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Everything posted by Verumae

  1. Verumae


    or OR you could do what I do and literally not level anyone but your starter pokemon until you get the legendary just keep like 5 zigzagoons and 10 full revives with you at all times
  2. Verumae


    nerds I guess I'm the only person here who never took Pokemon that seriously
  3. Verumae


    Official tier list of generations 5. Unova (Gen 5) 4. Kanto (Gen 1) 3. Johto (Gen 2) 2. Sinnoh (Gen 4) 1. Hoenn (Gen 3)
  4. Verumae

    Katawa Shoujo

    can we please just let this thread die katawa shoujo is not a video game
  5. Verumae

    hi there cuties

    just saying this is why you don't have a girlfriend
  6. Verumae


    little known fact sonic only has one eye
  7. Verumae

    League of Legends

    this depends on how you define early game very very early game (ie pre-6) is only bad if you're playing someone with really good sustain and/or really good harass after level 6, you get significantly stronger as darius has a really good midgame if he's really fed and you keep trying to 1v1 him on his terms, then yeah, he will be hard to play against fortunately, he has no disengage and he's easy to kite, meaning the only time he can win is when you let him get into melee range furthermore, he's too squishy to build full damage but too weak to build full tank, meaning he usually has to do some kind of awkward 50/50 build the point of garen's ult is to take kills that doesn't change the fact that giving a bad late-game champ (or any non-carry for that matter) a bunch of kills is a really shitty idea you should give your kills to the ADC or APC fair enough darius' counters are especially rough for example, even if you counter ezreal, he'll still be able to CS just fine and stay alive thanks to his flash darius has no choice but to fight, and he will usually lose if you pick a hard counter
  8. Verumae

    League of Legends

    Evelynn, Singed, Taric
  9. Verumae

    League of Legends

    Those are both terrible suggestions
  10. Verumae

    Dota General

    e-baller 1v1 me
  11. Verumae

    Dota General

    I send my dota 2 invites to people I don't like and tell them that it's a good game
  12. Verumae

    So, the Steambox will apparently be a thing...

    I was right on both accounts
  13. Verumae

    League of Legends

    she is hard to play against when she's fed fortunately, she usually doesn't get fed he's really not that good for a few reasons 1. he falls off super hard late game 2. he takes kills away from his teammates 3. he is banned quite often 4. he is useless if he's countered 5. he is easy to kite etc play lee sin she literally has a 46% win rate
  14. Verumae

    League of Legends

    most of the 6300 champs aren't even the best The top 10 champs this month, in order of win rate, taking from lolking: -Talon (6300, getting nerfed soon) -Evelynn (1350) -Rumble (4800) -Taric (1350) -Amumu (1350) -Miss Fortune (4800) -Shaco (3150) -Singed (1350) -Twisted Fate (1350) -Wukong (6300) In fact, a lot of the 6300 champs are pretty bad because every new champ is either really OP or really UP, excluding a few. Useless 6300 champs: -Xerath -Vi -Varus -Syndra -Diana -Skarner -Nami -Nautilus -Fizz -Fiora -Sejuani Point is, if you want to do well, you'll probably have a lot of 1350 and 3150 champs.
  15. Verumae

    So, the Steambox will apparently be a thing...

    that sounds exceedingly vague
  16. Verumae

    Don't make this silly router mistake lol

    should have left it there
  17. Verumae

    So, the Steambox will apparently be a thing...

    valve is the #1 provider of PC games in the world and most people have come to associate them with PC gaming
  18. Verumae

    League of Legends

    ironic valvedroning is still valvedroning enjoy your alpha
  19. Verumae

    So, the Steambox will apparently be a thing...

    it's going to have a controller and will optionally have some variant of GNU/Linux prove me wrong
  20. Verumae

    League of Legends

    blitzcrank is good because he can pull a champion like 1,000 units and provide about 2 seconds of hard CC with exhaust, that's basically a guaranteed kill if you can land your hook leblanc's ridiculous burst damage and high mobility makes her extremely difficult to play against in low levels unfortunately, she tends to fall off in the later game because she has no wave clear and her team fight is pretty abysmal
  21. Verumae

    Oh god that felt good.

    that wasn't an argument, that was just some guy going full sperglord and if you're arguing with me, it usually (100% of the time) means you're wrong
  22. Verumae

    Oh god that felt good.

    so I guess you guys don't like making friends
  23. Verumae

    Your Game of the Year

    Little Big Planet Vita
  24. Verumae

    Oh god that felt good.

    levanto de cama prendo mí swag ver al espejo y decir "qué tal, qué tal, qué tal"
  25. Verumae

    Oh god that felt good.

    call the cops I don't give a fuck gender-specific pronouns are a pants-on-head retarded idea anyway