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Everything posted by KillaWaliid


    1. DualJay



  2. KillaWaliid

    Animation General

    I'm guessing this is the correct place to put this. uploaded one hour ago so I thought I'd notify you guys. It's pretty cool.
  3. KillaWaliid


    New comic! http://comic.playoverwatch.com/en-us/tracer-reflections Let's discuss page 8/12 in full detail. Overall it's a fun and cute lil' comic.
  4. KillaWaliid


    also more people should be aware of the hidden character options
  5. KillaWaliid


    So out of all classes I ended up playing mostly D'Va. While not being the greatest tanks. I sort of fell in love with the way she played. There are so many cool ways you can use her ultimate. Like, just sliding over to a point or just fly up in the sky and Q and have a selfexplodingmech hopefully get some kills, was awesome. Otherwise...I liked pretty much every character.
  6. KillaWaliid


    KillaWaliid#2947 for the watch
  7. KillaWaliid

    Spufcom 2: Resistance Boogaloo (Mission Complete!)

    Sign me up. My Dakka is yours to command. I'm back to kill some baddies.
  8. KillaWaliid

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    http://store.steampowered.com/app/264240/ Consortium currently free on steam
  9. KillaWaliid

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I bought: Undertale Duck Game Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime and XCOM: Enemy Unknown complete pack Undertale was absolutely amazing.
  10. KillaWaliid

    Anime General Discussion

    A friend of mine recently introduced me to One Punch Man. So I'm watching that now.
  11. KillaWaliid

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Tribes Ascend is patching. Get Hype!
  12. KillaWaliid

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I'm currently using Logitech G35. It does it's job well enough.
  13. KillaWaliid

    I remembered my password!!!

    Hey Splosion
  14. KillaWaliid

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I blew up the Legendary Bear with a C4 once, after trying to take it down Riot SMG (Stun) which didn't work. Found out later it was easier with just the sleep tranqualizer pistol and standing near the edge of a cliff where the bear didn't bother chasing after you... (MGSV) I think Starsiege Tribes was my first FPS experience. Don't think I ever learned how to ski there as it wasn't just about holding down a button as I recall.
  15. KillaWaliid

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​Voice command spam
  16. KillaWaliid

    Dirty Bomb

    I got Cobalt Skyhammer on my second Equipment case. Wooo! I find the game really fun to play. I like it a lot.
  17. KillaWaliid


    Haha. I've just been more into lurking the forum as of late. Thanks. How's it going?
  18. KillaWaliid


    Hello Groot
  19. KillaWaliid

    Your most played games?

    Modern Warfare 2 makes my most played list look weird Nonsteam: Played 952 hours on Guild Wars 2.
  20. KillaWaliid

    The Moon God Has Fallen

    I just learned of this now. It's shocking, and I'm sad to hear about this. I didn't know him besides on the forum here, but he always seemed like a nice person. Rest in peace, James Lebowitz... Condolences to his friends and family.
  21. It's sad what happened in France, and I wish stuff like this did not happen, but it does sadly. I'm a muslim and I'm against terrorism, and I condemn the attack. Since this seems to be more about this being another attack by "muslims". I'll just say that these "Muslim" terrorists also kill other muslims, as well as children. There was an attack at a Pakistani school last month, killing 145 people, most of them children, which is forbidden in Islam. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Peshawar_school_massacre I do not consider these terrorists to be muslims. These terrorists are also just damaging Islam. These attacks are causing more uproar against muslims in general, but the majority doesn't do this kind of shit, and the attack is being condemned by other muslims as well. As for caricature drawings, I personally just ignore them. I don't like that it happens, but I can deal with it. Some react with violence, burning of flags and such, but that really just ruins it even more for us.
  22. KillaWaliid

    Your GOTY for 2014

    Shadow of Mordor and Metal Gear Rising
  23. KillaWaliid

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I want Tekken 7 for PC so much. It's not official yet, but it is being considered.
  24. KillaWaliid

