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Everything posted by Nerfed

  1. Nerfed

    Grand Theft Auto

    I also love the bugged swing in gta 4.
  2. Nerfed

    Grand Theft Auto

    I played chinatown wars a lot. Get on a motorcycle, run into a gas pump... fly.
  3. Nerfed


    I think this deserves a thread. It's still in alpha, but it's already a solid game that looks promising.Airmech is, basically, the RTS version of Sanctum's approach to tower defense. You're not some kind of god, watching over the battlefield and magically spawning and controlling units. In Airmech, you take the role of a robot that can freely transform between an aircraft and walking robot. To order units, you have to pick them up with your robot.Airmech is freely available as a PC download / Chrome app. To log in on either of those, you will need Google+ and/or a CarbonGames account. To get a CarbonGames account, click here. Note that this is a referral to my account. If you wish not to sign up as a referral, remove "?id=Nerfed" from the url. Signing up as a referral and reaching a certain ingame level will net me in-game currency though, and I definitely wouldn't mind getting you stuff once steam trading is implemented (it will be).Airmech is also available on steam, but only as a beta.Note that everything but the starting items is locked, however, everything that can influence PVP gameplay can be unlocked for free using "Kudos", an ingame currency you earn by playing (and you get quite a lot. All units are also balanced, so there's definitely no pay2win here). http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aoji1GVCSaY
  4. Nerfed

    Steam Caculators

    $1408.30 usd
  5. Nerfed

    Day Z (Arma 2 Mod)

  6. Nerfed

    Day Z (Arma 2 Mod)

    1.7.1 is released, awesome update.Highlights:- You now spawn with 1 bandage, 1 box of painkillers, and a flashlight.- After disconnecting in any way, your character remains on the server for 5 full seconds (fixes people insta-disconnecting when losing a firefight).- Reworked zombie behaviour; they now see with their actual eyes (rather than body) and use a line of sight system. They no longer see or attack through objects, either, and you can even hide from them after they see you.Edit: Also the required arma 2 beta patch has turned the night pitch black for everyone (before, it was possible to still see easily with HDR at very high and brightness/gamma at max).
  7. Nerfed

    Torchlight 2

    Strength enhances melee attack damage. This includes all melee weapons, including staves.Dexterity enhances ranged attack damage. This includes all forms of pistols and bows. Wands count as magic.Magic increases magic effects. A sword that also deals burning damage is affected by strength and magic. A pistol with electric shots is affected by dexterity and magic. Wands are purely affected by magic.Defense decreases the damage you take from attacks.As the level of equipment rises, the demands also increase, so you'll always need a bunch of points in all attributes. It's wise to invest in the skills that buff armour and your weapon of choice, as their demands are lowered by the amount of points you have in them.
  8. Nerfed


    Somehow, my girlfriend.
  9. Nerfed


    It turns out the PC and steam version are compatible. I tested this just now. I even played a match against myself.
  10. Nerfed


    You don't even need one, you can play it whenever you want by using the Chrome app or PC download. All you need is a Google+ or CarbonGames account (and you can link those to steam so you can keep your username).
  11. Nerfed


    The 'servers' you see are lobbies, hosted by CG. As great as Airmech is, it only shifted from alpha to beta about 4 days ago, and really lacks popularity. It's noticeable how there are only a handful of people using the CG forums, which is a shame considering a couple of devs actively use the forums.
  12. Nerfed


    There are no loading times. I'm not even joking; the game takes under 3 seconds to load, and starting a match is literally instantaneous. The game also automatically lowers the graphical quality beyond low when things get intense, which is when there are more than a good 75 units simultaneously on-screen, actively fighting.Airmech will be in beta for a while, but plenty of keys are available (I've received 9 keys so far, simply by kindly asking). Once it's released, it will still be entirely free to play, and CarbonGames have stated that they plan on actively supporting and expanding Airmech for years to come.Also if you want a key, I still have one left. Tho if you kindly ask on the CarbonGames forums, you might get a bunch of keys just because.
  13. Nerfed


