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Getsuga Tensho

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Everything posted by Getsuga Tensho

  1. Getsuga Tensho

    How did you get into pc gaming?

    Had played the odd game on PC at a LAN Gaming Centre, wasn't too into it but the odd game was fun. Went to college a just over 3 and a half years ago, sat beside someone who would end up being a good friend of mine and got talking then finding out we had a few common interests. He realised what anime one of my usernames was from and we both happened to love TF2 although I was playing it on the Xbox 360 at the time. Met up with that person a few times and since he was a PC gamers and I really liked TF2 & wanted to get the Pyro update when it came out I ended up getting a PC that christmas from family. spent around 2000 hours on TF2 over the next year and just ended up getting quite into PC gaming during that time.Said friend had a group at the time and I started playing with them so that helped get me into PC gaming as well. Left that group though because of a certain someone in it so in between groups atm. Also sort of inbetween main games. Since I gave TF2 up I've not had any game to properly replace as my main game to get into. Considering making that game League of Legends if I can get decent enough at it. Anyways, trailing off. That's how I got into PC gaming more or less. Not so much a PC only player these days, I like to use my 360 and the PC, both have good stuff to offer.
  2. Getsuga Tensho

    Windows 8

    I've given the consumer preview a quick go. Initial set up is fairly nice but I've noticed it takes longer to boot than Win 7 does and one thing that really bugs me is XBL on Windows 8 isn't available in the UK. That's something they should have had day 1. Not given the OS too much of a go but the start menu replacement doesn't feel as good as what we have now, search isn't as good as in Windows 7 and every metro app taking up fullscreen with no option for windowed is a pain. It's nice enough but from the limited time I tried it for it wasn't anything to be excited for. Even the themes in Windows 7 are better. The options are pretty much the same but the Aero theme in 8 didn't quite seem as transparent to me.I'll give it another go once XBL is available in the UK for it though. I might as well give it a bit more of a go and see if there's anything that makes using it really nice to use after getting used to it. I will just say for anyone here that's considering giving it a go, make sure you know your keyboard shortcuts. It's far slower to try navigating between apps and even between the metro and desktop UIs by mouse alone.
  3. Last year at uni I had a flash CS3 (yep, they stuck with CS3) games module. Was pretty boring stuff, learned some basic AS3 and how to make some basic games then we had to create 4 flash games for the final assignment. I ended up making some TF2 themed flash games and submitting them as my final project. They're pretty bad (doesn't compare to any decent flash game), just simple little games I made after fighting Flash CS3 to get the damn thing to work (CS3 SDK is so buggy it's unbelievable). I think they came out decent considering the amount of time that went into creating them. Anyone here interested in seeing them? They're just sitting there in my dropbox doing nothing with DurDen being one of the only people to see them so I thought this might do as something to pass the time.
  4. Getsuga Tensho

    SPUF or SUF?

    SPUF obviously. Also I look on waybackmachine every now and then and had a look at the forums today. Completely forgot how the forums looked back before the 2010 update.Looks really nice. I kind of want it to be back to looking like that. At least the current one is nice enough I suppose. :P
  5. Getsuga Tensho


    DurDen already knows but I've retracted my offer to play this game. If you select a character and don't lock in right away then someone else can select it, lock in and prevent you from being able to play that class. Never mind the fact that it was selected and I was editing my loadouts, can be stolen at any point unless I'm locked in. I have no interest in a game that can't get something like that right so I uninstalled. I'd give it a chance but I'm not too fussed about playing it, I'm more interested in getting back into LoL and something like that is terrible if I want to play matchmaking with random people which is going to happen most of the time.
  6. Getsuga Tensho

    Who here DOESN'T have a button bound to explode/kill

    I remember there used to be a command (no idea if it still exists on the PC version, was definitely in there at some point) on the 360 version that allowed you to do whatever you wanted to someone elses config so long as you were looking at them when you executed the command. There was the odd case of someone binding every single button of someone they didn't like to explode. Move forward? Explode. Jump? Explode. Try to open up the menu so you can quit or even access the options menu? explode. Still works on the PS3 version at least. I don't play on console for TF2 since I stopped a few years ago so I haven't bothered trying it.I am one of those people who are nice with their commands though, I used to host games for people on the 360, set up my own rules, spawn in objects to build an arena and make things fun for people. Had myself a reputation for doing that on there for a while before Valve set the commands to a whitelist that only allows commands present in the options menu. Was fun while it lasted though, at least I can get all that back if I rent a server on PC sometime although I'm not really into TF2 these days.
  7. Getsuga Tensho

