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Everything posted by Verumae

  1. Verumae

    New Forum Bug List

    it says I have 1 warning point, but when I go to my profile I get "There are no warnings to display."
  2. Verumae

    in which we fangirl over the Steam Box

    is this your first time encountering him, raz?
  3. Verumae

    Custom Title Initiative

    can I be "Swagmaster General"
  4. Verumae

    Dota 2 Trolling Discussion

    I'm going to assume by "troll builds" you mean "unorthodox" and not "builds used to ruin the game for your teammates" but rapier-stacking slark is fun edit: super meepo prime is actually really fun. A lot of people build Blink Dagger when they play Meepo, but very few people actually understand why it's a good item on Meepo. Personally, I don't like it on Meepo, only because a stats/aura or strong clone meepo is much better. There are two main build goals for Meepo: one that involves a lot of active or proc items, such as crit, escape, initiate, self-buffs, etc. I call this a Meepo Prime build, because it funnels all of your power into the main (prime) meepo. Common items for this kind of build are Power Treads, Scythe of Vyse, and Blink Dagger. The other common build is a decentralized build that gives all of your meepos a lot of power. This is accomplished through aura items and building raw stats (agi/str/int) rather than other attributes I prefer this type of build: tranqs or TP boots, vlads, skadi, and cuirass are some of my preferred items. This gives you more rounded squad and generally leaves you with better stats on all of your meepos, at the cost of some less-than-stellar actives and procs. Generally, inexperienced Meepo players tend towards a hybrid build, utilizing prime items such as blink dagger and heart of tarrasque as well as clone items like vlads and cuirass. I dislike this build fundamentally because it doesn't give you enough power on your main meepo to compensate for having weak/useless clones. This, however, does not apply to investing all of your power into your main Meepo. Don't be confused - Meepo is not a hypercarry. His damage comes not from exceptional autoattacks, but rather from five consecutive autoattacks, poofs, and DoTs. Thus, building items like Daedalus will not give you the same kind of obscene single-target damage you would get from a hypercarry like Faceless Void or Phantom Assassin. Instead, you rely primarily on item actives. Items you want: -Shadow Blade. This functions as an an engage, disengage, mobility tool, and several other things. -Boots of Travel. Although these aren't the best for a strong Meepo, the utility they provide is just so much better than the damage or whatever you get from Power Treads. -Heart of Tarrasque. This allows you to always have a meepo out on the field. It also gives you a tanky Meepo, which is great. This negates the need for lifesteal as well. -Blink Dagger. Shadow Blade is great and all, but it's not a replacement for Blink Dagger. You can also use one to engage and the other to disengage. To be honest, I'd sell this late in the game though. -Manta Style. Great damage boost with an active that helps to overwhelm your opponents. Simply building like this will not necessarily guarantee success, but you have as much surprise as someone like Riki with the mobility of a Nature's Prophet.
  5. Verumae

    Dota General

    how many complete teams of cards can I reasonably ask for in return for one dota key
  6. Verumae

    Dota General

    this bruno guy needs a nice purple fedora to go with his getup and why is almost everyone mispronouncing aegis but at it looks like a fun place to be
  7. Verumae

    Dota General

    thanks holmes is there any reward for actually watching games
  8. Verumae

    Dota General

    can I only change the color of my courier once or something and when I get the mounts do they replace the regular courier or become available in addition to it
  9. Verumae

    SUMMER SEAL 2013

    steam won't accept my credit card so rather than spending my money on something I'll always play like video games I've spent all of my money on fountain pens that I'll use once or twice and forget
  10. Verumae

    Dota General

    I need not say more
  11. Verumae

    Dota General

    the things I would say if I wasn't at risk of getting banned listen up you obtuse forum user the point is that the very presence of a report feature suggests some willingness to enforce the rules and delete or punish groups and users it's like if you set up a door that opens to a wall if you're not willing to actually enforce anything, don't make rules and set up a report function sperglord
  12. Verumae

    Dota General

    he added me after I went 0-6 in one game of random draft just to tell me to kill myself the sad truth is that valve has never and will never care enough to really put any effort into creating any kind of behavioral enforcement system they have guilty-until-proven-innocent autobans in dota 2, no kind of enforcement for steam behavior (ie what this fucker was doing), and a very slow process for community interactions (there was a group called like "verumae is an autist" or something that was around for 8 months or so of me reporting it at least once a week before it got deleted). pretty much the only kind of behavioral enforcement they do at all is forum moderation, but even then that's done by a team of volunteers while it is true that most people need to stop being big fucking babies and learn how to take some abuse, sometimes you have to wonder whether or not valve could be directing their resources to this rather than allowing me to redeem my farmville currency for extra screenshot space or some other stupid bullshit edit: this isn't really dota 2 related and I'm sure someone is going to get mad and tell me to go back to league or something equally stupid but I've been up for 36 hours and I want to complain edit edit: google should buy valve and make steam good
  13. Verumae

