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The Irish Demopan

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Everything posted by The Irish Demopan

  1. The Irish Demopan

    Stock the fuck up on the first 9 hats

    Never tell your password to anyone. Doctor Pan @ Pan TV: And so today did TF2ers did cry Doctor Pan @ Pan TV: And Valve did grin The Mighty Pootis Power Heavies: Indeed Doctor Pan @ Pan TV: Money came flowing in Doctor Pan @ Pan TV: And markets did ponder The Mighty Pootis Power Heavies: That too. Doctor Pan @ Pan TV: And suddenly Football helmets were in demand Doctor Pan @ Pan TV: While Gaben did grin Doctor Pan @ Pan TV: As another 4.99 did enter his account The Mighty Pootis Power Heavies: That... was beautiful. The Mighty Pootis Power Heavies: And true
  2. The Irish Demopan

    Senior Prom Users Forums

    Pan nears to be at the bar propping it up and being drunk. ...Like the good Irish man he is.
  3. The Irish Demopan

    The SPUF Civil War

    Pan does something amazing in a battle with a pan, alcohol and trains.
  4. The Irish Demopan

    Oh god that felt good.

    I am drunk but tomorrow I will be soberish. You however will be still wrong.
  5. The Irish Demopan

    Oh god that felt good.

    What would happen if they argued with each other?
  6. The Irish Demopan

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    Found this in my bin... It's an oldie.
  7. The Irish Demopan

    The SPUF Civil War

    Heh heh
  8. The Irish Demopan

    Ready Steady Pan - Season 2 - Les go?

    Forget that, I'm on the SPUF Euro team.
  9. The Irish Demopan

    All demoman loose cannon only sumo battle.

    Get Commander to record the stv demos.
  10. The Irish Demopan

    The SPUF vs. SCUD Game (Need Feedabck/advice.)

    Still looking for a betting man?
  11. The Irish Demopan

    Ready Steady Pan - Season 2 - Les go?

    Can't be a Medic. Signing up for Team EU as a Solly.
  12. The Irish Demopan

    All demoman loose cannon only sumo battle.

    I dunno. I might be interested...
  13. The Irish Demopan

    The SPUF vs. SCUD Game (Need Feedabck/advice.)

    Well I'm open to a Batcave Caster, someone has asked to be the SPUF one and I'm afraid of what SCUD will give...
  14. The Irish Demopan

    The SPUF vs. SCUD Game (Need Feedabck/advice.)

    Sweet. Just sens me a POV of Stabby afterwards. It will be all I need :P
  15. The Irish Demopan

    The SPUF vs. SCUD Game (Need Feedabck/advice.)

    How to cast the game. Look here at the SPUF team. And here's Stabby and 8 others. Stabby wipes the team. GG. Pan out.
  16. The Irish Demopan

    Fashion, the True Goal of this Game.

    Engineer is nearly complete. Need to swap the planets for steaming. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/559836491450784152/FC51A7009891B8E2780DFB2DFFE1E5401DDAF5E7/
  17. The Irish Demopan

    The SPUF vs. SCUD Game (Need Feedabck/advice.)

    Cast. Cast with me. PanTV complies thee!
  18. The Irish Demopan

    The SPUF vs. SCUD Game (Need Feedabck/advice.)

    Engi's gone. Fuck. Right so I'm backup and caster!
  19. The Irish Demopan

    New Years Resolutions go

    Study. Get in my dream college. Get some proper girl in my life.
  20. The Irish Demopan

    The SPUF Civil War

  21. The Irish Demopan

    Christmas General

    I know I've been drinking a bit but did I really pass out until New Years?
  22. The Irish Demopan

    Christmas General

    Turkey, ham, mashed, boiled and garlic spuds, stuffing, carrots, cabbage, gravy, and wine.
  23. The Irish Demopan

    The SPUF Civil War

    God fucking damm it, I thought there was an update. FUCK.
  24. The Irish Demopan

    Doctor Who

    I haven't seen all the special but I love the new intro and music. Retro Who is best.
  25. The Irish Demopan

    Hey there, human friends!

    So wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff...