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Everything posted by Buddhazilla

  1. Buddhazilla

    TF2 general

  2. Buddhazilla

    Movie Night 9!

    This is Lava Girl.
  3. Buddhazilla

    Game Grumps

    This is the best Monday ever.
  4. No no no no no, Rayman Origins was ported to other consoles because of mass whining. Bayonetta 2 is still definitely Wii U exclusive.
  5. Buddhazilla

    Pictures of You.

  6. Buddhazilla

    Custom Title Initiative

    I know this seems weird to say but we'd probably have already disbanded by that point.
  7. Buddhazilla


    Times like these I wonder if people even play games to have fun any more.
  8. Buddhazilla


    At least B/W had good level pacing and quick attack animations. That, or the sprite animations kept my mind entertained while the battles played out. Also all of HG's menus are just that much slower, plus you have to re-select medicine every time you use it. B/W adds a lot of convenience that makes the whole game flow a lot smoother. Not to mention the fact that I'm not used to playing with such a narrow and non-diverse host of Pokemon to choose from, at least for a good part of the game. I like my odd type combinations. Also all the TMs suck. Except dig on Pinsir. That has proven to be invaluable. But that's it. I might just transfer my HG pokes to Diamond, then level them up real fast while blazing through Diamond's story, then transfer them back to HG to beat the 8 other gyms and Red, then transfer them back again to beat that extra island. Good deal.
  9. Buddhazilla


    I feel like I have to double post here, I just have a lot to get out. HGSS is just so terribly balanced. The trainers are always at least 5 levels away from the gyms, and the wild encounters 5 before that, so it's quite hard to keep a consistent team of more than 4. At least that gives you room for the 2 HM slaves you'll need to go anywhere. The one good thing about this run is that Kangaskhan and Pinsir are shaping up to be beasts. Especially now that Pinsir knows Swords Dance and Kangaskhan knows Outrage. Also somehow my Kangaskhan is faster than anyone else on my team. Weird, that. So I'll be on my final grind before the E4. And then I have to beat all 8 other gyms, and then I have to grind to beat Red. And only then can I get the generation 3 starter (Blaziken, duh) that I so sorely need. And also a Beldum.
  10. Buddhazilla


    Good god HG has to be the slowest pokemon game I've ever played (note: I haven't played Colosseum). This game is taking ages, even with battle animations removed. And DEAR LORD the box controls are janky as fuck. I can't wait to beat Red and get my other-gen starters and get this game the fuck over with. B/W is just so snappy. It's nice. I wish I were playing it but I have to get HG out of the way blargh. And then I remembered that I have to get D/P out of the way too, but my overleveled HG pokes should alleviate that problem. And after that I have to beat White 1, and after that, finish all the Black 2 endgame stuff. At least I'll have plenty to do while waiting for X and Y. Redo sapphire.
  11. Buddhazilla

    PAX East

  12. Buddhazilla


    "Razputin survived the poisoning" I knew this was a good name choice.
  13. Buddhazilla

    Custom Title Initiative

    SPUfserver Dominator gogogo
  14. Buddhazilla

    TF2 general

    That's amazing. Wish I still had my grenadier's cap. But what's that thing on his back?
  15. Buddhazilla


    I was thinking about naming themes for when I play through Pokemon Y. I was thinking cities. Alternatively, I could do beverages. Fire type is Whiskey by default - especially if there's a fire/water type. Fennekin would be Whiskey Foxtrot.
  16. Buddhazilla


    Hydreigon, Golurk, Magnezone, Heracross, Volcarona, ______ What should my sixth poke be?
  17. Buddhazilla

    the power of tf2 promos

    Check my inventory - I have the Gen. Ap-Sap and the three rare items from the Dota 2 code.
  18. Buddhazilla


    Game Freak's being real stingy with leaks lately - there's been practically no word on X and Y since Sylveon was announced. But besides that, I'm going through HG again to get some pokes I normally couldn't get in black/white 2, like Kangaskhan, Rhyperior, and hopefully Dusclops eventually. Pinsir is carrying my team just about as much as Heracross was in b/w 2. Good poke. And now, a Pokefacts dump with Stamda.
  19. Buddhazilla

    TF2 general

    I drop that sick PanzerShrek goof and no one so much as acknowledges it? Bah.
  20. Buddhazilla

    TF2 general

    I saw that and immediately thought of making a LL skin called the PanzerShrek.