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Medicinal Warlock

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Everything posted by Medicinal Warlock

  1. Today's article is about ... wait is there an error ... no. Today's article is about another bow pretending to be a rocket launcher.
  2. And here's one more step towards that milestone. Nice to see someone playing Minecraft the same way that I did.
  3. Can't be that bad, lemme check... IT'S 5.25 KEYS?! Man that's weird. Halloween cosmetics are rarely this pricey.
  4. And today, Medic talks about the hardships of cosplaying.
  5. Just curious, was there the same amount of silence prior to Ana's release? Because for someone this crucial to the lore they've been awfully quiet about it. I somewhat regret today's article.
  6. Today's article is rather hunger-inducing.
  7. Medicinal Warlock

    Comfy Stuff

    I like tea. It's comfortable, especially when it's warm tea in a cold morning.
  8. Ying best waifu. Seris second. Evie's voice is like someone shoving a cheese grater down my ear.
  9. Things died down as far as I can tell on the business side. As for Grover, as a healer he is like Lucio with a AoE burst heal. Aside from that, there isn't much that is similar between the two. Well, both their ults boost nearby teammates' survivability by a lot for a short period of time, but other than that...
  10. Bad sleeping habits. Also some nights I'm just really restless for no apparent reason. Man that sounds horrible.
  11. Morguefile seems like a good way to spend sleepless nights.
  12. *crickets* Anyways, Thursday's article is about me not using a Sandvich. Friday's article from Aabicus, accompanying a SPUF of Legend video, is about Doomfist. Saturday's article is about Warframe T&A. I am pretty sure those kids just want to have a nice looking avatar. Today's article is medic's review on the newest Spider-Man movie.
  13. Monday's post is about Medic's views on nudity in video games. Tuesday's was about her ideas for new Assault missions in Warframe. Today's post is on custom L4D2 weapons by Aabicus. I never knew those exist.
  14. Yesterday's article is on Mag the Warframe. Today's article is about Painkiller.
  15. First up, Shadow Warrior the remake is free on Humble Bundle! Get it right [HERE] Today's article is about 8-bit Bayonetta.
  16. Really bogged down with work recently, sorry. I've been in the office past 9 p.m. for the past two days.
  17. And here's the legacy post itself in all its glory. And today's post from Medic is about Kavat.
  18. Did WordPress add that article in and date it at 2014, or did it just not post that article at all? Just curious. Today's post is about Sniper.
  19. Yesterday's article is about Q.U.B.E. Today's article is Cloak 'n' Daggering somewhere as of now.
  20. Yesterday's article is me kinda going nowhere. Today's article is not about Loki.
  21. Today's article should not be necessary, but it is now. So much for freedom.