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Posts posted by ICBMoose

  1. 2 hours ago, tsc said:

    So what, an ultra-conservative radical feminist? I'm pretty sure you can be radfem while being anti-SJW and it's not too contradictory.

    Can confirm this. we have several of them living in my town, in positions of decent influence, and they annoy the hell out of a lot of people.  My interaction with them has put off a vibe of "give utmost undivided power and respect to girls, provided they are straight white girls whom I happen to like."  The old angry rednecks don't like them, and the young angry sjw types like myself don't like them, but most are part of the big logging family that is the only reason the town really exists so they are just kind of there.

  2. funnily enough im about as happy with valve as ive ever had opportunity to be: a bit ago a large number of high profile pyro mains, in a big discussion of "what the hell does this mess of a class even need to be in order to be strong but not horridly unfun to fight", made a big list + demonstrations of all the weird inconsistancies in what the flamethrower does in various situations for no discernible reason thereby rendering all attempts at balancing by raw numbers useless.  This was sent to valve with the expectation that it probly would pile up with other junk and never see the light of day.  However, in the announcement about pyro winning the war, valve linked said list with the implication they would be looking hard into fixng said inconsistancies in the upcoming class pack thing.

    and that'd rock.
