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Skimpy Swimsuit Wearer

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Posts posted by Skimpy Swimsuit Wearer

  1. I´m rather underwhelmed by the softness of the SMG nerfs, they could´ve doubled all that if you ask me.Their new business model seems good though. Instead of forcing people to grind through a single weapon, they make more "smaller" weapons to motivate people into purchasing stuff.

    Raider got the short end of the stick. SMG nerf, EMP grenade nerf and Shield Pack nerf.By the way some of the existing items have had their XP cost reduced. Heavy Bolt Launcher went from 100k XP to 42k, Sparrow went from 75k to 14k et cetera.

  2. The big question is: Will there be cheaper items to buy via XP? I mean, not everyone want to spend money on F2P game, and for this moment prices in XP are riddiculously high.

    You're going to unlock weapons faster because you don't have to spend XP on armor/weapon/belt item upgrades anymore to upgrade them.Biggest change in the upcoming patch is definitely going to be the automatics nerf. SMGs are probably going to get nerfed the hardest, losing 15-20 damage per shot and with a much greater damage fall-off.

  3. Do any of you have those Pokemon that suck, but you love them anyway? Because I just can't stop loving Heatmor. He's so useless but he's so cool.

    It makes me sad. >:

    Electabuzz. I freaking love that guy.

  4. Mask of Infamy has to be the easiest and most annoying boss at the same time. It's incredibly easy not to take damage from him at all, because all he can do is charge at you. But hitting that thing on his back is tedious and tiresome.

  5. yes oh God yeslook downsee your feetjumpyour knees bend on landingfire a gun while turningyour arm gets pulled the other way by the knockbackI justII

    Try jumping and firing the rifle below your feet.

  6. Damn it. I love binging my money to these guys, but I already have Bastion. I'm also terrifed of Amnesia.If I do this, will I get an extra copy of Bastion? I'd like to give it away to a friend.

    Yes, Bastion has a separate key while the other games are all rolled into one key.

  7. Give me Deus Ex difficulty + Pacifist is the only real way to play this game. Also, there's no real choice you have to make in getting augmentations, because you can pretty much get anything before you completed the game.
