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Everything posted by Verumae

  1. Verumae

    The First (Unofficial) SPUFpowered Census

    this really isn't that difficult of a concept the difference between FSM and christianity is that one was intended to be a legitimate religion FSM was literally created to show why religion is silly to actually believe something (this being distinct from ironically pretending to believe something (ps it's not funny anymore)), you have to consciously and subconsciously regard it as true, regardless of what your logical or intuitive skills tell you about the subject if you hear that there's a sky man every single sunday for years, especially when you don't have any logical or intuitive skills, you will have less of a choice about whether or not you believe it in order to actually believe that the FSM is a real entity, you will have to lie to yourself and suppress any sort of intelligence you have for years until your subconscious will finally recognize it as true in other words it's the difference between being told that the sun orbits the earth and deciding to lie to yourself until you believe that the moon grows larger and brighter during the day until it looks like the sun people don't naturally believe claims that they factually know to be false regardless of any sperglary going on here, these are the rsults I'm too tired to put up with spreadsheets right now so I just sorted it all alphabetically/ascending I'll do the graphs later but here are the original results notes: I had to delete one incomplete form (one was submitted like 2 mins later with the same first two fields so I'm pretty sure it was an accidental double submission), a few that were obviously illegitimate, changed the wording of a few responses (for you europoors, "college" can mean university in the US", and changed FSM to atheist/atheist agnostic (if you are legitimately retarded and would like me to keep your FSM submission, PM me) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjbUXbQRiVVjdHk0M0ZtWnRYMmtBRXVJcXo5LTUtd1E&usp=sharing
  2. Verumae

    Fashion, the True Goal of this Game.

    you guys will never achieve true swag let that sink in
  3. Verumae

    The First (Unofficial) SPUFpowered Census

    religion: mass noun: "the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods" if you legitimately believe in the flying spaghetti monster you are next-level retarded
  4. Verumae

    Adventures in Linux!

    UWord of advice as someone who was at one point a "full-time" user Don't bother completely switching As fun as it is to brag about how you use GNU/Linux, it is just not an option for a gamer at this point in time Shit breaks all the time, and even though it's fun trying to get stuff to work, you'll still need Windows for games and basically any high-productivity software including anything made by Microsoft or Adobe (tip LibreOffice and GIMP aren't used by professionals for a reason) And every fucking time you get a new printer or connect to a new network or download an update you'll question whether it was worth Of course, you should always follow your heart rather than listening to someone on the internet, but holy fuck using GNU/Linux is like a job
  5. Verumae

    The First (Unofficial) SPUFpowered Census

    Oh shit I forgot Okay I won't try to make another promise because I know I won't be able to keep it, but if I remember while I'm at home I should be able to do it rather quickly I just hate Excel so much It's by far the best spreadsheet software but doing simple things is still just a huge pain
  6. Verumae

    The First (Unofficial) SPUFpowered Census

    ok I promise I'll do it tomorrow I've had kind of a shitty week my parents have been getting mad at me for no reason I literally got in trouble for running out of socks
  7. Verumae

    Adventures in Linux!

    Sorry shouldn't have suggested that
  8. Verumae

    Adventures in Linux!

    can we please start using proper terminology it's GNU/Linux just like how Windows is not DOS or NT Kernel, GNU/Linux is not simply Linux
  9. Verumae

    The First (Unofficial) SPUFpowered Census

    I was going to add an "unsure/neutral agnostic" option but then I didn't
  10. Verumae

    The First (Unofficial) SPUFpowered Census

    I felt that including a "gender" question would have compromised the statistical integrity, so I just didn't include it I would explain what I mean by this, but I really don't feel like it right now and instead I'll give an example Only about 25 of the 35 submissions for religion were legit, the rest were just people putting ironic or non-serious stuff (you know who you are)
  11. Verumae

    The First (Unofficial) SPUFpowered Census

    I'll probably put the results into some pretty graphs and stuff tomorrow, but there's like 30 submissions worth of answers (after ones left blank, stupid/invalid answers, and entire forms filled out seemingly just to annoy me)
  12. Verumae

    The First (Unofficial) SPUFpowered Census

    I guess I took it out on accident, but my criteria for a language were at least one year/two semesters of formal education with a desire to continue learning, fluency in a real-life context if it was not learned in a school, or some arbitrary cutoff if it was self-taught. Basically, taking half a year and then quitting does not count, but taking a full year and actively planning to learn more does.
  13. Verumae

    Superbowl XLVIII

    QFT Everyone is dumb but us huh man
  14. Verumae

    Four for February

    it took me literally ten years to beat the wind waker thus, I will beat it four more times to lower my average playthrough time
  15. Verumae

    I'll take 60

    just buy a few portal guns take out all of the screws + nails pan fry them in vegetable oil for about 2 mins, sprinkle salt pour them in the mug and eat
  16. NPR is also kind of biased towards the one-party state
  17. Verumae


    Blaziken Kyogre Zigzagoon Zigzagoon Zigzagoon Zigzagoon Torterra Palkia Bidoof Bidoof Bidoof Bidoof Fire thing Grass monkey thing Reshiram Dumb bird thing x3 This is my approach to pokemon
  18. Television news is joke anyway If you want factual information, it takes a tedious combination of google news and wikipedia
  19. U Disclaimer: I did not watch the whole thing Here in the US, news is practically closer to entertainment than information. That looked like a local news channel, so probably not that many people saw the broadcast anyway. Much like radio, the most popular local channels have to do everything - news, etainment, weather, etc. For example, my local TV station is called WRAL and shows news and weather in the early morning, then does children's shows from like 9 to 2 (when everybody is at work), then switches to general entertainment until the evening, at which point they start changing between news, weather, and entertainment. This model is pretty profitable: they always have viewers because they show a variety of content. However, this also has a downside. The news anchors are terrible. If they can stay calm on camera, then they can keep their jobs. It's a fucking disgrace to the idea of news and is closer to entertainment. A reasonably sized town probably has access to 3 or 4 reasonably sized stations like this, which means one can spew liberal shit while another spews conservative shit and a third airs Family Guy.
  20. He got the power to do that in 2012
  21. Verumae

    Kerbal Space Program

    I tried to play it once at like 6 AM when I had already been up for about 48 hours and I had no idea what was going on This happened a few minutes after I discovered HowToBasic so I was laughing so hard that I started crying and had to go to bed
  22. Ron Paul is not a libertarian Gary Johnson 2016
  23. Verumae

    What a cool ad... Eww, not this thing again.

    playstation is my favorite videogame too