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Everything posted by O'Malley

  1. O'Malley

    SPUF-F Poll: Mods.

    Holy cow this game will be awesome once done.And use and make my own mods, in answer to your question.
  2. O'Malley

    Which DC Super Hero Is Gay?

    Any of you come across this rant before? Was passed around a few sites a while back.
  3. O'Malley

    Which DC Super Hero Is Gay?

    I'm also kinda thinking Martian Manhunter. Just the whole alien shapeshifter thing makes it seem very plausible for the writers to get away with without pissing off many people. Also the fact that his not that popular.
  4. O'Malley

    Which DC Super Hero Is Gay?

    Why'd someone vote for the Flash? He's never come across as gay to me. Perhaps I just haven't seen the right representation of him (I'm not really a massive comic book fan). Just seems like an odd choice, especially when put alongside the likes of Aquaman. Which version are we talking about? Wally West, I guess?
  5. That was... sad. Some of those killstreaks weren't even that impressive...
  6. O'Malley

    Ridiculously epic video

    Yeah, okay, that was pretty epic.
  7. O'Malley

    We totally need to enter this pan thing

    Tried to rep everyone for their pantastic puns. Some of you I can't right now though (spread rep around yadda yadda yadda), sorry.
  8. O'Malley

    How do you guys "train?"

    Depends on how you train. Sometimes when my internet is being dodgy, and I don't really want to put much effort into a game, I'll load up tr_walkway and practice airshots. It still trains my aim, but I find it enjoyable enough. In Counter Strike I wanted to train my aim, so I just used the Scout even when I could afford the AWP for example. It's still a lot of fun, it tests your skill and improves it along the way. In TFC I would see how fast I could conc to the flag and back on multiple maps. It was a challenge, and it made be quite good at the game. So it was training, but still just playing the game. So I'd say the best way to train is to just challenge yourself. Play on good servers (sounds like you do that already, so just keep at it) do Rocket Jump maps if you are so inclined. Do jump maps in general. Play MGE to work on Deathmatching. Play other games too. When I play TFC for a bit, I'm far better in TF2 because TFC is just harder in general. Counter Strike can help with sniper aim. Quake can help with tracking etc. So do a wide range of activities that you find both fun and challenging and you'll be training yourself. Don't force yourself to do a rocket jump map and get frustrated with it just to try and become pro at rocket jumps. As Gigolo said, you should have fun playing a video game. Good aim, reflexes, movement and general deathmatch skills are useful whether it's 1v1 or 12v12. Though once again I'll stress, do what's fun first, and then something challenging, and this will all happen naturally anyway.
  9. O'Malley

    Day Z (Arma 2 Mod)

    It's pretty awesome, and will hopefully get better. It's still only in alpha. Why has it taken so long for something like this to be made? Or have there been other attempts that'd I've just never heard of.(Also, becareful climbing ladders!)
  10. O'Malley

    Diablo 3

    This was on that forum link provided above by NinjaWombat.Couldn't a company hire some extra servers from a third party, just for the initial surge of new players, and then move back to their own servers as player number dwindle? Would that be completely impracticle?They argue that having servers for the massive surge and not the average number of players is bad business sense, but isn't it also bad business sense to piss off all your customers who just want to buy a game, install it and play it? It's got a 3.9 user score on metacritic (1337 negative reviews when I just looked, lol). How is that good business sense?
  11. O'Malley

    SPUF Memes

  12. O'Malley

    Impulse Uncraters Anonymous

    My opinion of crates.Seriously, if anyone wants some free crates (expect Binary or Cryder) I'd be happy to give them to you. Or maybe I should just delete them... stop the cycle of madness and all that.
  13. O'Malley

    SPUF Memes

    Highlander Heavy shoot jump crate, shoot jump crate, shoot jump spy crate I must start signing my posts with that! For teh lulz!
  14. O'Malley

    The Avengers SUCKED!!!

