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Posts posted by Achilles

  1. Expect they're getting money that could of been donated to a REAL charity.All they've done is give hipsters a false sense of accomplishment by letting them pretend to be activists for a day.

    I don't pretend to be an activist, though I do donate to Doctors without Borders.

  2. While I agree that the way Invisible Children Inc. is going about it the wrong way, you can't deny that they definitely brought awareness about the situation, abeit one sided as it may be, it is still awareness.

  3. Fixed that for ya.Bet if the KKK had a pretty enough of a video, you'd sell your organs to give them money.

    You could at least keep your thesis consistent and free of ad hominem. It does a lot to keep people taking you seriously. At first, you said that it was a scam, then said that only 31% of the money goes to the children, which would imply it isn't a scam, since the money is going to the kids. Then, you went back to the scam story. Please make up your mind and keep your thesis together and not go back and forth. And I like how you completely ignore your faults as I point them out, but do your damnedest to point out mine.

  4. So you're bring patriotism into this? Something that breeds intolerance, ignorance, and contempt for those who don't identify the same way as you. And 31% is better than 0%. I never said that the charity is perfect, it certainly isn't, but it isn't corrupt in anyway. And to answer your question: Because you can at least say you tried, instead of sitting idly by doing nothing.

  5. There is a difference between looking out for yourself first, and having a disregard for humanity.Why don't you answer my question.Why try when your efforts are pointless?

    I was talking to Scamp earlier and he mentioned that you said you would not help look for survivors after an earthquake simply because there was nothing to gain from it, for you personally. That is not looking out for yourself. That is greed. That is Objectivism.

  6. Fixed.Fixed

    Realism is one thing. Your level disregard for humanity is on par with Objectivism.

    Before you're going to donate, ask yourself this:What happened to all the money that was supposed to be used to rebuild many of the South-Asian cities that were destroyed by the tsunami in 2004?Why do so many survivors of the earthquake in Haiti still live in dense tent camps when their government promised better shelter for them?Where did all the money go that we raised for the starving people in Somalia?I could go on but it's almost 1 AM here and I'm tired.

    Those were government run operations, and especially under Bush, they were doomed to fail.

  7. But why? Helping them does nothing to benefit us, besides causes more and more debt.Even if we did help them, they'd die of aids or starvation anyways.Did I mention how shitty the video was? Seriously, that guy is gay for his son.Yes and no. If this was happening in the US, then it would be an issue that affects me and would be worth my effort to solve. On the other hand, you could always make more kids, so it doesn't really affect me that much. Most kids are accidents anyways.Happy? I answered your terrible question.

    You're quite the sociopath, aren't you?

  8. But they're never going to have a enjoyable life no matter how hard we try. That whole region has been ♥♥♥♥ed since the Catholics showed up. We send food over there, and bandits just ♥♥♥♥ing steal it to feed their armies. We're just wasting our money try to feed people who don't even get the food, and last time I checked we had people in our country who go without food.

    We'd have to send in the army and kill every single last bad guy in that entire region. Too bad we suck at killing bad guys. It's taken us 10 years to track down one ♥♥♥♥ing terrorist, imagine going after hundreds of them.

    Lets not forget aids either. Even if there was a cure for aids, it would cost too much money to cure every person infected there, and people cured would probably just get infected again after a while.

    People need to learn when to minimize their loses and pull out.

    Still haven't answered the question.

    And tgis isn't about sending food over there. This is about sending troops to aid the Ugandan Army.

    And this his absolutely nothing to do with AIDS. However, you can thank the Pope for why AIDS is so virulent in Africa.

  9. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

    Good job dodging the question. Where I agree with you, since I am a Marxist Communist, I also vehemently disagree, because all people deserve the chance to live a half fucking enjoyable life.

  10. Why?

    The world is overpopulated. Dying children can only benefit us in the long run.

    So you would be perfectly okay if this was happening in the US and it was your son who was murdered and your daughter kidnapped and sold into sex slavery?

  11. For me it's Killing Floor, got it back when it had the TF2 promo. And it's not even that I just played it once and instantly condemned it. I've also played it during the steam treasure hunt, the steam summer camp thing, and the second steam treasure hunt thingy. And also during the Portal 2 ARG. Each time I thought "hey, maybe it's not as bad as I remember" and then it is. Anyway, what are some games that YOU hate that pretty much everybody else likes?

    It's like L4D. You have to play it with a group of friends for it to be fun. On topic: Fallout: New Vegas. I fucking loved every Fallout Game prior to NV.