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Everything posted by Buddhazilla

  1. Buddhazilla

    Update thread

    Don't forget that fountain hooking has been patched out. Also, CK's particle fixes and Doom's getting a weapon revamp.
  2. Stayin' up all night. Again.

  3. Buddhazilla

    Movie Night, season 2!

    Hot Fuzz
  4. Buddhazilla

    Source Film Maker

    You know whaty it do like in Texas... [spoiler2] [/spoiler2]
  5. Buddhazilla

    Game Grumps

    Double post? No matter! This is the kind of sendoff Jon needs.
  6. Buddhazilla


    Today I learned Giga Impact's recharge overlaps with Truant.
  7. Buddhazilla


  8. Buddhazilla


    I would suggest a Magneton, since you don't have electric and steel covered.
  9. Buddhazilla


    [spoiler2][/spoiler2] Durrrrrrr.
  10. Buddhazilla

    Infinite Crisis

    I saw a review. Apparently it's plain ol' bad. Then again they had some serious problems with having different alt universe characters all together and I'm like whatever.
  11. Buddhazilla

    Game Grumps

  12. Buddhazilla


    Also that fox has a divining rod in its tail. Psychic type confirmed.
  13. Buddhazilla


    Holy crapoli that's a lot of new info. What is chespin's final evolution going to be, a perfect sphere?
  14. Buddhazilla

    SPUF City

    Alezander Buddha. For reference, it's pronounced ah-leh-tsand-er. Make it so.
  15. Buddhazilla

    SPUF City

    I regret ever telling DualJay to call my character that. I had come up with a better one shortly afterward but it's escaped my mind since. I'll brainstorm some better names if you're willing to change it.
  16. Buddhazilla

    SPUF City

    I look forward to my depiction in the story, even if it is a one-off. Also, you should write some scenes or battles from the perspective of someone who's under the effects of rep (if it's psychoactive).
  17. Buddhazilla

    Dota General

    It also helps to have watched dota replays. With commentary and critique. For about a year. Before even playing.
  18. Yeah. S'gonna be good. Also don't worry that she looks whitewashed; they fixed her skin color as you'll see in the updates tab. I'll be throwing my money at this as soon as my next payment comes through.
  19. Buddhazilla

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    Why did Snowfire attack Blackwatch then?
  20. Buddhazilla

    SPUF City

  21. Buddhazilla

    Custom Title Initiative

    I request my title be changed to Actual Snorlax, since I don't even touch the spufserver any longer.