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The Irish Demopan

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Everything posted by The Irish Demopan

  1. The Irish Demopan

    Doctor Who

    What the fuck Moffat. Why did you bring him back. I was not expecting him.
  2. The Irish Demopan

    Payday General

    https://twitter.com/SeaininBrennan/status/530453447183962112 So this is Clover? Guys, the Guinness, go get it.
  3. The Irish Demopan

    Doctor Who

    There also weren't any thermal drills. Moffat clearly doesn't know how to rob banks. Except Moffat didn't write that one...
  4. The Irish Demopan

    Doctor Who

    Excuse me but from the brief that we've seen, Moffat has written a very classic Master. From the brief bit we've seen she seems exactly like every other female villain in the last few years. I honestly can't tell the difference between her and that one bitch/clone/whatever that ran that bank. She's the exact same overly chipper psycho Mary Poppins character that's shown up once a season or more since Moffat started writing. I'll give her this, she's better than zappy chicken muncher Master. Which is what the Master was really about, he was hammy character who wanted to rule. Missy hasn't changed at all, in fact, she's gone back to Delgado's version with a bit of Ainley's ham. Classic episodes with the Master were like that, "Ahahaha, my dear Doctor, it's me the Master, I'm going to rule the universe by awakening a Demon, using Autons to fuck with the human race, I'm going to kill the president to fuck the Time Lords into giving me a new regeneration cycle, I'm doing use my TARDIS as a Concorde to fuck with you, I'm going to kidnap your companion and use him to create a dream state just to fuck with you, I'm going enter the Matrix to fuck with your trial, I'm going use the Cat People to fuck with the human race, I'm going use my transforming robot to fuck with history, the Doctor ends up beating him most of the time, and the Master runs offs in some amazing way, not limited to stealing a hovercraft. The one time the Master beat the Doctor, he ended up coming celery boy. Not the first time he's allied himself with alien speices, the previously mentioned Autons, the Axos, the Daleks, The Ceetah People, So literally all the Master wants to do is become Master of all Mater and fuck with the Doctor. So far she's done the later and seems to be gearing up for the previous. Oh let us never mention RTD's Master, no offense to Simm, but jesus he was an abombation, worse then the Robert's Master. Like how Capaldi has taken the Doctor back to his classic roots, Moffat has given us a very classical Master with a slight twist and I'm loving it. I mean the attitude though. Can you seriously tell me there's any difference between the "Mistress" and every other female villain in the last few years? It's boring. You can write "Insane for teh evulz" in multiple different ways if you're a good writer. And then Moffat's going to read other people saying the same thing and make an epic plot twist where the Master really was all those other villains anyway. I'd like to also point out that Moffat has only written 4 episodes this season, Deep Breath, Listen, Dark Water & Death in Heaven. He had nothing to do with Time Heist. Karabous, was greedy and indifferent to the suffering of the Teller and her clones, Missy is batshit crazy and power hungry. Here is the Master's brief, laid down by Terrance Dicks, one of show greatest writers, laying down the brief for the Master: The Master had caused great harm: the beings he had killed or enslaved, the planets and galaxies he had held in his power were countless. All that appeared to give him pleasure was random cruelty and the acquisition of power, but even that enjoyment was short-lived because he despised whatever he controlled. Only obsession drove him now, the desire to be revenged on those who had forced him into exile and his desperate need to destroy one being, the Doctor. Perhaps, the Doctor reflected, if the Master had defeated him just once - even long ago when they had been learning together - if the other Time Lord could remember even one occasion when he had shone at the Doctor’s expense and when the final victory had been his, perhaps their whole history might have been different. The Doctor remembered how the other had longed to excel, to prove himself the greatest and be master of them all. But the Doctor had always been one degree better, one step ahead; worse, the Doctor did not care whether he won. In all their subsequent encounters, the Master had sought to destroy the Doctor while the Doctor tried only to prevent the Master from harming others. The Master pursued the Doctor across the universe. The Doctor did not care whether he ever saw the Master again. It was this, he realised, that was unforgivable. In the early days he had carried off the prizes and the praise that the Master so desperately wanted from their teachers, but the Doctor had not valued the prizes and he was indifferent to the praise. He had robbed the Master of his position at the top and he had humiliated him by his casual attitude to what was the other Time Lord’s whole reason for being. Now the Master pursued him with hatred, continually forcing him into confrontations, power struggles and duels to the death. The Master had spent hundreds of years plotting the Doctor’s destruction, but the Doctor gave no indication that he ever thought of his enemy unless he had to. What his attitude implied was that he had more important things to think about, and that was unforgivable. The Doctor sighed. It was probably unfortunate that he had not considered all of this several millennia earlier when he could simply have let the Master beat him at chess.
  5. The Irish Demopan

    Doctor Who

    Excuse me but from the brief that we've seen, Moffat has written a very classic Master. From the brief bit we've seen she seems exactly like every other female villain in the last few years. I honestly can't tell the difference between her and that one bitch/clone/whatever that ran that bank. She's the exact same overly chipper psycho Mary Poppins character that's shown up once a season or more since Moffat started writing. I'll give her this, she's better than zappy chicken muncher Master. Which is what the Master was really about, he was hammy character who wanted to rule. Missy hasn't changed at all, in fact, she's gone back to Delgado's version with a bit of Ainley's ham. Classic episodes with the Master were like that, "Ahahaha, my dear Doctor, it's me the Master, I'm going to rule the universe by awakening a Demon, using Autons to fuck with the human race, I'm going to kill the president to fuck the Time Lords into giving me a new regeneration cycle, I'm doing use my TARDIS as a Concorde to fuck with you, I'm going to kidnap your companion and use him to create a dream state just to fuck with you, I'm going enter the Matrix to fuck with your trial, I'm going use the Cat People to fuck with the human race, I'm going use my transforming robot to fuck with history, the Doctor ends up beating him most of the time, and the Master runs offs in some amazing way, not limited to stealing a hovercraft. The one time the Master beat the Doctor, he ended up coming celery boy. Not the first time he's allied himself with alien speices, the previously mentioned Autons, the Axos, the Daleks, The Ceetah People, So literally all the Master wants to do is become Master of all Mater and fuck with the Doctor. So far she's done the later and seems to be gearing up for the previous. Oh let us never mention RTD's Master, no offense to Simm, but jesus he was an abombation, worse then the Robert's Master. Like how Capaldi has taken the Doctor back to his classic roots, Moffat has given us a very classical Master with a slight twist and I'm loving it.
  6. The Irish Demopan

