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Posts posted by LadyBernkastel

  1. I honestly think Spy would work as a concept way better in a game that enables friendly fire. It's not just that general awareness is a hard counter to spies and that unlocks have broken the class entirely, but also that there's no cost to spychecking beyond expending a trivial amount of ammo. If there were actually a risk that spychecking could harm your team, spychecking everyone you see wouldn't be the norm and disguises would be way more powerful of a tool.

  2. I know Valve seem pretty reluctant to make big sweeping changes to a class, but god damn. They need to just rework Spy. For years now he's been reliant on both overtuned unlocks and counters to his own counters. There's gotta be a way to keep his identity without making him the worst class in the game.

  3. The only 2020 games I've played this year are Doom Eternal, Fall Guys, and Animal Crossing. My favorite of the three is Doom Eternal, but Raz summed up my thoughts on it. But I don't have much to say about the other two. Fall Guys is fun but it's not some super deep game that's gonna last for the ages. Animal Crossing is fun for about two weeks but nowadays I dread even booting it up. Maybe the fact that it came out while I was in quarantine caused me to overplay it.

    oh wait, there was also helltaker. 10/10 gg go home everyone video games have peaked

  4. I'm not versed enough to answer if they actually use it, but I imagine removing it would be difficult. The pathfinding is baked into the source engine. On top of that, it would have to be more nuanced than turning it on or off. MvM bots likely use the same algorithm for pathfinding. Same with Horsemann. Anything that has AI controlled movement along the map likely uses this pathfinding. A lot of the uses for the pathfinding are depreciated and unnecessary, but I'm sure there's a loud minority that would have a fit if they killed off MvM, especially if bot developers found a way around that issue.

  5. In my opinion, Tales from the Borderlands has the problem a lot of Telltale games had. It was too much like The Walking Dead. The first episode is the worst offender where a game series that made its premise on "you're an amoral asshole that will gladly kill people for money" heavily shames you if characters die. It gets better about that particular problem, but it never really shakes off the problem of not really feeling like a borderlands story, save for a few short segments that were actually really good.

    Also, it ends on a cliffhanger. BL3 doesn't address the cliffhanger, even though characters from Tales are in BL3, presumably because the cliffhanger was supposed to be dealt with in a Tales 2 that never happened.

  6. 10 hours ago, A 1970 Corvette said:


    As far as the story goes, this is probably a case of companies failing to see what actually made their successful titles good. BL1 was criticized for its lack of story. BL2 is considered the best in the series, which had a more defined "good guys vs bad guys" narrative. They went back to the 'amoral mercs' characterization for TPS and it was criticized again. BL3 felt like it was trying (and ultimately failing) to recreate BL2. Come to think of it, I think BL3 has a bit of an identity crisis, because leaving Pandora fundamentally changes the genre, but it doesn't feel like the writing was updated to match it.

    They haven't added a skip to TVHM yet, at least not for the vanilla version. I also don't have the DLC, though I have heard good things about the DLC.

  7. 2 minutes ago, A 1970 Corvette said:

    What were your thoughts on BL3? That game is a mess for me, I like a few parts, but there's a ton of things that annoy me about it too and I can't even say if I like it or not definitively

    Well, it's definitely rough, but at the end of the day, I do like it. Probably my second favorite right after 2. From a gameplay perspective, there are things about it that definitely took some getting used to, especially after playing 1, 2, and TPS one after the other. But a lot of those changes I came to enjoy, and I found the boss fights much more interesting than the majority of the ones that came before, even if they're a bit on the easy side. The final boss in particular I know gets flak for being easy, but it's way more interesting than 1 and 2's final bosses ever were.

    As far as story goes:


    It's definitely rough as fuck. In fact, it feels like a rough draft that was never properly edited. That being said, I wouldn't say Borderlands is the pinnacle of writing. The thing that held up BL2 was the lightning in a bottle that was Handsome Jack, and that was never going to happen again. But there are some things that could have made BL3's plot better. Proper back and forth with the Calypsos. Major characters not taking obviously stupid actions. Character development for Ava that wasn't missable.


  8. The only live service game I've played regularly is League of Legends. I usually play for weeks at a time and then don't touch it again for months until my interest has returned. I very recently replayed the entire Borderlands series so I could have the story fresh in my mind for Borderlands 3, which I finished just the other day. I'm in a bit of an in between period of deciding what to play next since winter break is coming up. Thinking about getting Doom Eternal.
    Since I play even "completable" multiplayer games offline, I'm gonna say I gravitate toward single player games.

  9. That I think could maybe be justified in the sense that if it's just a silly little thing they're doing for mario's anniversary, it doesn't make sense to keep the servers up for it past the anniversary event. And honestly, if they were going to keep it around for longer, i think it would need more than just SMB1. A version that adds in Lost Levels and SMB3 could be a more fleshed out game, but own its own you'd get through all the content really fast.

  10. I'm gonna defend the Short Circuit. The Wrangler is still the biggest example of a great idea executed horribly but i think the Short Circuit needs to exist. The reason being is the disorganized play of pubs. The engineer doesn't have a lot of good counterplay to a good soldier or demo, and in theory, the engineer would be working with a pyro or a soldier to deal with that. Of course, pubs rarely has this kind of teamwork. So your options are sit there and hope the problem goes away or pick a fight with a class that out-duels you, since they both can take potshots at your sentry without putting themselves at risk. I feel like this could lead to engineering in pubs being more frustrating than it's worth. At least in its current form, I think it's a good skill based way to counter this without being so overbearing that it makes taking down a sentry through coordinated effort a chore.

  11. I've owned a steam controller since it released. I love it and, at the same time, don't feel like i've surmounted the learning curve actually required to use it efficiently. At this point I use it less for playing games and more as an alternate input device for my laptop.

  12. Honestly, I don't miss it. Like i want to, message boards basically were my internet experience from the time that i was 12 to the point that I started only visiting here every 5 years. But I feel like they either end up a tightly knit community like ours, where you actually recognize the other posters and have a personality in your head associated with them, or they end up huge, where you're basically talking to an army of faceless nobodies because keeping up with everybody is impossible.

    SubSPUF is the only message board i even want to come back to because I miss shitposting here. I'm not sure i would have even joined bigSPUF were I not so bored between classes my freshman year of college that I decided arguing with people about minigun spin-up time was fun. Maybe it's my introverted nature showing, but i don't feel a community that large can have that feeling of unity regardless of the medium that community uses to communicate. Things like missing discussions because you weren't there still happen, and it wasn't uncommon to see multiple threads about the exact same topic on the front page.

    If anything, I like the air of chatrooms better. I know this is gonna be hilarious coming at the end of this wall of text, but i don't miss writing paragraphs on message boards. The more free form conversations of chatrooms just feels nicer to me.
