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Everything posted by VDZ

  1. VDZ

    Cooking thread

    Sooo i like to cook, i like simple things that that are easy to make but taste like they were done in a restaurant. Why not share some recipes? Heres a simple one: Take two oranges, juice and zest them. Add 3-5 cloves of chopped/minced garlic to the mixture, simmer that for about 10 minutes until its been reduced by half. While its simmering cook some pork tenderloin seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder or garlic salt, You can add some Cayenne for kick if you like it (add it to the orange juice mixture as well) Once the pork is mostly cooked ad the orange juice to the pork. Cook for a few more minutes to let the OJ mix with the pork juices. Serve over yellow rice or white rice and veggies. So easy to make and absolutely delicious.
  2. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    Same VA as season 1? i would assume, i haven't seen the dub for magi yet i just saw a PV for it and now i probably will watch it. i watched the sub originally.
  3. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    AAAAHHHHHH Christina Vee, my favorite female english voice actor is doing Morgiana in Magi. she also does Cerebella in Skullgirls, Mio in K-on (thats not why i love her paero) Homura in madoka, i just love her as a VA. oh and Riven from league of legends
  4. VDZ

    Smache Brothers

    1) Diddy kong just has so much power. Side + B, Up + A and Back + A are my bread and butter but Neut + A is also amazing. He has such a good air game its amazing. 2) ZSS, quick, hard punch, and dat stun gun. 3) Bowser hits SO HARD. haven't played him online yet but he has a lot of options. 4) Donkey Kong is giggles of fun. i don't even know 5) Mario. Plain vanilla 6) Olimar, i have come to love this guy. really fast air attacks, super powerful, lots of strategy.
  5. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    you REALLY gotta have a gif of the eye twitch to do it justice. its not often you have such great smiling evil but it PERFECTLY portrays the rin from the novel.
  6. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    Well let's be honest it's normally robots or scantily clad women punching shooting or magicking each other to death
  7. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    The animation of this movie is superb and while I didn't like the main girls voice especially well it was super realistic and extremely well acted. The movie is kinda slow in its sorry but it's really high quality. My two cents
  8. VDZ


    So i'm replaying pokemon and i said to myself i would ONLY use pokemon i have never used before. I've gotten to the elite 4 now and i've set up a team. i plan to take them on with all my pokemon lvl 60 (3-5 levels underleveled) to give it a challenge. How does it look? line up: Tentacruel: Spikes, Rapid spin and Fire Coverage Flygon: Fire + Steel coverage Houndoom: Steel coverage Weavile: Main sweeper + Dragon coverage Ampharos: Water coverage Sylveon: Calm mind, substitute, wish, batonpass support. Tentacruel is the only pokemon i have re-used... because he is my favorite pokemon... ever.
  9. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    i saw that a while ago, and the technology is actually quite fascinating. Its kind of a 2.5d system where the art is hand drawn but the animation is CG. If they can get the technology working how its intended the quality of CG in anime (especially anime-like video games) will go up drastically. In other news, a friend of mine is getting me back into naruto... now the problem is should i watch it or read it? Does the anime follow the manga? I prefer anime to manga but i can read faster and on shipuden alone thats 350 fucking episodes! I'm also mostly getting into it again for NaruHina. because that was my first ship ever. I remember reading the naruto manga way back when, and with every chapter they would give you fan service images and two of them have stayed with me to this day, one with Hinata in a bra leaning over trying to pull on a pair of jeans and another with hinata sitting down with fish net stockings on. To my 13 year old mind those were the sexiest things ever.
  10. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    cool new characters as compared to what? Because Fate/stay Night is the original, fate zero is the prequel. But best place to watch it is crunchy roll or download. don't stream for free.
  11. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    TTGL so good. thats all that can be said. top 3 for eternity
  12. VDZ

    Smache Brothers

    so i've gotten my 3ds back. it was put in someone elses office for some reason. And i've been playing Captain Olimar non. stop. He is actually really fun, you figure out who your "strongest hitter" is and throw 1-2 pikmin into a fight before using a jump forward A or Down A the side B throws are nearly unavoidable damage. his air attacks are so quick and clean and depending on your pikmin can do a lot of damage or a lot of launch.
  13. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    Cowboy Bebop sure, Clannad had some problems but was overall very good. but Sword Art Online??????? git out
  14. Your point is kinda mute, it's like saying "if a woman raped a man" any man who came forward with something like that would be ridiculed for 'being a pussy' and get asked questions like "what, you didn't want sex?" Or "why didn't you fight back?" Even if said rapist had a weapon (I've seen it happen) I'm not bashing feminism because proper feminism would also eliminate this stereotype but your argument is invalid because of differing circumstances.
  15. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    new meme is out in japan, thought i would share it here
  16. VDZ

    Smache Brothers

    . Uh how do?
  17. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    It's parasyte. It's pretty good. It has a dub step ost for fight scenes which many dislike but I LOVE. The animation isn't anything to write home about but it's clean and avoids a slide show. Though most of the key animation is of the hand. The main character isn't a beta coward but be is still a shyish nerd which is a plus. The story hasn't developed More than the parasytes primal motives to infest humans and feed on them. Kudos to the anime adaptation team, they even keep the penis hand uncensored (watch to see what I mean Lol) I'm also watching log horizon s2, shirobako which is good. It's NOT Moe bullocks. It's a very good look at anime production with adult characters that act like adults. Also fate stay night. Good. And psycho pass 2, but you should be asking about last season. Watch barakamon, PLEASE. also Nozaki kun. Also two cents on full metal alchemist. Imagine someone says they can make you rich, all you have to do is sign up for this pyramid scheme. You do, then go bankrupt, lose your car and house. But you move on. Then you hear this guy selling a chump this get rich quick idea, and you can't prove he is a hack, and you don't want to admit you've been tricked by it before, but this chump won't believe you that this con artist is a hack and insists you are wrong. I would get a little angry too.
  18. VDZ

    Smache Brothers

    For those wondering. I left my back pack with my tablet and 3ds in a public area at work. Though it's my office and I shouldn't have people snooping around it...
  19. VDZ

    Smache Brothers

    so my 3ds with smash brothers in it was stolen....
  20. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    Tamako market isn't bad, its Kyoani so theres that. Its beautiful. but it pussy foots around the romance aspect for daaaays. though the movie is really cute (requires anime to watch)
  21. VDZ

    Smache Brothers

    For all you wondering. They have a level for the Wii u coming out that puts temple to shame. It's like 40% bigger. But it's less about the power of the 3ds and more the small screen. On an original 3ds it's hard enough to see when you get for players. And on temple on a 40 inch screen it's hard to see your character. I can't even imagine it on s 3 inch screen
  22. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    I'm Ashamed to admit this but i just put the connection together with the broadcasting station NHK and the anime "welcome to the NHK"
  23. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    Yeah. The serara arc (EPs 4-6 ish) are the weakest IMO. But even they aren't that bad. I like naotsugu. But maybe just because I like the tank class
  24. VDZ

    Anime General Discussion

    Well would there be any lingering connection to Germany from ww2? From the outside looking in the countries that Japan are interested in are the UK, USA, Germany, France, Russia. in that order. So I don't find it strange that German is in the music. English is more prevalent (though the argument can be made that they have to learn it so if course it would be more prevalent)