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Everything posted by ICBMoose

  1. ICBMoose

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​Fluxx is very fun. I've played it with my family a bunch.
  2. ICBMoose

    Dota General

    wards where and when
  3. ICBMoose

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​Thanatos skin I think imma use this assuming no one has nabbed it already
  4. ICBMoose


    My subconscious seems to enjoy tricking me into thinking I've just woken up. Like, say I set my alarm earlier than usual for an appointment or something. More often than not, I will then have a dream about being awake at that earlier time. And then my alarm goes off for real, and I'm like wait, why am I back in bed? It's kinda like Inception, except instead of my dreams having cool action sequences, they have monumentally boring everyday events in slightly unusual settings. ​
  5. memorizing words is hard

    1. Buddhazilla



    2. <Witty Name>
    3. Mersopolis


      At least it's not like Alexander memorizing the Iliad.

    4. Show next comments  102 more
  6. ICBMoose

    Star Wars Thread

    I like Portland
  7. ICBMoose

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    ah true
  8. ICBMoose

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    odd It's a hella strong rare but iunno if it's really mythic material
  9. ICBMoose

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

  10. ​243, got hit 46 times that was really cool
  11. ICBMoose

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    I want it alllllll
  12. prom last night the event itself was crap (the supposed 20s theme was basically nonexistent) but spending time with gf and other awesome people was good ​a new convert this is good
  13. ICBMoose

    Anime General Discussion

    ah right
  14. ICBMoose

    Anime General Discussion

    I thought this was more common knowledge than I guess it is
  15. ICBMoose

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I like Big Band because saxophones
  16. ICBMoose

    Ludum Dare 32

    it looks damn cool
  17. oh so this thing is how status updates work now


  18. God damn I have felt pretty awful these last week. Unless I am at play practice or hanging out with a few certain friends (which happened like twice) I default into a dull grumpy lump that has no motivation to do anything. I don't like this.
  19. ICBMoose

    Star Wars Thread

  20. ICBMoose

    TF2 general

    Pugs are what I play anymore when I can get on. They're a ton of fun. Can't pretend I know shit about engie stuff though.
  21. I realistically would probably panic like a motherfucker.
  22. I've considered taking acid but I would want to do it with a group of trusted friends
  23. I just got back from the state thespian festival It was hella cool 3 full length productions, a bunch of workshops, cool people, and 2 dances that I considered kinda lame but were apparently well enjoyed (I ended up playing Cards Against Humanity with a bunch of furries during both of them and that was fun) my drama class and I durdled about salem for all of the second night looking for food open past midnight and I am had to bail from a McDonalds when cops showing up looked like a possibility. Our whole group looked like a tribe of stoners. I was in a Dashiki and had my really long hair and glazed expression, one girl had a buncha crazy facepaint, another had a bunch of rastafarian-themed shit, a person was having an allergic reaction and had super red eyes. Ironically it was with the relatively normal looking students of the school staying on the floor below us where all the weed actually was. The hallway there was dangerous to go through if you valued mental alacrity in the moment.
  24. ICBMoose

    New Forum Bug List

    collapsed spoilers how?
  25. ICBMoose

    New Forum Bug List

    well this is different (in the process of attempting to go about fixing my sig right now)