    Uh, it's over $20 here in Australia.A Euro is worth something like $1.30AUD. I feel rather ripped off.
  15. O'Malley

    We need an INVISIBLE tin foil hat smiley.

    I wholeheartedly approve.
  16. O'Malley

    My Saxxy Idea this year (wanna help?)

    Most people know what spycrabs are I'd say. They've even been officially recognised by Valve through the spycrab taunt that can happen sometimes when you taunt with the disguise kit.Anyway, I'd love to volunteer as an extra. A spy crab, or rocketing soldier or something. How are you planning on organising this? I also don't care about getting a saxxy if they limit it.
  17. O'Malley

    SPUF Fortress

    I think you should have that dialogue, word for word more or less.
  18. O'Malley

    Gentlemen. A new era is upon us.

    Is it just me, or are Valve making lots of random changes to the game that don't seem to make any sense? The pans, the (now reverted) sticky changes, the ubersaw gaining uber from buildings, quickfix and overheal, etc.
  19. O'Malley

    New TF2 Updates

    Okay, so I don't follow trading (like, at all) so I don't how this really works. But could the owner of the spreadsheet just edit the value of a new hat or something, and completely change it's value? Would people ever really find out?
  20. O'Malley

    What are bonus points?

    Huh. Didn't know about that one.TF2 should have more things like this, might make the point system more accurately represent how much you've helped your team. So headshotting a medic or fully overhealed heavy should give you more points than another sniper, for instance.
  21. O'Malley

    Terrible Hat Liked By Terrible People

    I thought all the people that cared about the art style killed themselves years back...
  22. O'Malley

    Incarnati0n's Big Bad Mean Balance Thread

    The Sleeper is arguably easy mode, because it offers a bigger advantage to body-shot snipers than regular snipers. And than it drastically lowers the skill ceiling by getting rid of headshots. Though I prefer my idea of faster charge, faster reload, less damage jarate appication time dependant on charge and headshots increasing this time- having the sniper rifle splash on headshots might be interesting -albeit may not be very intuitive. Having it merely splash on bodyshot seems to just increasingly buff it in the 'unskilled' area of sniping, making it more useful than the sniper rifle even further in the area it doesn't need it. Secondly, I find the vast majority of my deaths from the Sleeper come from the bodyshot, and not the jarate. 150 damage is a lot regardless of class, and I find it sort of does away with the 'support' role the Sleeper is meant to have. Quickly and skillfully jarating a whole team from a distance would be preferable to just a bodyshot rifle. Agreed. I really don't think of it as the lucksman. Fix the hitboxes and I think it'd be perfect, the some might argue it could use a damage nerd. Damage spread is just plain stupid on all weapons, but at least it's not very noticable with, say, shotguns. So yeah, sniper rifles really need it removed. I'm pretty sure that people will complain, even if you wouldn't. And I can actually understand them doing that. It's not just like nerfing a weapon, it's taking away the whole weapon's point and making it cosmetic. That's why I thought the unusual effect might be good, (note, I'm not a hat collecter, so this isn't for personal gain, I often give hats away that I don't want). Make it vintage and people might still complain, because vintage is pretty useless, make it a full on effect and many more people will be happy. And making people happy is always good, especially when it can be done at no cost. Personally I think the Huntsman is far more interesting than the Walkabout, but meh. I'm not really sure how the walkabout would have made good players to good though? Weren't the stats no headshots, normal speed while zoomed? I know that around the time of the nerf, many comp players were also against it. Many denied it actually being related to competitive play -which could actually be true. And if giving it fall damage resistance makes it balanced in both comp and pubs, surely it is the best option to take. FJ? Frontier Justice? You mean the reserve shooter right? The idea is to make knockback more powerful, so setting up airshots is easier (with both rockets and shotgun). This would replace the +40% projectile speed attribute. I'm pretty sure I've seen it suggested a fair few times on regular SPUF in random threads around. Here's one example. You could be right. Though I fear that it would be a difficult balance between underpowered, and then balanced but frustrating.
  23. O'Malley

