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The Irish Demopan

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Everything posted by The Irish Demopan

  1. The Irish Demopan

    This update is one big WTF

    2:12 [] Reusing connection2:12 [] Sending login message...2:13 9.31% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/bin/server.dll2:14 21.75% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/bin/server.dylib2:16 43.77% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/bin/server.so2:18 56.89% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/maps/graphs/cp_dustbowl.ain2:18 56.89% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/maps/graphs/cp_gravelpit.ain2:19 56.89% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/maps/graphs/ctf_2fort.ain2:19 59.21% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/resource/tf_brazilian.txt2:19 61.46% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/resource/tf_czech.txt2:19 63.46% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/resource/tf_danish.txt2:19 65.79% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/resource/tf_dutch.txt2:20 67.95% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/resource/tf_finnish.txt2:20 70.31% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/resource/tf_french.txt2:20 72.67% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/resource/tf_german.txt2:21 75.02% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/resource/tf_greek.txt2:21 77.31% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/resource/tf_hungarian.txt2:21 79.67% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/resource/tf_italian.txt2:21 81.31% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/resource/tf_korean.txt2:21 82.96% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/resource/tf_koreana.txt2:21 84.73% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/resource/tf_norwegian.txt2:21 87.05% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/resource/tf_polish.txt2:22 89.39% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/resource/tf_portuguese.txt2:22 91.68% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/resource/tf_russian.txt2:22 93.53% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/resource/tf_schinese.txt2:22 95.87% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/resource/tf_spanish.txt2:22 97.74% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/resource/tf_tchinese.txt2:22 100.00% downloading tf2/orangebox/tf/resource/tf_turkish.txtSo seemingly they added new Bot nav meshes to 2Fort, Dustbowl and Gravelpit.So either these are going to be added to the list of offline/training maps or Valve are going to add a game-mode using these 3 maps which involves Bots:tin:
  2. The Irish Demopan

    This update is one big WTF

    I just updated again.Man the tinfoil hats!
  3. The Irish Demopan

    Healths you end up on often?

    69 as non-battle Engineer125 as Battle EngineerWait, what?
  4. The Irish Demopan

    It all began with a strange email

    http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/economics/it-all-began-with-a-strange-email/Discuss people.
  5. The Irish Demopan

    TF2 Bucket Lists.

    Get a nice unusual for my 3 mainsGet the replay achievementsHave funPlay one full game without dieingGet a Market Gardner killGet a Manthreads killComplete my wanted stranges, (Sapper, Kritz, Gunslinger)
  6. The Irish Demopan

    What may be goodbye :c

  7. The Irish Demopan

    The SPUF/SPUFPowered 2012 Saxxy Awards Project!

    I second this, both as one of the first F2Pers and now a proud premium player.Has to chart the player going from hatless to Gibus to their 1st store hat (and to an unusual?)
  8. The Irish Demopan

    It is good day!

    This has got to be the most sexyness misc item ever added to TF2.Now how much is the game on Steam?
  9. The Irish Demopan

    So, with the Zombie Apocalypse nearing...

    Also removes sappers. But I think what I've got, will do.
  10. The Irish Demopan

    In Honor Of Doopliss

  11. The Irish Demopan

    New Emoticon Suggestion thread.

    Now I'd like to see what you come up with for me as an emotion
  12. The Irish Demopan

    I just unboxed my first unusual! :D

    :drool:*Goes and opens a crate*Strange Powerjack appears:headdesk:
  13. The Irish Demopan

    [SCIENCE] URGENT- Tin Foil Hats

    Wrangler shields are the way to go folks
  14. The Irish Demopan

    We totally need to enter this pan thing

    I pan my name forward.
  15. The Irish Demopan

    Dear lord, the lurkers.

