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Posts posted by Lordexplodeon

  1. eram's rep cannon is bigger than silents, so silent would die. if eram went up against bluz though...daaaaaaang...maybe that's what really happened during the great SPUF blackout.

    The Great Rep War?Seems legit.

  2. He's from Southern Cali, so probably.Us Northern Californians would never do such a thing. In public.

    Damn southerners, ruining us good northerners reputation.

    *Puts toothpick in mouth and adopts threatening posture*You boys saying something about Southern California?

  3. OP. Tyrone is much too powerful, and I'm sure most people would love to have Tyrone's DNA in their gene pool.So two huge upsides and no downsides man. SO OP.

    She doesn't get pregnant though. And Tyrone only sticks around for 10 seconds. He's got places to be.