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Everything posted by ICBMoose

  1. ICBMoose


    I too am irked by this.
  2. ICBMoose

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Cthulhu Saves the World is amazing already in the 15 or so minutes I played it. Limbo is HAAAAARD GAH
  3. ICBMoose

    Binary Models

    I like the middle left.
  4. ICBMoose

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    The Mountains Win Again - Blues Traveler
  5. ICBMoose


    I think I still have minecraft on this computer somewhere. I suppose I should play it at some point.
  6. ICBMoose


    Oh, cool!
  7. ICBMoose

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Nice! I really like Shape Anew decks. One of my buddies in Scouts runs one with Blightsteel Colossi, and I always enjoy a game against it. I really need more lightning bolts. It's only a bloody common, why do I just have 6? And I need at least 18...
  8. ICBMoose

    Binary Models

    Top mid and lower left.
  9. ICBMoose


    Last night I had a dream of some sort involving one of my friends giving a different one of my friends a free burrito. I basically just watched this happen and woke up.
  10. I just got a moniter to hook to my bustedscreen laptop. HURRAH! I can now game at more than 10 frames per minute!

  11. ICBMoose

    Animation General

    I need to get ahold of some Pinky and the Brain.
  12. Why is Mystery Science Theater 3000 SO AMAZING

  13. ICBMoose

    Movie Thread

    Time to watch Mystery Science Theater 3000: Gamera. Damn I love these things.
  14. ICBMoose

    Movie Thread

    I really like Doctor Strangelove. I just re-watched it this week and it made me happy.
  15. Indeed. Several people I know, including my mother, have told me they want a tattoo like this.
  16. ICBMoose


    When I dream, I tend to wake up going "holy shit that dream was great" and immediately forget most of it. The most recent thing I can remember is being in a van with a bunch of random-ass people driving through some desert, with random bits of weaponry. I was talking to some girl about how to hold a bow right. I am certain there was more going on but I cannot bloody well remember what it was.
  17. ICBMoose

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    20th Century Man by the Kinks
  18. ICBMoose

    ITT We Appreciate Good Video Game Music

    The soundtrack to Monaco: Whats Yours Is Mine that came with a humble bundle I got a while back is incredibly good.
  19. ICBMoose

    Anime General Discussion

    Attack on Titan is fine, nothing more. Pacing is atrocious but the action is pretty damn good. Incredibly overhyped though. As for what to watch. It totally depends on a lot of things. Do you have any genres you prefer in general (Romance, Sci-fi, Horror)? How new are you to anime? I like sci-fi a lot. I have watched a little before, but it was never a huge part of how I entertained myself. I remember liking what I saw of Cowboy Bebop.
  20. ICBMoose

    Anime General Discussion

    Some people I know keep telling me to watch more anime. What are some good ones so I can watch them and tell said people to shut up? Some of the aforementioned people keep telling me to watch Attack on Titan. Is it actually decent, or will I be vindicated in my typical strategy of hating what is stupidly popular at the moment?
  21. ICBMoose


    My random-ass azumarill that I caught like 5 minutes into the game and just never left my party will totally beat you.
  22. ICBMoose


    Oh wow, people who actually know how to pokemon.... I always chose pokemons that I thought looked cool.
  23. ICBMoose

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    This guy is sorta cool. Weird that it stresses him as "eternal" with no regeneration/indestructibility/ other save my ass mechanic though.
  24. ICBMoose

    Fightan games

    I like DiveKick. The 2-button control scheme is wierd at first but I grew to love it. I used to play a metric crapton of SoulCalibur 2, and yet I never got good at it.
  25. Happy Star Wars Day Thing. (Empire Strikes Back master race)
