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Everything posted by Nerfed

  1. Nerfed


    Is this spuf-dead yet? I just got it and it's tons of fun so far. How are the updates? Is it all SMNC style where the devs spam unnecessary and asinine buffs/nerfs at random every week, or are they actually trying?
  2. About half a year ago, a 'new' game was announced; The War Z. It looked promising, and many awesome features were promised, like military safe zones, bounty boards, and top notch zombie survival. This game was on a collision course with Day Z, and with all the promises made, it looked like it'd ram day z off the tracks with ease. And then it was actually released a couple months ago and it turned out to be a scam with false promises everywhere and moderators censoring the forums and I lold and got a refund and my game account wasn't even disabled so I lold more. Really though, they did all the marketing... but none of the game development. They had some pretty good looking 'screenshots', showing cool stuff like loads of zombies piling up on each other, trying to reach up at survivors standing on a bus. But then it turned out those screenshots were fake, and nothing even close to that was actually in the game (despite the game for the most part looking exactly like the screenshots). On top of that, barely anything worth playing for can be found in the game. The game as a whole is just terrible; zombies aren't a threat whatsoever, all people do is pvp (because there's no reason to actually do anything else), and there's just no sense of accomplishment in surviving (for the most part due to the health system; down a bottle of pills and you're at full health again, instantly). The updates have also been lacking. In nearly 2 months after alpha release, the following has been updated: - The map has been finished (half of it was finished at alpha release, another quarter was released later, and the last quarter is really just mountains you can't climb). - One (yes, just one) feature has been added; safe zones (godmode enabled while in one, and you can access the global inventory in them). - Completely asinine bugfixes. Example: fixed a (very extremely rare) case where a zombie would jump up on death. Did I mention the global inventory? Yeah. Much like in any survival game worth it's salt, you can store items you find, so you can take thme out whenever you want. Found a nice gun, but afraid of losing it? No worries, just store it in the global inventory, where you can forever look at it and never use it! Oh and there's also a marketplace. That's right, they want you to pay for shit. Why actually survive, if you can just spend real money on in-game supplies! They're even charging for basics, like clans. Clans are free to create, but they only have 20 slots (every game account can have 5 characters, each character is 1 slot), and any more slots will cost you around $5 per 10 slots. Yay. And here's the best part: guess who leads the development? None other than the legendary WINNER, Sergey Titov. Take a look at some masterpieces he's responsible for: Taxi racer Remington big buck trophy hunt Big rigs Midnight race club: supercharged Truly a WINNER.
  3. Nerfed

    IGNorant's Game of the Year 2012

    I'd be surprised if it ends up not being CoD, seeing as they rate every single new CoD 9/10~10/10, while giving all other FPS games a bad rating without even actually playing them.
  4. Nerfed

    Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

    They changed a lot from age of chivalry though. An especially great change is the improved hit detection. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXnGr-g07pI
  5. Nerfed

    Verdict on BL2?

    Don't spoil it for yourself. The best part of BL2 is all the "holy shit this is new" moments. There's many.
  6. Nerfed

    Verdict on BL2?

    I found some arena.A couple of rounds in it feature buzzards (bandit copters) flying in to drop off bandits.*tons of buzzards flying in, missiles and bandits everywhere*Random buzzard pilot:
  7. Nerfed

    Verdict on BL2?

    Actually, gearbox went full genius and didn't encrypt anything. Just edit a file and you can have up to 255 of those keys, and if you ever run out you can just get infinitely more.
  8. I would actually like a steam OS.
  9. I replaced the Flying Guillotine's model with that of the pistol. Yes, I want a medal.I might be able to replace this thing with any scout secondary and probably even other weapon slots, and non-scout items (it works with the sandvich). I might even be able to have the scout throw hats, but that may be too much positive thinking.Note that the animations and view/world models may be all borked (no proper switch-to animation for pistol, heavy clipping on sandvich, etc).
  10. Nerfed

    New update!

    He managed to sell it. Best thing about those is that they crash servers when sapped with the regular sapper.
  11. Nerfed

    Mini Sentry Level 2.

    It's purely cosmetic though, according to some random post on spuf. I have no idea if that's even true.
  12. Nerfed

    New update!