    So you want me to break out the trains information threads again?
  16. The Irish Demopan

    Greetings SubSpufers

    Greeting subSpufers and guests. The person formally known as The Irish Demopan is now dead. In his place, born through a trade with Rammite is Robopan. Beep boop. I am here today to inform you on a subject that I feel needs addressing and brought to a wider universe. The typical steam locomotive employs a steel fire-tube boiler that contains water and steam under pressure. A firebox is normally located in the rear of the boiler (chimney or stack in front). The firebox has a water filled steel chamber surrounding the top and sides of the flame in the firebox. If wood or coal is used to make the fire in the firebox it is built on a set of grates where ashes may be separated from the burning fuel. These ashes must periodically be removed from the engine. If wood or coal are the fuel used in the firebox there is a door at the rear of the firebox that is opened to add more fuel. If oil is used there nearly always is a door for adjusting the air flow, maintenance or for cleaning the oil jets. To extract even more heat, the smoke and hot gases produced by combustion in the firebox travel horizontally through a bundle of parallel tubes submerged in the water in the boiler from the front of the firebox to the front of the boiler. The heat extracted in the firebox and tubes in the boiler converts the water in the boiler to high-pressure steam. To minimize heat loss from the boiler it is normally surrounded with layers of insulation or lagging. The water and steam in the boiler are kept pressurized to raise the boiling temperature of the water and generate high-pressure steam. The amount of pressure in the boiler is monitored by the engineer or fireman by a gauge mounted in the cab. Excess steam pressure can be released manually or may blow off through a safety valve. Excessive pressure may cause the boiler to violently burst, resulting in injuries and fatalities to nearby individuals, as well as extensive damage to the locomotive itself and nearby structures. At the front of the boiler is the smokebox, where exhaust steam is ejected into the chimney or stack, drawing the smoke and combustion gases through the fire tubes in the boiler and out the top of the chimney. The combustion in a typical steam engine is not very complete leading to the production of prodigious amounts of smoke, as well as sparks. This characteristic made these engines very dirty to live around, as well as being an acute hazard while passing through a forest, tunnel or snow shed. The steam generated in the boiler is used to drive the locomotive and also for other purposes (whistles, brakes, pumps, passenger car heating, etc.). The constant use of steam requires the boiler to have water continually pumped into it (usually by automatic means). The source of this water is an unpressurized tank that is usually part of the locomotive's tender. Periodic stops are required to refill the tender. During operation, the boiler's water level is constantly monitored, normally via a transparent tube referred to as a sight glass, or with a gauge. Maintaining a proper water level is crucial to the efficient and safe operation of the boiler. If the water level is too high, steam production is decreased, efficiency is lost and in extreme cases, water will be carried out with the steam into the cylinders, possibly causing mechanical damage. More seriously, if the water level gets too low, the crown (top) and/or side sheets of the firebox may become exposed. Without sufficient water to absorb the heat of combustion, the firebox sheets will soften and melt, resulting in high-pressure steam being ejected with tremendous force through the firebox and into the locomotive's cab. Scale may build up in boiler to prevent proper heat transfer, and corrosion will eventually degrade the boiler's materials to the point where it needs to be rebuilt or replaced. Start-up on a large engine may take hours of preliminary heating of the boiler water before sufficient steam is available. The boiler is typically placed horizontally. For locomotives designed to work on steep slopes, it may be placed vertically or mounted instead at an angle. Steam circuit The steam generated in the boiler fills the steam space above the water in the partially filled boiler. Its maximum working pressure is limited by spring-loaded safety valves. It is then collected either in a perforated tube fitted above the water level or from a dome that often houses the regulator valve, or throttle, the purpose of which is to control the amount of steam leaving the boiler. The steam then either travels directly along and down a steam pipe to the engine unit or may first pass into the wet header of a superheater, the role of the latter being to improve thermal efficiency and eliminate water droplets suspended in the "saturated steam", the state in which it leaves the boiler. On leaving the superheater, the steam exits the dry header of the superheater and passing down a steam pipe entering the steam chests adjacent to the cylinders of a reciprocating engine. Inside each steam chest is a sliding valve that distributes the steam via ports that connect the steam chest to the ends of the cylinder space. The role of the valves is twofold: admission of each fresh dose of steam and exhaust of the used steam once it has done its work. The cylinders