    I tried the Modern Warfare 3 free weekend

    The TF2 community and the COD community are pretty much the same in many, many aspects. The calling people noobs, people actually cheating, people being accused of cheating when they're playing legit, people using OP weapons, etc. All the negatives are on both communities and both have a terrible reputation (you can't honestly tell me that the TF2 community as a whole has a good or even decent reputation). The thing is though, both have large parts of the communities that are great with pretty much nothing but positives.For gameplay, the game might not be your sort of game, you might not like it but that doesn't make it a bad game. That just makes it a game that you aren't interested in playing. If it was a bad game then it wouldn't be selling nearly as much as it is. The excuses "it's for the noobs" is just a terrible, baseless attempt at an argument that shows you have no actual argument other than the game not being to your tastes.For me, the COD games are better than the Counter Strike ones. I love watching CS tournaments and such with commentators but it's a game I can't get interested in while playing. COD on the other hand is something I can watch and play. COD is actually better for me than TF2 these days since I dislike how TF2 went from the Engineer update onwards, it's a great game though, I just have my preferences. All games mentioned there take skill to play and in all games, if you're playing against new or bad players then you're going to do well enough if you're decent at FPS games in general. Many seem to forget that when it comes to a game they dislike.For whoever said grenades kill instantly in COD, they only do that if you stand on top of or right next to one that goes off and even then, if you have the perk Blast Shield then it'll only damage you, not kill you so long as you aren't on top of it. Quick Scoping is actually a skill regardless of how easy you may find it. If you want to have fun at a game like COD then you have to play it a bit, unlock some things, create some custom classes, thinking carefully about what you put into those classes taking into consideration your playing style and what you want to achieve and then in game you have the challenge of making sure you rack up high point streaks. You still may not enjoy it but give something more than a few matches before judging it.COD isn't my favourite FPS series, just one I happen to enjoy playing. Also, just ignore text chat in COD games on PC. It's a series that should only have voice chat as a method of communication. I own this game on the Xbox 360 and gave the PC version a go and I'm fairly tempted to buy it on PC. I doubt I will since I already have it but it's solid nonetheless so long as you don't have people cheating in your game.I'm far more open minded to things these days, I dislike this whole "I don't like this so it sucks" and refusal to accept something you dislike can be good.Here's a little video of some decent gameplay if you're interested. And just because he got a flawless game doesn't make it easy, he's just got a knack for the game. Oh and the nube tube is not rage inducing at all in MW3. It's been nerfed so much from previous iterations that it's actually more insulting to be killed by one than anything. What is rage inducing however is Akimbo FMG9s which need to be nerfed to hell since they have no downside and kill anything instantly (aside from that, everything is pretty balanced). If you want to go around causing some rage, equip yourself with a Striker shotgun as your primary with grip, Akimbo FMG9s as your secondary, semtex as your lethal, concussion grenades as your tactical, blind eye, assassin and dead silence as your perks and last stand as your death streak. You will cause rage with that.A long post but this thread lacked reasonable and open minded comments. I think I saw ones of that type by 2 people and that was it.
  8. Getsuga Tensho

    Should we get more admins?

    Even if it reaches 100 members, there will only be more admins or mods needed if things are becoming a little hard to manage. The forum could make it to 200 members and not require additional people to moderate. Also not the greatest idea to give power to people who want it. It works out badly more often than not. It's best to just look at people and see who looks to be the most fitting for the role. Not that you're evil or anything, just that it's something that can go very wrong.I for one vote for the Google Spider to become a mod or admin when the time comes. It'll crawl everywhere, sneaking around making traps with webs to catch evil doers in and it might even eat them if it's feeling peckish.
  9. Getsuga Tensho

    We need post ratings, like facepunch.

    Eh I dislike rating systems like that. They just look messy and rating posts in the first place is pointless. Seeing how much rep a post has received would be alright though.
  10. Getsuga Tensho

    Who here DOESN'T have a button bound to explode/kill

    I have a key bound to explode but I forget which. I do have "-" bound to spectator though, I'll experiment to find kill again.
  11. There's an idea. I'd have to use something like Unity3D or Unreal III UDK for it though as I despise flash. I didn't mind flash so much until I had to develop games for it and then I realised just how horrible it is. A game like that with the Scout could work as well come to think of it. Like Mario but hunting for Bonk and Crit-a-Cola drinks and double jumps. I think I'll probably end up having a go once I get back into developing stuff, haven't done it in a while. Got some plans though so need to get on that soonish.
  12. Getsuga Tensho

    Holy pootis

    SMG is good in the right hands. Best Sniper secondary.
  13. Now that's more like it! That's exactly what the problem is. I did a very quick and easy way to stop people going through walls by making it move you in the opposite direction of the wall at the normal moving speed until you were no longer colliding with it. That's left it a little open to being buggy if you turn while you've collided with the wall and will push you through it in the opposite direction you're facing. It's bugged me since before the game was finished but I didn't have time to do anything about it other than making the Demoman smaller which alleviated the issue a fair bit. If I did the collision properly then that wouldn't happen but it required a bit more time and effort to go into it. And thanks for the comment about it, interesting is better than bad.
  14. Did he try collecting the bottles at the top? Could have had a hell of a high score. :P
  15. Getsuga Tensho

    Other Valve Games

    Valve do promos?!
  16. Getsuga Tensho


    I'll probably be willing to get a few games after I've had a go of the game myself. I've launched it and so far I'm liking the fact that it has it's own client. I'll have a few quick games of MNC then jump into this over the next few days.
  17. Getsuga Tensho

    So, Skyrim...