    I don't give a fuck about how it works tho. My problem with it, is that it's a hard counter for spies. There's no way for them to get close, as the fire ring surrounds you fully and has quite some range. It's also too effective at pushing the cart, and camping dispensers.
  13. Nerfed

    New update!

    Pure upgrade.While not revved: nothing.While revved: Surrounds you with fire (doesn't damage you), and drains 6 ammo per second.While shooting: Surrounds you with fire, same stats as minigun, DOESNT DRAIN ADDITIONAL AMMOBonus: it sounds like a fucking win motorcycle.Yes I checked it, the ammo drain while firing is exactly the same as the minigun; you keep the flame shield thing, but it doesn't drain additional ammo for the flame shield. Ammo drain only applies while revved but not firing.Upgrade for people with half a brain cell, downgrade for campfags who just sit still with a revved up minigun all day.
  14. Nerfed

    If Valve made an RPG

    It would also have an ingame store.
  15. Nerfed

    Nuu weapon quality idea!

    I'd just prefer a new quality called "NUUU" (got that idea from the thread title..)Whenever you kill someone with a NUUU weapon, heavy's NUUUU WEPOOOOOON voice clip plays. Server-wide.
  16. Nerfed


    I'm not a hipster, I just know from experience that a game priced at >$50 that actually lives up to it's price, is a fucking needle in a haystack. Yes, there are a ton of games that were initially priced >$50 that are actually really good, but I'm tired of every single fucking company applying the logic of "oh, our game is successful. QUICK, MAKE A SEQUEL, SLAP A '2' ON THE NAME AND RELEASE IT FOR >$50! PROFIIIIT!!" Also, for the record.. At least try to notice how I specifically added quotes to "mainstream >$50" in that post.
  17. Nerfed


    Am I the only one who avoids the "mainsteam $50+" games? I'm waiting this one out for a price drop.The main reason is because I'm skeptical to begin with (dlc announced before game is even released, $50+ category). Another reason is because I'm saving up to build a pc that can actually run modern day games.
  18. Nerfed

    EYE: Divine Cybermancy

    I somehow hacked myself or something and now the screen is covered with distortion and an angry-looking smiley face with "HACKED" written above it and oh god help how do I play this
  19. Nerfed


    Don't worry about Terraria being dropped entirely. One of the 3 developers, Tiy, has started development on Starbound (basically Terraria 2). It's better to use the Terraria server tool found in \steam\steamapps\common\terrariaIf you host in-game, you have no authority whatsoever. Using the server tool gives you a ton of server commands.Also, you can just specify the port you want to use. Or simply forward 7777 on both TCP and UDP and you're set.
  20. Nerfed

    Favorite moments in gaming history?

    - First time I saw the Super smash bros. Brawl intro on my very own wii.- (not favourite, but definitely one of the most memorable) finding out brawl is complete shit (it's a total party game, okay. Melee and even the original were entirely skill-based, whereas brawl is just an imbalanced buttonmash fest).- First time killing Barroth in monster hunter 3. I died twice already (third time = quest end), I had less than 5 minutes left to finish the quest, and I only had a sliver of health and no healing items left. I started charging up my hammer, just as Barroth started charging at me. While charging a hammer, you can only (slowly) run around, and attack (up-swing followed by a powerful ground slam). There was no way for me to dodge, so I released the attack button. Somehow, I managed to hit barroth right as he was about to run into me, and it killed him. *two moretho I'd honestly count the entirety of hell as a single, huge boss battle
  21. Nerfed

    Steam Summer Sale 2012

    Joke's on you, I've already played the original Cave story (the one with proper translation. Balrog just isn't the same if he doesn't yell HUZZAAH).
  22. Nerfed

    Steam Summer Sale 2012

    Magicka is only €2,49, but DON'T get it if you're on a laptop. Magicka is incompatible with integrated graphics and will run (if at all) VERY choppy.The devs themselves have also specifically stated they refuse to optimize Magicka for integrated graphics (they're too busy shitting out new DLC constantly, anyway).
  23. Nerfed

    Steam Summer Sale 2012

    My bank accounts...
  24. Nerfed

    Dungeon Defenders

    No need to place them diagonally; monsters walk through the actual tower thingies, so you can place those beams on the actual monster pathing. Again, the only thing that ever gets past EV's beams, are ogres (if there's no blockade), and wyverns (easy to kill).