pushover. It would all be lvl 50, 75 or 100. I would call poison. Other possible themes, dogs, cats, humanoid, monkeys, cave, plains, and maybe a "legendaries only" gym leader for the ultimate no-fun gym leader.
  15. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    Other than asuna yeah... But then there's the recap movie with all of the girls in bathing suits dreaming of kirito... Yeah... That happened.
  16. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    well honestly the little girl love interest isn't nearly as bad as other anime. **Cough** Boku wa tomodachi **cough** but i guess its a fair point.
  17. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    WARNING: very very generic plot spoilers below. well it starts out really well, the first 12 episodes is a story of a group of people who get trapped in a video game, not very original, but they can get out by beating the video game. The action is fine to decent, not spectacular but its passable. The romance has.... mixed opinions, the main love interest, Asuna, is polarizing. Some believe that she is a pretty decently rounded love interest, while others believe her to be a flat tsundere stereotype. Seeing as this is an action/adventure first and a romance second i am willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. The other female characters? well they are much more flat, thrown in there only to make a harem. The first 12 episodes conclude and many viewers feel positive about the show, and at worst people are neutral. Then the second cour happened... i'll get right to the point then explain a little more. There was added Incest. A lot of angsty Incest. Main love interest is no where to be scene. When main love interest IS scene, there is tentacle rape. Implied at least twice. The story is this; most everyone made it out of the game, but some minds were still trapped and moved into a separate game for some mad scientist (y'know because a game is the best place to store them) And Asuna was one of them. So Kirito must go to this game to save her.... again by beating the game. His little sister wants to see what all the fuss about this VR stuff is and meets Kirito (main character) online. She falls in love with him not knowing its her brother. She is all like "oh i love my brother, but now i have this new guy that i love! that way i won't love my brother any more! OH SHIT he is actually my brother too! i fell in love with my brother twice! what should i do???" And Kirito is totally oblivious, The other girls are no where to be seen, and Asuna gets raped... multiple times... Yeah that about sums it up.
  18. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    Should have listened Wulff. Should have listened.
  19. I have a vex set. Its a Lego product of metal robotics. It's pretty fun to dick around with
  20. VDZ


    It's a similar gimmic to pain wheel. She may take less damage in its form or take more damage but deal more damage, so you would only want to be in it while in a combo. It can also give her map presence of you can swap back to normal form any time. Hit from both sides for a unique mix up.
  21. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    Zero no tsukaima is THE MOST tsundere anime you will watch. Borderline sadism. With harem to boot. The sad thing is the first season is actually a really good love story... If you like the comedy And the fights of Canaan are BEAUTIFUL freaking amazing. Better than darker than black. The only problem is it was either canceled or a promotion for source content so the story is missing a lot
  22. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    Better than "fate kawaii ilya-Chan stekki!"? Or better than Canaan? Canaan is a really good action with some beautiful key visuals. And Wulff would beyond hate Zero no Tsukaima