    I should probably start playing that again. Bought it early December, decided I should give it a go early January and played it on and off for about a week. Haven't touched it since then. It's a good game but I can't help comparing it to Oblivion and Oblivion wins out for me every time. Skyrim has better graphics, better animations and the dragons are pretty cool but the character creation wasn't as detailed, the story doesn't grab me and it's not being all that compelling to me. I'll probably pick it up then play it on and off, having a bit of fun but it didn't quite have the same effect on me as Oblivion which had me from the title screen.Oh and didn't bother playing it in December because I was pretty ill the whole month and couldn't even get out of bed or browse online. I also bought MW3 Hardened Edition the month before and the MP has been keeping a good bit of my attention. I'll play some Skyrim again soon. I didn't quite mean to put it down and not pick it back up again for so long.
  18. Oh and there's a game over screen if you manage to fail and die 3 times.
  19. Getsuga Tensho

    Gotham City Impostors

    It works out well aside from the fact that there's only 2 weapons in the game that people are using at the moment because they're very very very OP. I've got a friend irl that refuses to agree that the game is very similar to COD which I find a tad odd, all I can think of when I look at the menus, controls and game modes is COD. Very unique game and very fun but COD mechanics are there.I bought this game today (technically yesterday since it's 3.25am) and got a few games with a friend. Great fun as before. To sum this game up quickly: It's the Mario Party of first person shooters. It's alright by yourself but it's amazing with friends and ridiculous either way.I was having far too much fun today against people who clearly hadn't played the beta. Diving onto points and destroying entire teams. At one point I dive bombed a point, knife killed 2 people, 2 enemies then tried to knife me so I knifed both of them then followed up by shooting a 5th to death before dying because of a freeze gun combined with a sniper rifle.
  20. Getsuga Tensho

    Gotham City Impostors

    Anyone here played Gotham City Impostors yet? If you haven't then it's basically COD with a batman skin and some abilities to mix things up. I just got into the beta yesterday and aside from some matchmaking issues it's been pretty fun. Not balanced yet and the map design for the two maps on offer in the beta are far too small but aside from that it seems pretty good with it's own charm. I'm probably going to end up purchasing this when it's released in a week or so. I'm not sure what version I'll be getting as I've only played the 360 version as I didn't find out about the PC beta until it was finished. Here's a video of some gameplay for those of you who haven't seen it. This isn't the best of gameplay and from what I saw as the person playing isn't mixing up classes, weapons and abilities all that much but what it shows is decent enough. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hw9s0reO1ko&hd=1 Any thoughts on this? Might as well have a general thread for this game.
  21. Getsuga Tensho

    How much rep do YOU Have?

    Not enough, that's how much! I think I was repped a few times by people who didn't have any rep power, not sure though.
  22. Getsuga Tensho

    SteamPowered x Spufpowered Fanfic

    F-fanfic? You mean even here isn't safe from them? It was written fairly well but now I don't know what to think.
  23. Alright, found them and got the links to them. I kind of want to hold back from posting now after seeing them again. Both of them were made in one day with 2 other flash games being made the day before and a little during the day I made these on so I suppose they're not all that bad considering that but still not great either.Demoman's Hunt for ScrumpyInfo: Avoid the Scouts and collect bottles of Scrumpy.Controls: Use the Arrow keys to MoveDemopan BeginsInfo: Reach the exit. Collect bottles of Scrumpy and kill Scouts for extra points.Controls: Use the arrow keys to move, move the mouse cursor to aim and left click to fire. You can hold mouse click to line up a shot before releasing to fire. If you wish, you can even hold left mouse button to use a grenade as a bayonet to use to kill Scouts.There's the games for you. In retrospect, the exit goal should have been a crate and the win screen could have had an image of the Demopan, the latter could be for Demopan Begins Part II I suppose (nope, not happening). If you're wondering why you have to use arrow keys then it was for simplicity at the time as using other keys provided a few complications I didn't have time to deal with since I had a deadline coming up. Oh and on Demopan Begins, there's a bug where you can go through walls so watch out for that since you might find yourself out of the level if you manage to pull it off. Yes, you could even do that to get to the bottles at the top of the screen after you collect them initially to rapidly rack up points and you could do that to reach the exit without collecting the key but don't do that. Unless you've completed it normally then go ahead. :POh and these games didn't really have proper titles before, thought them up on the spot here. Don't say I'm not good to you.
  24. Whups, sorry about the long time between replies. Had to go off last night after posting and been distracted today. I'll get it looked out again then post a link to them soon as I do.
  25. Burton linked to this in the "This Instant and Moment..." thread. There's a beta for a new SPUF feature that lets you link your Forum account to your Steam account and it puts a nice button under your name next to each of your posts that links to your Steam profile. I'm sure there's a few of you who haven't seen this yet.Go here to get it: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/betacheck/If you want to know what it looks like before you decide whether you're going to get it or not then have a look here. I like this feature, I've been wanting to have a link to mine under my name for a while.