    Incarnati0n's Big Bad Mean Balance Thread

    Not going to reply to everything, but here's some feedback. I've always been a big time hater of set hats and want them removed from the game. But you've got to be fair to those who have them. So why not have it so when you have a full set on, hat and weapons, you gain an unusual effect. Hunstman just needs a hitbox fix to make it a bit more skillful. The idea of moving the sniper closer to combat, while still keeping him in a sniping role is an excellent idea in my opinion. Changes the class in a good way, like the ScoRes, Flaregun and Minisentry. (Contrast with the Charge 'n' Targe which just does away with the whole demolitions idea) Sleeper could probably be saved. Have it charge and reload faster, do less damage, and jarate is applied for a length determined by charge time. Headshots double this length. Something like that to make it more skillful (headshots) and cement its role in support (apply jarate to many targets, rather than bodyshotting them to death) Machina can die in a fire. I think that ought to be tested in the beta at least. You get one flawed and useless unlock, and probably the most boring unlock in the game combine them together and... get a flawed, useless, boring unlock? I wouldn't mind seeing this one tested either. Though I still think giving it fall damage resistance is the way to go. In competitive play the nerf was kind of necessary because of how effective it made dive bombing, but it they were very balanced in public play. Fall damage resistance would be a nice buff in public play, but more skilled competitive players wouldn't feel it's effects- as they have perfected horizontal jumps anyway. Not sure about the numbers, but the idea is definately something I'd like to see. As someone who [use] to play lots of medic in pubs, often with the kritzkreig, I agree. Why is it that every single rocket launcher unlock screws over the kritzkreig (and even medigun) medic? Okay, it doesn't need to be removed completely, but the no crits even with kritzkreig is just bullshit. The increased splash effect (but not damage) and more knockback to set up airshots with the reserve shooter seems fairly popular and interesting. Make it parabolic, so it does max rampup, 140 damage at mid range, base (112) at point blank and max fall off at long range (57). If it does too much damage at long range it will be too good for just spamming chokes. The max ramp up may need to be tweaked, 140 at mid range may be a little high. Anyway, the general idea I agree with. It seriously needs a serious nerf. I think it should be removed from the game, but if that isn't possible- More damage taken per jump and can only be used whilst actively wielded. At least make it active rather than passive. The scout did not need such added versatility, especially for such little cost. Frontier Justice is pretty much fine isn't it? I haven't really heard many calls for a buff. And I reluctantly agree with the Widowmaker. It is a beastly weapon when you have good aim. Lots of fun though. Is that 20% of reserve ammo? Or clip ammo? The first is a little boring, the second is frustrating. I prefer the idea of making it stop 'charges' regain fill for a few seconds. So cloak doesn't refill, jarate doesn't refill, charge 'n' targe doesn't refill etc. I guess ubercharge wouldn't be exempt and also wouldn't get charged, but that's not as bad as losing charge. Wrangler nerf isn't enough. It should just lose the shield immediately after being unwrangled. How about damage resistance is tied to the amount of cloak you have left? So it starts at 90%, but by the time you have used all your cloak it has dropped to 0%. It will still allow spies to survive the initial blast, but they should die a little quicker to aware enemies. This might be interesting to test. The skullcutter is pretty damn powerful in medieval mode, but outside of that I'm not sure it has any use. Making you slower would probably just make it worse though, I guess that is what the shields are for. I like, but should falloff be removed or just modified?
  24. O'Malley

    SubSPUF makes a weapon, part 2: weapon type

    Damnit Chesse! How are the rest of meant to compete with that!? Is there even any point in posting my own ideas now?
  25. O'Malley

    Why NCIS, Why?

    CSI: NY. Unfortunately the YouTube video of it seems to have been taken down for copyright reasons. You might be able to watch here- the player didn't work for me.