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Everything posted by ICBMoose

  1. what is with all this shit (like every product imaginable) that has a dull-colored matte metal case, a way to clip it to a thing, and maybe some shiny bits that is being marketed as "tactical gear that any man should have" like am I really gonna need to pull a folding spork from it's shoulder-mounted pull-tab thing at a moment's notice? Is that really a thing people use? I'll admit that the tactical kilt is totally a thing I want though
  2. ICBMoose

    Cute stuff.

    I was actually thinking of posting that earlier they are the best thing
  3. I did a sketch of a bat a while back, here is a shit picture of it
  4. neil degrasse tyson is a perfectly good physicist im sure, but his twitter comments about batman made me wonder if he actually has ever seen a bat
  5. ICBMoose

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I was informed by a dubious source it was basically re-syncing anything that had shit shared over the steam cloud
  6. ICBMoose

    ITT We Appreciate Good Video Game Music

    a friend linked me this and now I wanna play the LISA games a tad bit more than I already did
  7. ICBMoose

    Cute stuff.

    Calvin and Hobbes is quite possibly the biggest childhood influence that I continue to enjoy and appreciate to this day that I have. Good shit right there.
  8. ICBMoose

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    I have several pants with knee rips but they are from actually falling on my knees (mostly from biking or doing dumb shit on camping trips) meaning that one of them has a gross bloodstain from when the actual knee-meat itself being ripped, and sadly gross bloodstains are a tad less trendy at the moment
  9. it's really good, buy it ASAP
  10. ICBMoose


    this guy deliberately fucks with the songs I think
  11. ICBMoose

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    havent seen it yet but I have had it explained in detail and it sounds like a not-as-interesting version of Kingdom Come
  12. ICBMoose

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    oh holy shit
  13. ICBMoose


    Just had the same unpleasant dream twice in one night. Generic medieval-ish setting I guess, two other people, standing in field, dude tells me to hold out my arm. Then he tries to cut it off slightly forward from the elbow but fucks up and his sword doesn't go all the way through. Second guy grabs my arm and uses the existing cut as leverage to just snap that part off directly backwards, having to twist at the end to get the last skin flap I guess. I woke up at that point confused and with my arm hurting. Then I went back to sleep and the same thing happens again because dream-me just doesn't fucking learn not to shove your arm way out when a guy with a sword asks you to
  14. my girlfriend has eaten an entire package worth of jelly beans and now is sick because of it
  15. ICBMoose

    Mobile Gaming

    I tried vainglory and it was fairly solid in how it actually played, but disconnects are rampant and irritating. Hearthstone of course is a thing. Neko Atsume is hardly a game and yet has the properties of heroin.
  16. ICBMoose

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    Honestly there weren't any characters I downright disliked
  17. ICBMoose

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    saw zootopia it was very good Crime Shrew for best character