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Everything posted by Buddhazilla

  1. Buddhazilla

    Planetside 2

    So are you getting royalties for these items or are they hoarding all your hard-earned money?
  2. Buddhazilla

    we media now

    The saga continues.
  3. Buddhazilla


    Desperately in need want of a Banette. Mega has 165 base attack and access to priority moves and prankster. Do want. EDIT: Got Banette. All is right with the world.
  4. New avatar. Imagine.

    1. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Darling it's better, down where it's wetter.

    2. Kraszu


      Couldn't find any better one, so I will be stuck with this one for a while.

  5. Buddhazilla


  6. This spooksmas, I'm dressing up as a washed-up college sophomore with too much time and money and not enough motivation.

    1. The Last Templar

      The Last Templar

      funny i was gonna do the same except without the too much time and money part

  7. Buddhazilla

    TF2 2013 Halloween Update

    Tumblr is Tumblr. Buttmads are buttmads. Update is good, at least from a content perspective. Do not care for 100+ holiday-restricted cosmetics.
  8. Buddhazilla


    ^^^ The definition of outplayed. In other news, the super training of Squigly the Chandelure is nearly complete, as is my 2spooky team itself.
  9. Buddhazilla


    I could. EDIT 2: Apparently breeding doesn't work like I thought it did. Oh well. Moving on, I'm getting to work on a spooky team for Halloween and stuff.
  10. Buddhazilla


    Infiltrator zubat get. The time of recroning is near.
  11. Buddhazilla


    Chandelure. Or Goodra. Or Noivern I guess.
  12. Buddhazilla


    Thank you O based Bernkastel for this video. Here's the battle video between me and dickbutt: KKJG-WWWW-WWWX-VW9Z Bonus: underleveled aegislash, trooper gardevoir, dumb opponent. 2C4G-WWWW-WWWX-VWFE
  13. Buddhazilla

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBqM2ytqHY4 It's back. With a vengeance.
  14. Buddhazilla


    I require a hidden ability Zubat. I will trade a hidden ability Abra for one. Or HA Quilladin I guess, if you want.
  15. So does anyone else have the new Phoenix Wright yet?

  16. Buddhazilla


    I ought to start tipping a lot more. I'm bound to find some sort of shiny eventually.
  17. Buddhazilla


    My ranking team is almost complete. I made the mistake of thinking that it would scale underleveled pokes up, as it scales down overleveled pokes to 50. That was not the case. Still, I managed to win, even with a level 36 aegislash. Twice.
  18. Buddhazilla


    Speaking of, would you mind checking if Braviary got any new Sheer Force-able moves? You know, besides the only two it had in gen 5.
  19. Buddhazilla


    I may have accidentally deleted permanently displaced Simon's Pinsirite. I would be ever so grateful if someone would trade me theirs, perhaps for my Houndoomite. I promise I will not make the same mistake twice. Also, Medals are back! ...On PGL only...!
  20. Buddhazilla


    Starting Monday, I will be learning the ways of shiny breeding from Cell-sensei. I will consider requests for pokemon obtainable in white 1 and black 2.
  21. Buddhazilla


    Now that I am painfully aware of EVs and their impact, I have a seething desire to breed shiny pokemon in white 1 and keep them in the box to super train come December.
  22. Buddhazilla


    Currently training some starters and a Gardevoir, fully super-trained from level 1 as to not sully them with unwanted EVs. My next batch of breedings will be: Houndour Bulbasaur Binacle Noibat and maybe Goomy. All with the best natures, of course.
  23. Buddhazilla


    I have all 3 kalos starters. Also have bulba and charmander. Still need squirtle.
  24. Buddhazilla


    I like the Platinum designs the most.
  25. Buddhazilla

