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Everything posted by LadyBernkastel

  1. LadyBernkastel


    Now let's see if they can catch Mewtwo.
  2. LadyBernkastel

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    You'd be surprised.
  3. LadyBernkastel

    Old Games vs New Games

    That's probably not wrong. Mainly because I don't like 3D Mario games and don't play them often. People who do play them often breeze through 64 like it's nothing. Also, maybe I'm showing my ignorance here, but how does the emphasis on graphics in the game industry affect gameplay? Obviously a lot of time has to be put into that, but aren't graphics handled but artists while gameplay is handled by programmers and designers?
  4. LadyBernkastel

    TF2 general

    Ponies, porn, shock images, furries, hamsteak, and about five hundred variations of the mega milk chick.
  5. LadyBernkastel

    Old Games vs New Games

    KH1 certainly is harder than vanilla KH2, but BBS, 3D, and FM+ have critical mode. I've only had the chance to try it on 3D until the second HD collection come out, but 3D critical mode is a ton harder than proud mode on any game. And then you have EXP Zero.
  6. LadyBernkastel

    Old Games vs New Games

    The problem is nostalgia along with experience. Most of these people played the old games when they were kids, so naturally they'd have memories of it being pretty hard. The newer games came out when they were adults, after they've had times to hone their skills at games. That not to say there might not be a bit of a decrease in difficulty to help newer gamers get into games, but it's certainly not a huge decline. I'll give you an example. Kingdom Hearts 1 is going to be pretty damn hard for a kid. Not so much for a teen or adult, even on the hardest difficulty. KH2FM, KHBBS, and KH3D all have an extra mode that increases the difficulty to the point of frustrating even older gamers. And yet, you'll find a lot of people still saying that KH1 has the hardest challenges of them all. A lot of what you remember about a game's difficult probably depends on when you play it. Also, this is another issue of nostalgia because hard =/= good. Kirby isn't hard. Sonic 2006 is.
  7. LadyBernkastel

    Such Fun Much Why Very WoW

    WoW is really boring to me. Don't know why. Just never really found it fun.
  8. LadyBernkastel


    If you're interested, BW2 has a number of legendaries. Including Creselia and Heatran. And a variation of the Battle Tower that brings back every gym leader and champion from previous games.
  9. LadyBernkastel

    Smache Brothers

    Certainly you saw the various people kids want to see in Smash. Goku is hardly the weirdest.
  10. LadyBernkastel

    I'll rek u m8 (FritzDitz)

    Welcome. I'd make a joke here, but I'm out.
  11. LadyBernkastel


    Have they confirmed abilities for them yet?
  12. LadyBernkastel


    Holy shit, they made it to Marowak.
  13. LadyBernkastel


    I believe there are minor story differences in X and Y. Other than that, yeah, the pokemon selection is the main difference.
  14. LadyBernkastel

    Need a Disp- introduction here!

    Welcome. Now you must swear your allegiance to me.
  15. LadyBernkastel

    DualJay's Double Dong Destiny

    What a comeback.
  16. LadyBernkastel

    Anime General Discussion

    Are the Cthulu mythos books available online? I feel like I'm missing something going into Haiyore Nyarko-san with no context.
  17. LadyBernkastel

    Anime General Discussion

    It's weird.
  18. LadyBernkastel

    The Catch A Ride thread

    Two cars are moving down the road in opposite directions. How fast are they going?
  19. LadyBernkastel

    Anime General Discussion

    Did you say . . . Naruto . . . Naruto?! I DON'T KNOW WHY BUT I'M SUDDENLY ANGRY!
  20. LadyBernkastel

    Swiggity swee you didn't expect to see me

    Correction. You can hide you posts.
  21. LadyBernkastel

    Swiggity swee you didn't expect to see me

    Well. That was quite the introduction.
  22. LadyBernkastel

    i am a massive fucking tool

  23. LadyBernkastel

    Your Place on the Political Spectrum

    Centrist moderate social libertarian. And here I thought I would be considered pretty right wing.
  24. LadyBernkastel

    TF2 general

    I'd play a lot more Medic if the average pubber were competent.
  25. LadyBernkastel

    So apparently this place exists

    Hello. I'm the monarch here. Commander's delusional. also lungs.