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Everything posted by DurDen

  1. DurDen

    It's E3 time baby

    So far its been pretty terrible.Miocrosoft was lame, Halo4 looks disgusting, nothing anybody cared about. That glass thingy for internet >Reddit (SOME OF MY FAVORITE WEBSITES HERE) plus shit like Usher, seriously.EA was complete bullshit obviously, first thing the guy (the same guy who talked about charging people 1$ to reload in MP games) talked about was DLC basically. EA is a fucking cancer.Ubi was meh but that completely out of the blue Watch_Dogs trailer blew everyone away.Sony was best so far imo, there was the boring book bit that took way to long, but other wise it was really strong. rt was all about THANK YOU CUSTOMERS, innovation, and a look into the future of Sony services. Also, Sony gets exclusive content for the multiplatform games they showed, with REAL gameplay not a fucking terrible trailer (FarCry3 Sony>Ubi trailers)Last of Us looked fucking AWESOME.
  2. DurDen

    [NOSTALGIA] Bionicle

    All my Bionicles and the comics are in storage., But I have all the comics to a point, I threw away most of the more recent ones, the Lego magazine subscription I got in like 2001 was for life it seems. I remember playing the first and third of those games you linked on dial-up years ago. I had all the posters organized on my wall and stuff. Books, extra masks, you name it. I was practically an authority on Bionicles. Can't remember shit now really. I own one movies on VHS, and saw the Mask of Light on TV, yes they are bad. I have this too, I later found out it's one of the worst games ever made. Which is somewhat true.
  3. DurDen

    Dragon's Dogma

    In this case, Soul's does it better in addition to Dogma being crap with a crap company making it. So I'm not missing out.
  4. DurDen

    Dragon's Dogma

    I don't support bad business practices, and Demons/Dark Souls does it better.
  5. XKCD is terrible. Used to be ok now it's some "I'm some smart atheist engineer lets make 2deep4u jokes at religion and medicine with fucking STICK FIGURES" bullshit.I do like (webcomics) Gunshow comics, Perry bible, Left & Right, Cyanide and Happiness and I forget others but I check occasionally if I remember them.
  6. >You eat veggies?NOPELOL
  7. DurDen

    Which DC Super Hero Is Gay?

    Fucking shit is retarded. "Lets force stupid agendas into things they don't belong to appeal to minorities and fuck everything up"Just leave it alone. It's really stupid to pull the "Oh by the way, so and so was gay the whole damn time!" Like Dumbledore, it's completely random and has no bearing on anything. Just don't do it. Stop it.
  8. Yeah sometimes. Usually if I find something rare, like in Borderlands, my friend and I freaked out.
  9. DurDen

    We totally need to enter this pan thing

    I'm in if we do this.
  10. DurDen


    Yeah, felt like I was shooting cotton balls or something. They genuinely felt completely useless. I don't get it.
  11. DurDen

    Torchlight 2

    I have a pre-order, so not bothering doing beta and I'll just figure my other stuff out once it's out.
  12. DurDen

    Day Z (Arma 2 Mod)

    /v/'s been into it so I've seen abit of it. Might try it, Arma2 summer sale price?
  13. DurDen


    My uncle showed me this show last time we visited, he likes sci-fi stuff and it looked pretty good, but I put it on the pile of things to watch sometime. Still watching X-files here and there for now.
  14. DurDen


    Why do you keep saying "le" OP? Are you looking for LE UPBOATS HUEHUE
  15. DurDen


    I'm getting the 150$ loot chest edition.
  16. DurDen

    New Theme Vote

    I prefer light. After years of Dark SPUF my eyes need a break.
  17. DurDen

    Diablo 3

    Yup, my friend and I planned on buying D3, open beta came around, he TRIED to get in, we saw the mass fuckery going on and said fuck this. Got us Torchlight 2 Pre-Orders.Diablo 3 is an utter failure and it's glorious to watch it fall.Also, Blizz damage control reviews everywhere, flailing around meta critic and Amazon with shitty reviews like "DON'T MIND THE SERVERS, ITS AN AWESOME GAME GUYS"
  18. DurDen

    Steam Wallet Cards

    Nice finally, but I already got a debit card since these didn't exist a few years ago.They probably (>hopefully) won't have some dumbass "activation fee" like the Visa pre-paids I used to buy, since PSN cards don't, and this is like that kinda card.
  19. Company is a bunch of Redditfags.I tried the Magika demo but it was broken and the only thing that stood out was a big button about fagbook.
  20. DurDen

    This Forum Is Terrible

    As one of your parents, I'm getting the long over-due abortion done this weekend.
  21. DurDen


    Got level 20UninstalledWas ok at first, but its annoying like any other game of its type. Get a shit team and it's pointless to keep playing, and the playerbase is all shit, which goes with this kinda game.Not being able to play with friends makes it even worse so for now uninstalled.
  22. DurDen

    This Forum Is Terrible

    That actually sounds plausible.
  23. DurDen

    This Forum Is Terrible

    >2012>being dabesishygddt
  24. DurDen

    This Forum Is Terrible

    So who is OP and where was he?