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Everything posted by LadyBernkastel

  1. LadyBernkastel

    Now with 100% more Pony Stable history

    Rammire, why would you do that?
  2. LadyBernkastel

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    And another copy of SoulSilver that freezes up. Considering this is the same story that sold me a bad copy of Metal Gear Rising, I wonder why I bother shopping there anymore. But I got my money back and bought Majora's Mask. Mostly blind playthrough, so here goes nothing.
  3. LadyBernkastel

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Reminds me of this: These two should get together. They're clearly made for each other.
  4. LadyBernkastel


    Well, the copy of SoulSilver I originally bought kept freezing, so I took it back and exchanged it for another copy. Looks like I'm starting over.
  5. LadyBernkastel


    Oh yeah, I finally got SoulSilver, so this is my first time playing a Johto game. Just beat Morty.
  6. LadyBernkastel

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​Wait what? I've never seen this happen. In fact, I'm certain it's not true, because you get three hints for each emerald shard that cycle in the pause menu and go away once you've found it. That said, I'm calling it now: You're gonna ragequit at Mad Space.
  7. LadyBernkastel

    Reddit shitstorm

    /r/coontown and other racist subreddits have been banned. The reaction has been exactly what you'd expect.
  8. LadyBernkastel

    Anime General Discussion

    Awesome. Umineko is getting a Steam release with updated artwork. Good god, Battler's hair looks even sillier.
  9. LadyBernkastel

    TF2 general

    The majority are awful. A few are okay.
  10. LadyBernkastel

    Your Gaming Style

  11. LadyBernkastel

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​It was a shoddy attempt at selling a peripheral controller for the Dreamcast. And Sega, in their infinite wisdom, decided Big's story was too quality to remove it from the remake that Dan and Arin are playing because god knows why.
  12. LadyBernkastel

    Are eSports "real" sports?

    The word "sport" is too vague to come to a consensus. But here is the definition from what seems to be a respected organization. Mind and coordination allow video games to fall under this category. Keep in mind, Chess is considered a sport. This is where things get less clear. 1, 3, and 4 are okay. However, 2 would mean that video games could qualify and not qualify on a case by case basis. Competitive Pokemon would be immediately disqualified under this, for example. Five could also present problems for certain games, particularly ones that are console exclusives. Under the furthermore, 2 and 3 would cover all video games, so even ones that met those five would generally be met with skepticism. Not a hard and fast definition, but something to consider.
  13. LadyBernkastel

    TF2 general

    I'm not saying stalemates never happen on maps like Granary, Badlands, Snakewater, etc, but it doesn't feel like as big of an issue there. But it could be that I'm being too quick to dismiss a week and a half old map.
  14. LadyBernkastel

    TF2 general

    2fort and Dustbowl were also made at a time when TF2 was brand new and are ports of maps from TFC. They're not good, but there are reasons for that. Suijin, Powerhouse, Snowplow, they're all awful, in ways that shouldn't be a problem this far into the game's life. It's sad when the best map in this update, Borneo, has invisible walls.
  15. LadyBernkastel

    TF2 general

    Half the time, parts of Suijin don't even load. The bridges and ceilings can be completely invisible. There's no excuse for it. No other map that I know of does that.
  16. LadyBernkastel

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​Two. You have to finish Cell and Android.
  17. LadyBernkastel

    TF2 general

    I'd say make it a sequel to TF2. Showing the fallout of the war between Mann Co. and Grey. Have new mercs, unrelated to the TF2 mercs, maybe fighting for which company regains control of the world. Assuming it would take place in the 80s or 90s, the art style could be changed accordingly to make it look like that. As far as gameplay, I'm not too sure. Something like Mannpowered might be worth considering, but with a game that's been supported for so long, making a sequel would seem pretty silly without a major gameplay overhaul.
  18. LadyBernkastel

    TF2 general

    Make TF3. I don't agree with how Activision does business, but they are clever. They know that in order to keep the number of people playing CoD high, you need to keep releasing new games. Updates will eventually stop drawing in large numbers of people.
  19. LadyBernkastel

    Is TF2 Dead?

    I don't think you can really consider a game to be dead when its community is still playing it. It's still among the most played games on Steam right now. That being said, I think part of the reason that I, and probably a lot of other people, are still coming back to it is the fact that there hasn't been any games worth talking about like it since it came out. I hated first-person shooters when I picked up TF2; the characters drew me in. The gameplay kept me here for seven years. Hell, I wouldn't have even bothered with PC gaming if it wasn't for TF2. And I still play it regularly. But I'll be honest, it's only because there's nothing else. Lambda and I still play it because it's an easy game to just hop on when we're both tired from work and just goof off. Once someone makes a game that can actually compete with TF2, I don't know how much longer the community will stick around.
  20. LadyBernkastel

    The Gun Mettle Update

    I haven't played a lot of the other new maps, but Borneo is full of invisible walls. And for some reason when I'm on the map, my framerate dips below 60, when it never gets even close to that low anywhere else.