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The Irish Demopan

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Everything posted by The Irish Demopan

  1. The Irish Demopan

    Payday General

    Toothpick got 230 base concealment. This is the new meta.
  2. The Irish Demopan

    attacks in Paris

    EU goes to ban guns and suddenly everyone loses their minds? Since when did this place become the fucking Daily Mail
  3. The Irish Demopan

    Payday General

  4. The Irish Demopan

    Payday General

    Memes and a terrible jump animation. >WHY Almir's doing an AMA on reddit tomorrow. >disgonnabegud.gif
  5. The Irish Demopan

    Doctor Who

    Season 9 is quite good, I believe to be Moffat's golden age. Capaldi is quickly replace McCoy as my favourite. Which funnily enough, each story so far has been "Spot the Seven reference"
  6. The Irish Demopan

    Payday General

    All the different versions of the speeches. They're all brilliant.
  7. The Irish Demopan

    Payday General

  8. The Irish Demopan

    Payday General

    Also there's rumours that Vlad is replacing Bain.
  9. The Irish Demopan

    Payday General

    Where were you when Payday was kill.
  10. The Irish Demopan

    Payday General

    I don't know how they can salvage this. Is it even salvagable?
  11. The Irish Demopan

    TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler

    ​Well once I took a really big shit and my arse hurt from it. Does that count?
  12. The Irish Demopan

    TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler

    So as part of my college degree, I have to do a 5 month placement in the industry. I got a job offer today from Arup Consulting Engineering Company to join their Rail team. It was meant to be.
  13. The Irish Demopan

    Payday General

    ​There's info in the files referencing 3 more Captain type specials.
  14. The Irish Demopan

    Payday General

    I wonder if this is a new difficulty, "Living Hell"
  15. The Irish Demopan

    Payday General

    Got myself something for my new room. Hoxy watches me sleep.
  16. The Irish Demopan

    Payday General

    Wow the trailers have really upped their game.
  17. The Irish Demopan

    TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler

    So they changed my timetable, for the first time in 3 years, there is a day that I have no lectures. Horrah for 3 day weekends!
  18. The Irish Demopan

    Payday General

    Looks like that LA weapons heist that was leaked seems to be coming with him.
  19. The Irish Demopan

    Payday General

    ​ Hey guys, it's time to try out some new talent, hope you enjoy this as much as we did working with "blank" Remember to keep those helmets flying! ;)
  20. The Irish Demopan

    Payday General

    Alex is the crane operator in Counterfeit and Slaughterhouse, heists that takes place after Panic Room, flies Bain in aerial support during the Diamond Heist,supplies ammo drops for Big Oil D2, hence the quote from Bain of "Just like Panic Room all over again, Jesus.", he's also the helicopter pilot for Watchdogs despite Bile's dialogue appearing in D1, "I've asked Alex to drop you by the docks", he's also the escape pilot in Rats D3. So if Alex fucked you in Panic Room, then why the fuck does Bain still hire him for 6 more times, including one where he physically flies Bain himself if he's a backstabber?
  21. The Irish Demopan

    Payday General

    Besides it's Matt that double crosses you in the first game, not Alex, he's your bumbling idiot of a helper.
  22. The Irish Demopan

    Payday General

    ​Make it scale with differculites and we'll be golden.