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Everything posted by Nerfed

  1. Nerfed

    Dungeon Defenders

  2. Nerfed

    Dungeon Defenders

    I got that robot whatever the fuck it is, the one that uses beam towers.Those beams are seriously overpowered as all fuck. The only things that even stand any chance whatsoever are ogres and wyverns.
  3. Nerfed

    Steam Summer Sale 2012

    Note that if you want arma 2 to play Day Z, you need combined operations (arma 2 + arma 2: operation arrowhead).
  4. Nerfed


    I call dibs on at least 2 of the gibs.
  5. Nerfed


    I've had 3 chickey hats (gunslinger, assassin, wascot), 1 weapon (sunburst 2 shuriken launcher), a taunt (support kiss me), a couple of outfit pieces (classic chestrong body, megabeth shevil head), a ton of products (a combined total of over 20x unwanted products like leg up, death wave, blaze of glory.. a couple times massive air, spunky juicy and asbestos), and a ton of endorsements.Edit: Checking inventory.. Also skull blaze flair.
  6. Nerfed


    Which is easy, as crates work on an entirely separate system from the regular item drop system.The shit balls however, are actually mixed with your regular prizes.
  7. Nerfed


    Welp, that's the end of it for smnc. They added crates Exact same system as well; you get prize balls (CRATES) as your end of game rewards (don't count on those anymore, uber will definitely have rigged the prizes to have a 99% drop chance for crates), and the only way to open them is with single-use keys. Guess their price? That's right, they're exactly $2,49 in the in-game store (WOW, WHAT A FUCKING COINCIDENCE! TF2 HAS SINGLE-USE KEYS FOR $2,49 TOO!)
  8. Nerfed

    Source Film Maker

  9. Nerfed

    Games in dire need of a good remake.

    Torchlight 2 is coming soon..
  10. Nerfed

    Spiral Knights

    Doesn't matter, still shit.The problem is in the community. SK was great fun at the steam release, when energy was available for around 3~4k. A good 100-energy run through the clockworks nets you around 5k on tier 1 and 2 depth, so you'd earn 1k cr for every 100 energy spent (buy more energy after every run).Then greed came in to once again ruin the shit out of everything, and now (well, when I quit) energy is like 6~8k. Not worth the trouble, at all.
  11. Nerfed


    New pro overpowered as fuck.Skill 1: Boomerang. You're gonna love this; it deals as much damage as the assault's bomb, passes through everything that isn't part of the map, has an extremely long reach (on bullet gorge, you can be at the regenitol station and hit the wall all the way on the other side of the bridge), and can hit on it's way back. This thing can literally take out an entire bot wave mid~late-game. Also deals a shit ton of damage to enemies, especially if it hits twice. To top it off, the cooldown is 6 seconds at lv4.Skill 2: Irradiate. Lock-on skill. Removes a shit ton of armour (75% of your target's current max armour) and applies damage over time that lasts a while. Also enables teamvision on your target over the duration of this skill. Irradiate is quite much useless, though it has it's moments (catch someone buying regenitol or using juice = irradiate entirely cancels out the health regen and essentially wastes (nearly) all of the regenitol/juice heals).Skill 3: Biological warfare. Throws a projectile with rocket behaviour. Homes in (guaranteed hit) if a target is within a certain radius from it.This is where the fun starts; the effects.- Skill lock. ALL skills and alt fire functions are blocked (can't use melee lunge either).- Slow (same level of slow as kneecap).- Lasts 5 full seconds (kneecap lasts 3).Biowar, even on it's own, is a ridiculously overpowered skill. It pretty much guarantees a free kill, and it's a hard block to... well, EVERYTHING. Veteran's claw, wascot's shuffle, all escape tools commandos have, all defense tools gunslinger/sniper have, juicing, everything... is hard blocked by biowar.Especially commandos and veteran are hilarious when hit with biowar. They're slowed (can't melee you), their ranged weapons are complete shit, and they can't use any of their skills or even lunge to safety, so... they're pretty much stuck, unable to escape or fight in any way as you wail on them.
  12. Nerfed

    Games in dire need of a good remake.

    I also loved the sawblade launcher (ripper if I recall). The thing would cut through servos of enemies, so they'd lose control of their arms, head, or even their entire torso.It was hilarious seeing one of those minigun soldiers running around like a derp, firing that thing all over the place.
  13. Nerfed

    Games in dire need of a good remake.

    Metal arms: Glitch in the systemSeriously one of the most underrated, incredibly awesome games ever. I've played it so much, the CD broke. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nvv_H1hzeVM
  14. Escape plan is still good enough, it deals full shovel damage, so it's still a pure upgrade. Full health = shovel. Any lower health = shovel with speed boost.
  15. Nerfed

    I'm going to Valve HQ soon!

    What if it's a guy who really convincingly looks female, or the other way around?
  16. I'm seriously wondering what's so bad about the equalizer split...The only reason people used it anyway, was for the movement speed bonus (and guess what, the escape plan is still exactly the same in that regard).
  17. Nerfed

    I'm going to Valve HQ soon!

    Hugging is usually done by actually wrapping your arms around someone...
  18. Nerfed

    I'm going to Valve HQ soon!

    Ask them where the fuck the reward is, which was promised to me (by Robin himself) all the way back at (about a month after) the mannconomy update.
  19. Nerfed

    Somebody try this for me

    Stand near wall, shoot at ground, fire second rocket at wall to propel yourself further upward, use third rocket to propel yourself directly away from the wall.Works, not by far as effective as overload jumping.
  20. This is one of the best updates in terms of recognizing what weapons others are using, both by sound and visuals.Focus tracers are a big part of that as well. They're supposed to indicate a sniper is in focus, so enemies can look for cover, and spies can prioritize that sniper because tunnel vision.
  21. Nerfed

    ITT: we freak out about the patch notes.

    Guys here's something that may make you want the scrap launcher.Load 3 rockets, and every rocket loaded afterward explodes. Who the fuck needs a wall, if you can rocket jump off your own damn body LIKE A MAN!Oh also you can take a quick fix medic with you, as every blast also boosts the medic.
  22. 6. Focus' tracers carry over to other bullet weapons, meaning you can fire tracer rounds with your smg or cc.I recommend doing this. It gives a spectacular lightshow.
  23. Nerfed

    Team Fortress 2 De-makes (free)

    Do demoman's winbombs still have knockback on teammates? I loved planting 8 stickies and detonating as soon as a teammate walked over them.
  24. Nerfed

    Team Fortress 2 De-makes (free)

    Guess where my avatar is from.
  25. Nerfed

    Shoot Many Robots: Arena Kings

    Got the middle one. Many thanks.