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Posts posted by Dragonsbrethren

  1. Definitely better than default. I don't really like the shade of gray the bar under each post with the reply and quote buttons uses, though. Makes it stand out too much compared to the rest of the forum.Edit: The gradients on every single thread in the index except for stickies seem...excessive. I'd rather see a flat shade there.

  2. Knights of the Old Republic. Okay, "hate" is strong for this, more like "disappointment." This game was so legendary in all the words people poured over me on it but to me it just seems underwhelming. It's not bad, but I just find it very overrated and I barely made it two hours in before I got bored and moved to Mass Effect, which seemed twice as good and half as praised.

    The gameplay is so dull. There was one challenging part of the game, and it wasn't too far past the beginning. It's not even the kind of game I want to be challenging because that would just prolong the boring combat. Combat is only interesting visually; it's just a standard turn-based RPG, but one with a horribly clunky interface. The first planet is also too long, with too many quests, especially given what ends up happening to it.

    I'm not a big fan of the N64 Zelda games, and haven't played any of the newer ones. Every time they port Ocarina of Time I give it another try and lose interest just as quickly as I did when I first played it back in the day. Something about them just doesn't work for me, I'm not sure what it is. I struggled with the controls the first time I played it (3D gaming being new to me and all), but I've got those down fine now and I still haven't gotten that far in the game. I am getting the urge to fire up my VC copy and try again, though.

    I couldn't get into Fallout 3 either.

  3. COD can be fun, but I doubt I'll ever buy one of the games. I tried MW3 during the free weekend and, honestly, couldn't tell the difference between it, MW2, or Blops. I can't believe there are actually people who happily spend $60 every year for essentially the same experience. I know MW3 made some changes to killstreaks and I actually liked those, but it hardly seems worth the money when the game looked like it could've been a MW2 DLC.Edit: Oh, and I definitely agree with COD being more fun than CS.
