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The Irish Demopan

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Everything posted by The Irish Demopan

  1. The Irish Demopan

    Doctor Who

  2. The Irish Demopan

    Doctor Who

  3. The Irish Demopan

    Doctor Who

    Yes. Yes he is.
  4. The Irish Demopan

    Doctor Who

  5. The Irish Demopan

    Ferguson. What?

    And here I thought we were going to have a nice talk about Ferguson tractors....
  6. The Irish Demopan

    Payday General

    I'm sitting here waiting for the Free Day....
  7. The Irish Demopan

    Okay, guys - I have appeared.

    And that Stamda is the Don of this place.
  8. The Irish Demopan

    Okay, guys - I have appeared.

    Since we're posting weird stuff, I'll post something that Raz posted here a while back. http://a.tumblr.com/tumblr_mtifihupun1rfbp0oo1.mp3#_=_
  9. The Irish Demopan

    AMAs - The Road Ahead

    I'd be up for this.
  10. The Irish Demopan

    Okay, guys - I have appeared.

    Hello I am the Irish guy who is an engineer and likes trains. Now I claim her liver. We Irish need backups.
  11. The Irish Demopan

    Other Forums

    I suppose I'm on reddit too.
  12. The Irish Demopan

    Other Forums

    Various railway related ones....
  13. The Irish Demopan

    Boy, it sure has been a long time

    He's alive!
  14. If my internet works, I'd be up for the RSP.
  15. The Irish Demopan

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    So I just bought 3 DLCs for Railworks. I feel so cheap compared to some peeps.
  16. The Irish Demopan

    TF2 general

    Fuck ping
  17. The Irish Demopan

    Competitive Friendlies

    Yeah. PUGS with friends sounds like a blast.
  18. The Irish Demopan

    TF2 general

    Yeah if TF2 downloads itself on my shity home net. 4.6GB out of 7.4GB to go, steam says 7 hours left to go. Gonna be close. .1GB left. The comeback is real
  19. The Irish Demopan

    TF2 general

    Goood times. Me too, good times. Then there's the cast of the tumblr verus reddit s1 EU match of me.
  20. The Irish Demopan

    TF2 general

    Official Valve trade maps next up date.
  21. The Irish Demopan

    TF2 general

    So my TF2 uninstalled itself. Yay, I don't want to redownload it for the massive size of it and the slowness of my interent. I have a backup of my steam folder with it on it pre love and war and is there a way that I can copy it onto the computer itself without steam wanting to redownload the entire game?
  22. The Irish Demopan

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    So according to that logic, TF2 should have died when they introduced Demoknight, or Engineer's moving their buildings or Amby/Dead Ringer. It's been less then a day with the changes.
  23. The Irish Demopan

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    I feel that we're standing on the cusp of something great here, a spilt. Comp TF2 can either adapt to the changes and allow the meta to change and show once and for all that it's not stale OR Make a proTF2 plugin and destroy the small bridge that existed between pub and comp, completely aliening non comp players, forcing them to learn an entirely new class and showing to the rest of the world, that they cannot adapt.
  24. The Irish Demopan

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    6s adapt? The same 6s that cried for a day when a window on cp_badlands was closed? Phhaahaaa. Yeah right. It's gonna be the Quickfix v2.0.