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Everything posted by mewwy2

  1. mewwy2


    recently I had a dream where I was the president. and a secret agent. i went into a basement to kill a peep and then when I came back out the human race quite literally lived in a guinea pig house lodged in a mountain. apparently the world had ended or something! it was fun.
  2. mewwy2

    What'cha been playing?

    You know, a major part of the story simply cut out of it for an extra cash grab... And how they shoved Multiplayer and DLC in your face... You see, it isn't Maxis who screwed up SimCity (For the most part, anyway). It was EA.
  3. mewwy2

    What'cha been playing?

    No, ME3 was an okay game. It is just the way they handled the marketing... However many people have gotten used to it by now.
  4. mewwy2

    What'cha been playing?

    I just really want to know when exactly everything went to hell with EA. The first thing that comes to mind is ME3, but that wasn't long ago at all!
  5. mewwy2

    What'cha been playing?

    Yeah, the game itself would be absolutely AMAZING (This ain't fanboying, it is actually my first SimCity game) if EA didn't, as you said, take a shit on it and add DRM. You know, the city size, I can understand to a certain point. They are going to make cities larger at some point (As DLC, from EA with love in a hateful way). But EA, being EA, have probably trashed the series now. GG. I wonder what happened to the slightly sane EA we all loved once. I blame obama
  6. mewwy2

    What'cha been playing?

    I know, I am a horrible person.
  7. mewwy2

    What'cha been playing?

    I am one of the few lucky ones that can play SimCity with no problems, so I have been playing TONS of it. Would be an absolutely great game if it wasn't for the god forsaken DRM and small city size.
  8. mewwy2

    EA is at it again

    Well when I said "EA's non-crazy days are over", I meant... They have been over. For a long bloody time.
  9. mewwy2

    EA is at it again

    I don't think anyone should be surprised at this. EA's non-crazy days are over, I feel.
  10. I have many stories to tell. By "many" I mean like 2. BUT, who is counting? I mean... Counting is overrated. Right, guys?...Right...? ANYWAY. These are my stories. Oops... On this one server on this one thing I had to slay someone for doing something wrong, and I accidentally slayed the wrong guy... Then I had to ban someone, and I accidentally banned the SAME GUY I SLAYED with the message "I felt like banning everyone. With the exception of everyone BUT you."... Poor guy. He didn't even know me, and the ban message sounded so personal... Needless to say I am no longer a mod on the said server on the said thing. Trippy Town in Tekkit Well I play on a private Tekkit server with a few of my friends sometimes, like many people do. But, there was a few days when everything got a bit strange... (NOTE: This isn't a creepy pasta. Just glitches because NOTCH FIX YO GAME! And yes, I am aware Notch does not matter in any way anymore.) So, I had just got a little house up, with a BAT box and 3 solar panels. A crafting table, chest, and a bed. Most other people on the server already had Power Flowers and such though, so I was a bit behind. But that is how I do things. ANWAY, one day when I was playing... An Enderman randomly flew through my house. It had a block in it's hands from what I could tell. It wasn't like a ghost- slowly going through and passing through walls. It was quite fast, and jercky. It happened a couple times, but the strange thing is it didn't happen to anyone else. So I just figured that Endermen just couldn't get enough of me. So only a day after that, I had my minecraft sound turned off because I was listening to some music. Then, I started hearing minecraft sounds again. I turned off my music, and it was still there... It wasn't mine, because I heard wood breaking and someone swimming in water. I was in my house. So, after I explained to everyone what was going on, I found out it was someone else's minecraft audio... I don't know how the hell that happened. But it was quite strange. Then I got all my diamonds stolen. Love ya Tekkit <3<3
  11. mewwy2

    Old Man FoxTrot's stories of stupidness

    I personally would go with the second one. But Ted should be banned too, considering he told me about this forum!
  12. Hello! I stick out as being the arrogant guy that no one likes. I could give you the story of my life, but that would be quite boring considering I have not done much... Anyway, I am horrible at anything that involves being in someone else's eyes and pointing a gun at things. #HorribleintroductionFTW
  13. mewwy2

    Playstation 4

    Well it seems there isn't really much going on with the PS4. It is focusing more on Social features than power which everyone expected. A few cool launch titles. But other than that... Not much. The controller is sorta interesting though. Also... DRM EVERYWHERE. Oh, want to play a game for a few minutes, but your internet connection is a
  14. mewwy2

    Greetings Subspufians!

    You know Caktus, we can be great friends! All you need to do is give me your credit card information, and then you can have a life long buddy!
  15. mewwy2

    The Terror that is... FOXTROT

    Magickus, with this name I can say "FoxTrot Uniform Charlie Kilo" knowing I am part of it. That is the meaning if life, no?
  16. mewwy2

    Greetings Subspufians!

    I love this man already.
  17. mewwy2

    The Terror that is... FOXTROT

    I feel at home already. All I need now is someone to argue with!