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The Irish Demopan

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Everything posted by The Irish Demopan

  1. The Irish Demopan

    What are you know for?

    I don't know but I want to know. So tell me folks
  2. The Irish Demopan

    What's after Bag O Dirt?

    Murphys law would mean after typing that, half the forum would be IrishI'm not alone I say Offaly, you say...
  3. The Irish Demopan

    What's after Bag O Dirt?

    I should get an unusual Irish since I am the only one true bloodied Offlayman hereDooo it
  4. The Irish Demopan

    Hey guys.

    Spam "E"
  5. The Irish Demopan

    If we are to have another SPUF Highlander match

    I am an Engineer and a Medic looking at those loadouts, what is this?
  6. The Irish Demopan

    Quick SPR SRS BSNS poll

    You played as a melee Heavy in arena, for that you deserve to keep your admin statusPlus I want drugs and low gravity and all that kind of funny shiz
  7. The Irish Demopan

    Le replay of yesterdays events on the SPUF server

    My replays are bugged. Thanks Valve :/
  8. The Irish Demopan

    Incoming Update

    Team Fortress 2 - Added The Fast Learner - Fixed +randommap not working correctly on server startup - Fixed some instances of corrupted text when the save_replay key isn't bound - Fixed dedicated server console spew related to the Replay client and viewangles - Fixed a spelling error in a cp_fastlane material - Fixed team colors not working correctly for the second style of the Black Rose - Fixed Mann Co. Store item previews for paints and styles - Updated item descriptions to contain the name of the paint used to color them - Updated the Reggaelator - Added an LOD model - Added 3 styles - Updated cp_dustbowl - Adjusted Blue team's func_respawnroom in stage 1 to be flush against the door - 언어 파일 업데이트 The "Update Files" joke continues I see
  9. The Irish Demopan

    Suggest A Forum

    Whovians- yes, oh god yes.Why?Wibbly wobbly timey wimey!
  10. The Irish Demopan

    whose your favorite class?

    Engineer Because you just got to use a bit more gun
  11. The Irish Demopan

    Suggest A Forum

    Outside of the Computer- where we can talk about our pastimes, life outside the internet.Also if the bronies get a sub forum, I want a sub-form for the trains
  12. The Irish Demopan

    Should we get more admins?

    I offer you the amount, I as an Irish citizen owe to the EU and a hat for the power of a mod
  13. The Irish Demopan

    The Ubercharge: A Metaphor for Masturbation?

    Then what's the Quick-Fix and Ubersaw then? :tin:
  14. The Irish Demopan

    Who here DOESN'T have a button bound to explode/kill

    Is this a dagger I see before me? The handle towards my hand. I clutch thee...
  15. The Irish Demopan

    Second Annual Saxxy Award Submission!?

    Grobag, that is a brilliant idea. I'd vote for that.Dibs being Medic
  16. The Irish Demopan

    Should we get more admins?

    You mean like this?
  17. The Irish Demopan

    Should we get more admins?

    I'm Irish and like trains.One of a kind guy right here
  18. The Irish Demopan

    This forum should be more elite-y

    The Irish get enough off of Valve so leave us alone
  19. The Irish Demopan

    The new forum theme looks like a dating service

    Young Irish male seeks young female.:approved:
  20. The Irish Demopan

    Who wants pew pew weapons for scout/medic? VOTE NOW!

    You read my mind.Please take my rep
  21. The Irish Demopan

    Who wants pew pew weapons for scout/medic? VOTE NOW!

    The Medic set is eye candy,beautiful eye candy. Didn't look at Scoots, hate Scoots
  22. The Irish Demopan

    Ballsiest tf2 thing you've ever done?

    Used the Quick-FixAnd made it look OP *Dorns security shades*YEEAAA!!!!