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Getsuga Tensho

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Everything posted by Getsuga Tensho

  1. Just looked at the new announcement regarding rules and I'm left wondering why we're being asked to only link to images hosted on Imgur and Imageshack. I use tinypic for all my image hosting and have never had any issues with them. Is it a set rule or will you not bother too much if I just link to images on tinypic if I want to post an image?
  2. Getsuga Tensho

    we have twice as many threads as users

    Hmm, sounds like we need our own member group just so people know who's pure and who's tainted at a glance. To be safe though we should make more threads to scare off any impure members.
  3. Getsuga Tensho

    Do we absolutely have to use imgur or imageshack to host images?

    I did wonder but thought it best to make sure as I've seen a few forums in the past get very uptight about things like that. Thanks for clearing that up.
  4. Getsuga Tensho

    What do we call ourselves?

    I like this one.
  5. Getsuga Tensho

    What do we call ourselves?

    I've just gone with SPUFP. Short, makes sense and goes with the name of this forum.
  6. Getsuga Tensho

    Get a Steam Profile button on SPUF

    Yeah I quite liked that when after wondering if they did that, saw the link on the avatars. A nice little touch imo.
  7. Getsuga Tensho

    Dota 2

    HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING BUT WANT TO GET INTO THE BETA ANYWAYIn calmer thoughts, I've played a little LoL, enough to generally know what I'm doing though. Not too much and I've not played for a good long while but I'd still like to give DOTA2 a go. If Valve would only give me a beta key rather than give everyone I know a beta key and leave me without one.
  8. Getsuga Tensho

    Gotham City Impostors

    I got some games with a friend of mine today for a few hours and now I'm definitely buying this game. It's alright by yourself but when you're playing with a friend the game is amazing. I abandoned playing Sniper today just to play as an insanely fat guy with a glider along with said friend and we did nothing but glide around dive bombing people. I did go for objectives, shoot people and such but gliding was so fun. Had some hilarious moments and many good games today. Ended up winning just about all of them with my friend and myself always being on the two top spots of the leaderboards. I had one game earlier in which I got 42 Kills, 15 deaths and something like 17 assists with my friend getting 30/15/14 respectively. Pretty good going considering the games are normally much shorter. Reached the beta level cap of 25 today as well.I'm really looking forward to the full game now. If you're planning on getting it then you shouldn't be disappointed but if you have people to play it with and communicate with them via some VOIP software then you'll get so much more out of it.Oh and something to look out for until it's nerfed: The cloak ability is incredibly over powered. You can't attack while cloaked but you can cloak and decloak instantly with no delay time, it's hard to see the cloak you can capture points and block captures while cloaked and you can use the cloak as much as you want. It needs a huge nerf but be careful of corners, check your backs constantly and look for some distortion.If you create a character then keep this in mind: you can go a very thin character for speed and higher jumps but it's not worth it seeing as how anyone that can aim will be able to track small targets with no problems and thin characters have less health. Fatter characters are a little slower and are bigger targets but the extra hp and melee damage more than makes up for it.
  9. Getsuga Tensho

    The Indie Gala 2

    New Indie Gala bundle out now. It comes in 3 flavours, each of which give you a selection of games based on how much you donate with each bundle containing both games and albums. The cheapest bundle will get you 3 games and 3 albums, the next one up will get you 5 games and 6 albums and the last and most expensive bundle will get you 11 games and 7 albums. I've listed the bundles in order below.Carebear bundle Critical MassFortix 2Bunch of HeroesAnd 3 albums$1-$5.43Big Saver BundleCritical MassFortix 2Bunch of HeroesRoboblitzGreed CorpAnd 6 albums$5.44-$9.50Epic Gala BundleCritical MassFortix 2Bunch of HeroesRoboblitzGreed CorpZombie ShooterZombie Shooter 2Hacker Evolution: DualityHacker Evolution: UntoldYour Doodles Are BuggedInmomentumAnd 7 albums$9.51 or moreGo here to get the bundle: http://www.indiegala.com/#I'm thinking about getting this one since Bunch of Heroes is in it and Fortix 2 looks decent. Not sure what version to get though. On one hand, I don't really care for the other games in the bundle but on the other, they might be alright games. Thought this might interest some of you anyhow if you haven't seen a thread on SPUF about it yet. Would have put this in general or off topic but I wasn't sure where to put it so here it is. Oh and the bundle is limited to about 45,000 so if you're wanting one, get it while you can.
  10. Getsuga Tensho

    Call of Duty

    The thing is though, each company has had 2 years since release of their last game so they probably get around 1 and a half minimum to be working on a new game. With sledgehammer on board I imagine that it's going to be rotating between the 3 of them now so we should have each company getting 3 years between games.I'd like more space between the games but I do like seeing the difference between each game and each one does seem to maintain a solid player base after the sequel comes out. It's not for everyone but I'm getting quite into the series now and the 1 year thing doesn't really change that for me. I disliked it for a while after MW2 and didn't like Activision until I picked up MW2 again, had fun then didn't mind so much.
  11. Getsuga Tensho

    Get a Steam Profile button on SPUF

    Some posts in that thread made me happy. I wouldn't call it evil. We're bringers of Justice against the seeds of evil who don't even want to get up to 4 or 5 starts to get a button under their name. The horrors!edit: The_End254 eh? I think I will end him. Good going till then though. I did think of a plan (in all of 3 seconds) involving rating 1 star to sink the thread with the "helpful" post but meh, don't know if it'd be worth it or if it'd be pushing things a little too much so didn't bother.
  12. Getsuga Tensho

    Get a Steam Profile button on SPUF

    Yeah. We could probably manage to keep it from people for a little bit but eventually someone is just going to make a thread asking why people have it and how to get it and there will be one person who posts the link. Damn posters and helpful people.
  13. Getsuga Tensho

    Get a Steam Profile button on SPUF

    There's a reason I only made a thread here about it. We should tell SPUF the option is right there in their settings on Steam community. They'll look and look and never find it to much frustration. Then we shall look down upon them with our upper class 4 and 5 stars, only taking our gaze away for a moment to sip some tea or groom our spiffing moustaches.
  14. Getsuga Tensho

    Call of Duty

    Eh imo the games have been getting better each time with the exception of MW2 (although that did introduce some pretty good features). COD4 is still great but I don't feel it's just as good as some of the later games. I love Black Ops because it seems to allow good players to have a little more fun with things and give them more time to react with it taking longer to kill people. I love MW3 because it's pretty balanced for the most part, really fun and has pretty good maps.I think where a lot of people took a huge dislike for the series was when it became one of the most popular games around and the media will not shut up about it. I've been put off games before with things being over hyped, people shouting about how it's the best thing ever and the games basically pushed into my face. Obviously not everyone, each person has their own individual likes and dislikes but it seems those kind of things just pushed people into hating the series. Personally, I'd be happy if people could accept that they don't like a game but that doesn't necessarily make the game bad (for example, I've gone off TF2 as I find it incredibly boring these days but I fully acknowledge it's a good game).Also imo, the games since COD4 have been much more enjoyable on console than on PC with the exception of WaW which I loved on PC. Something about the aiming on PC in the later ones felt really off.Anyhow, got my first MOAB a few weeks ago anyhow and that put me into a pretty good mood. Just sound whoring with a headset, trying to have some fun instead of keeping count with kill streaks and the notification telling me I got the MOAB popped up. Pretty damn satisfying to get.
  15. Getsuga Tensho


    I would but the devs never bothered sending me my beta key.edit: oh hey, it looks like I got a beta key after all. Was sent to me at an odd time so ended up getting buried under the other emails.