    Doctor Who

    Excuse me but from the brief that we've seen, Moffat has written a very classic Master.
  7. The Irish Demopan

    Doctor Who

  8. The Irish Demopan

    TF2 general

    Yeah I've run out of steam for TF2 now. Moved on to PD2.
  9. The Irish Demopan

    Payday General

  10. The Irish Demopan

    Payday General

    https://soundcloud.com/victor-ybarra/spooky-scary-skulldozers This is 2pooky4me
  11. The Irish Demopan

    Payday General

    I love this game. It's brilliant, still got a bit of a learning curve to go but I'm having fun so far. Except for the drill. Fuck the drill.
  12. The Irish Demopan

    Payday General

    So Payday 2, what DLC are worth it?
  13. The Irish Demopan

    TF2 general

    http://youtu.be/VrMovjTf2B0 He's done it again...
  14. The Irish Demopan

    Doctor Who

    Holy crap, 12 is really blowing it out of the water. I'm not too madly gone on Kill the Moon but Moffat has really hit his A game with this season, the first 6 episodes were really consistently good. Really loved the reversal of 7/Ace's dynamic yesterday at the end and his expression really shows that he is an alien and that he really has no concept of human emotions like 3,4 & 7. Oh next week, it's a spaceship that's really a train? Oh goodie.
  15. The Irish Demopan

    Doctor Who

    He was.
  16. The Irish Demopan

    TF2 general

    New Update: Originally Posted by Valve - Fixed a client crash related to the robot destruction HUD - Fixed an exploit where players could circumvent successful kick votes - Demoman can no longer detonate sticky bombs while taunting - Strange Ranks are no longer displayed on the web (Trade, Steam backpack, Market) and only show 'Strange' as a prefix - Default value for convar sv_vote_issue_scramble_teams_cooldown has been increased to 20 minutes - Fixed sound clipping issue for the Demoman's Spent Well Spirits taunt - Added Jarate lightwarp preset to the Steam Workshop importer - Updated the model/materials for the Neckwear Headwear to fix a lighting issue - Updated pl_cactuscanyon - Increased amount of time the middle gates remain open before and after a train passes in stage 2 - Adjusted spawn times at end of stage 2 - Updated rd_asteroid - Removed env_sun from the skybox - Optimized skybox performance - Lowered Scout/Sniper damage against robots - Fixed doubled-up health kits on the bridge - Added area portals to the base interiors to improve performance - Continued art-pass process - Fixed zebra-style art on static props on systems that used lower texture quality - Added experimental cpu_frequency_monitoring convar to detect thermal throttling. If you have TF2 performance problems on Windows, add "+cpu_frequency_monitoring 2" to the TF2 command line to see if CPU thermal throttling is an issue. If the displayed CPU frequency percentage drops below about 80-85% then you may have a problem with your CPU slowing down due to overheating. If it drops below 50-55% then you may have a serious problem. CPU overheating can be caused by overclocking, insufficient cooling, insufficient airflow, failing or dirty fans, or other causes. The CPU frequency results are displayed with cl_showfps or net_graph. For more detail seehttps://support.steampowered.com/kb_...2715-YIPD-6873
  17. The Irish Demopan

    TF2 general

    So yeah, Demos can't blow up stickies while taunting anymore.
  18. The Irish Demopan

    Doctor Who

    One of my favourite Gatiss episodes but the ending was a bit miffy. Really enjoyed the deadpan humour that 12 has! Loved the little reference towards 5 with him seeking enlightment, the episode Carvival of Monsters and that Venusian Aikido made a brief reappearance! Oh and the trailer for Listen, gave me the shivers. Also I don't know how to use the spoiler button
  19. The Irish Demopan

    Doctor Who

    How 12 responses to these complaints.
  20. The Irish Demopan

    Doctor Who

    Wow. That was good. Holy crap Peter is knocking the other Scot out of my top spot for favourite Doctor, Sorry Sly, Peter is just that awesome. I was grinning like an idiot for most of that.
  21. The Irish Demopan

    Doctor Who

    Are you ready to go into Darkness?
  22. The Irish Demopan

    Doctor Who

    We don't talk about that one. God, RTD's era really had some clangers.
  23. The Irish Demopan

    Doctor Who

    Start with 7, most of his stuff is very similar to Moffat's stuff in feel, Moffat cut his teeth on 7 in the wildness years. Rememberance of the Dalek is brilliant if only for Ace wrecking 2 Daleks.
  24. The Irish Demopan

    Doctor Who

    I don't think it's fair on Clara yet. The first 8 episodes she's had, were all focused on the Doctor and how he was trying to figure her out/50th special/regenaration episode, Deep breath really fleshed out her character. She's bossy, control freak, meets the Doctor on her terms, not his, she's loyal and she deeply cares about those in her life, could be bisexual, She has a massive ego. I think she's a lot better then Rose & Martha in the stakes, but she's no Ace/Sarah Jane.