    Dota General

  14. Verumae

    Dota General

    thank god for meepo buff now they just need to get rid of the cast time on his net and try to bring their servers below 100 ping for local players and he might have a better risk-reward than a wisp who never leaves spawns and only controls an army of couriers
  15. Verumae

    The IT thread.

    just make sure you open it up and blow out because if you blow in the ink isn't going to stay inside the case edit: also holy shit 110°C isn't just a little dangerous, that is extremely bad and is a very, very, very serious risk 100°C is the arbitrary cutoff between "shit" and "fuck"
  16. Verumae

    How do Desktop

    That looks substantially better in terms of reliability. However, I do have three comments: 1. I probably worded my input about the case a bit too strongly. It's really just a matter of preference, and finding a good case below ~$60 is hard anyway ("good" here doesn't really mean anything; as long as you don't plan on taking your case into a desert during a sandstorm and an earthquake you should be fine). just go with whatever you want, I didn't mean to bully you out of it 2. are you coming from a desktop or a laptop? if you're coming from a desktop and you have no intentions of using it after upgrading (and I'm assuming you don't because you're not getting a new monitor), then you can just take the HDD and CD drive out of that; reusing the HDD will mean you don't even need to buy a new copy of windows, and since you're not getting a blu-ray drive, there really isn't any CD drive that won't work. if your current HDD doesn't have enough space, you can also just use two 3. when I said the radeon HD 7850 isn't the best for the money, what I meant is that it's focused a bit more on features (ex support for many monitors, high speed data transfers, crossfire, 3D, etc) and you would probably get better performance out of a similarly priced but different card. the 6570 is going to be a huge bottleneck (it's going to vastly limit the performance - 8 GB RAM and i7-3770 can handle a lot more than a 6570), and you're probably going to have to upgrade it or else the potential of the build will be pretty much going to waste. $200 to $60 is a HUGE jump, and since you're so far below your budget, I would strongly recommend upgrading the video card -- if your budget went down, then I would downgrade the processor and use that money on a regular video card. All of that processor speed will be useless if you can't play any games above medium. Here is a benchmark of some of the most popular mid-range ($125-200ish): find one that has your ideal cost:performance ratio and get it MSI, EVGA, and ASUS are good manufacturers Gigabyte and PNY aren't really any worse but they tend to have smaller selections Sapphire and HIS probably won't give you any problems, but I would recommend only going with them if you're on a budget Powercolor, Visiontek, Sparkle, XFX and Zotac tend to be of lower quality in general -- although they might sometimes match up to better brands for the same cost, I would honestly recommend just getting a lower quality card from a higher quality manufacturer if you have to resort from them anything that didn't make it onto this list, just stay the fuck away. don't put any no-name, cheap as hell brands into your computer unless you want a housefire and a pre-written message denying your warranty claim in chinese
  17. Verumae

    How do Desktop

    1. pirating windows is a bad idea on countless levels. if you really don't want to pay for it, reuse your old copy. regardless, you probably don't need professional, home premium is much cheaper and pretty much the same thing 2. get a better PSU - not only is the wattage too low, but it's inefficient (look for 80+), and just low quality in general - you don't want a bad PSU because, like the motherboard, it can fuck up the entire system if something goes wrong 3. that case isn't very good - NZXT tends to make ricey products (low quality, high price, marketed on dumb gimmicks). this is actually kind of subjective, and your case probably won't give you that many issues, but unless you really really really like it, you'd probably be better off with something else 4. you don't have a CD drive, so installing windows might be a bit difficult (although the CD drive, along with the HDD, is something you can easily salvage from an older computer) 5. the 7850 is a good card, but it doesn't have the best performance for the price - I'd recommend something else if you're not going to use the features (and I assume you're not), but it's not THAT much of a difference as long as you're getting it from a good manufacturer
  18. Verumae

    The AI Singularity.

    by using the word "trick" you are opening up a whole new field of ethical debate about whether artificial intelligence is actually intelligent and wherever you read this, it was just some place distorting the truth in order to make their articles seem more important and thus increase ad revenue
  19. Verumae

    The AI Singularity.

    I don't really see what the beef is AI will never be able to have a consciousness (hard AI vs soft AI) and thus it will pretty much just be robots computers will get better and better, that's a given, but unless you expect some kind of terminator takeover, things won't really be that much different
  20. Verumae

    Headphones gone wild

    This guy is a moron too Maybe you should first try doing what any reasonable, logical person would do and just CONTACT THE FUCKING MANUFACTURER before you start fucking things up and voiding the warranty edit: and if that doesn't work, THEN you open it up and try to fix it yourself, but you don't want to throw away money because you were too proud to just try to get it on warranty
  21. Verumae

    Dota General

    whenever I'm rich, I'm going to go to conventions and pay 5 midgets (or maybe children) to follow me around in meepo costumes
  22. Verumae

    Dota General

    Who the fuck sells an item at 2 AM EST
  23. Verumae

    Dota General

    I'm pretty sure it's just some kind of pack animal, as the lump on its back appears to be something like this (using a bit of imagination of course)