are double acting, with steam admitted to each side of the piston in turn. In a two-cylinder locomotive, one cylinder is located on each side of the locomotive. The cranks are set 90° out of phase. During a full rotation of the driving wheel, steam provides four power strokes; each cylinder receives two injections of steam per revolution. The first stroke is to the front of the piston and the second stroke to the rear of the piston; hence two working strokes. Consequently two deliveries of steam onto each piston face in two cylinders generates a full revolution of the driving wheel. Each piston is connected to the driving axle on each side by a connecting rod, the driving wheels are connected together by coupling rods to transmit power from the main driver to the other wheels. Note that at the two "dead centres", when the connecting rod is on the same axis as the crankpin on the driving wheel, the connecting rod applies no torque to the wheel. Therefore, if both cranksets could be at "dead centre" at the same time, and the wheels should happen to stop in this position, the locomotive could not be started moving. Therefore the crankpins are attached to the wheels at a 90° angle to each other, so only one side can be at dead centre at a time. Each piston transmits power directly through a connecting rod (US: main rod) and a crankpin (US: wristpin) on the driving wheel (US main driver) or to a crank on a driving axle. The movement of the valves in the steam chest is controlled through a set of rods and linkages called the valve gear, actuated from the driving axle or else from the crankpin; the valve gear includes devices that allow reversing the engine, adjusting valve travel and the timing of the admission and exhaust events. The cut-off point determines the moment when the valve blocks a steam port, "cutting off" admission steam and thus determining the proportion of the stroke during which steam is admitted into the cylinder; for example a 50% cut-off admits steam for half the stroke of the piston. The remainder of the stroke is driven by the expansive force of the steam. Careful use of cut-off provides economical use of steam and, in turn, reduces fuel and water consumption. The reversing lever (US: Johnson bar), or screw-reverser, (if so equipped) that controls the cut-off therefore performs a similar function to a gearshift in an automobile - maximum cut-off, providing maximum tractive effort at the expense of efficiency, is used to pull away from a standing start, whilst a cut-off as low as 10% is used when cruising, providing reduced tractive effort with lower fuel/water consumption. Exhaust steam is directed upwards to the atmosphere through the chimney, by way of a nozzle called a blastpipe that gives rise to the familiar "chuffing" sound of the steam locomotive. The blastpipe is placed at a strategic point inside the smokebox that is at the same time traversed by the combustion gases drawn through the boiler and grate by the action of the steam blast. The combining of the two streams, steam and exhaust gases, is crucial to the efficiency of any steam locomotive and the internal profiles of the chimney, (or more strictly speaking, the ejector) require careful design and adjustment. This has been the object of intensive studies by a number of engineers (and almost totally ignored by others with sometimes catastrophic effect). The fact that the draught depends on the exhaust pressure means that power delivery and power generation are automatically self-adjusting. Among other things, a balance has to be struck between obtaining sufficient draught for combustion whilst giving the exhaust gases and particles sufficient time to be consumed. In the past, fierce draught could lift the fire off the grate, or cause the ejection of unburnt particles of fuel, dirt and pollution for which steam locomotives had an unenviable reputation in the past. Moreover, the pumping action of the exhaust has the counter effect of exerting back pressure on the side of the piston receiving steam, thus slightly reducing cylinder power. Designing the exhaust ejector has become a specific science in which Chapelon, Giesl and Porta were successive masters, and was largely responsible for spectacular improvements in thermal efficiency and a significant reduction in maintenance time and pollution. A similar system was used by some early gasoline/kerosene tractor manufacturers (Advance-Rumely/Hart-Parr) – the exhaust gas volume vented through a cooling tower meant that the steam exhaust helped draw more air past the radiator. Part 1 maggots. Too long for a post here. Beep boop.
  17. The Irish Demopan

    Greetings SubSpufers

    Where's the picture I want? Oh yes here it is
  18. The Irish Demopan

    It has Happened

    How do you link stuff like that?
  19. The Irish Demopan

    Amuse me, minions.

    Team Fortress 2's trading market.
  20. The Irish Demopan

    In Honor Of Doopliss

    Silly boy. One cannot alter time by simpley by being a Mod of SubSPUF. One has to be a Lord of Time. And one must have the correct equipment. Here is a picture of one.
  21. The Irish Demopan

    It has Happened

    God speed you glorious bastard
  22. The Irish Demopan

    Restricting Pony Smileys to The Pony Stable

    I thought we went to war to solve this? Didn't we?
  23. The Irish Demopan

    My Saxxy Idea this year (wanna help?)

    I'd be willing to Engineer or supply a crab