    @ browser discussionThis is not the place. Instead of bashing on chrome, just download the PC version; it's exactly the same as the steam version, except you need a Google+ or Carbon account (both of which are very easy to get, and you can link your G+/CG account to steam once you get the steam version. Get a Carbon account here note that this is a referral, but there are only benefits to that)@ SkyeWhen was the last time you played a game where you had to work for the content? You can play this game any way you want.Airmech gameplay purely comes down to strategy. Units, mechs, and pilots are only useful to compensate for weakness and/or enhance your strengths. The default mech (striker), no pilot (no pros/cons), and default army are all a balanced set that can do everything, but doesn't excel at anything. The thing with that, is that you can combine multiple strategies.You may prefer an all-out rush to the enemy base. You can do that, but you could do it better with some of the unlockable units. But, you have an allround army, so while doing a rush for the enemy base, you can also use a trapper strategy with mines and anti air, throwing those all over the place to severely limit the enemy's freedom, causing your rush to be much more effective.
  14. Nerfed


    I don't see what's wrong with the pilots. It's nothing like smnc. Pilots are just a little bonus, and all of them have balanced drawbacks.Besides, play 2 or 3 matches online and you'll have enough kudos to unlock a pilot.Also once trading is added, I'll probably throw stuff at whoever wants something, as I already have everything I want (and thus will be swimming in kudos by then).
  15. Nerfed


    So far the dev team is very communicative. They reply to everything they can, as fast as they can. Whenever I ask something, I get a dev reply within 5 minutes. They've also done really well at balancing so far. Edit: You can also get Airmech as a PC download or Chrome app. You'll need Google+ or a carbon account to log in, though (you can link your google+/carbon/steam account for airmech, so you have the same username and such on all platforms).
  16. Nerfed


    It's too bad pros aren't tradeable. On the bright side though, you don't have assassin, so you can get spark instead, as he can do everything the assassin can (but much better).
  17. Nerfed


    If anyone wants a key for airmech steam beta, I can probably get a bunch of them.
  18. Nerfed

    Robot Fortress

    SMNC is a great game.
  19. Nerfed

    The Ship

    I'll admit, this is one of the most satisfying games to play when you have any clue what the fuck you're doing. It's hilarious to 'test' who's hunting you (by moving out of sight and then coming back to see who's sprinting your way, or other such tricks).The only problem is revenge kills. I have successfully killed my hunter on several occasions, only for them to continue hunting me (while you lose your objective upon being killed by your quarry).
  20. Nerfed

    The Ship

    I tried arcade mode with 50 hunters.AI is terrible, there were 20 people trying to walk in/out of a room, so they all blocked each other. Guess where my quarry was...
  21. Nerfed

    CLANG (Gabe Cameo)

    Dumb cunt... Sex sells, that's all there is to it. Lonely (actually, most) men (and some females) like seeing breasts all over the place. Companies take the hint, and they give consumers exactly what they want; breasts. The girls with a personality are wimpy and shy to appeal even more to the consumers, and the ones without personality usually compensate with breast size and usually take the role of kicking ass (like samus. Never says a thing, has no actual personality, breast size and jiggly-ness 'makes up for it').It has nothing to do with any kind of stereotype. It's purely business; companies have found out what works, and they're sticking to it.Now, where's my money? Just the few lines in this post are more truthful and much more logical than anything Anita claims, so I'd say I deserve 40k dollars too.
  22. Nerfed

    The Ship

    How popular is this game? Seeing as it's 6 years old, I'd doubt it's still 'alive' (and if it is, it's probably just for a few days until the indieroyale hype wears off).
  23. Nerfed

    It's E3 time baby

    All I want to fucking know is whether monster hunter 3G and 4 will actually be released in europe or not.
  24. I couldn't resist laughing when I read "FULLY FUNCTIONAL" (because it's a blatant lie).
  25. Am I the only one who is really motherfucking happy they're at least making a regular fucking controller, after the bullshit they pulled with the wii (remote is literally more functional and logical as a vibrator than a controller) and the retarded tablet-controller (...tabletroller?) they were going for with the Wii-U? I don't even care if it's copied in any way from other controllers. In fact, look back at the Wii's classic controller pro. 100% playstation controller copy right there. And why is copying so bad anyway? If the design is the most functional, comfortable one available... Why change it in an attempt to be creative? I'd much rather see a controller I'm used to, instead of having to use some clunky, overcomplicated piece of shit. Bonus points (in a negative way) if it doesn't even work properly, A.K.A. Wii remote (only detects certain moves, attachment was released later on but also introduced multiple other flaws; only used in like 3 or 4 titles, one of which was an elaborate tech demo, overpriced piece of shit as well so can't play said tech demo with multiple players which was the most fun part of said game, also the piece of shit had to be calibrated at the start of every single thing you do).