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Everything posted by Buddhazilla

  1. Buddhazilla

    Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed

    Unlocked Eggman. Game is suddenly much easier.
  2. Buddhazilla

    TF2 general

    HEY. Did you miss your chance to get the Demo and Pyro action figures? No, you didn't. Because they're still in stock here.
  3. Buddhazilla

    Game Grumps

    "Hello, I am generally disgruntled." "Hello, I am not so generally disgruntled." "And we're the GREP."
  4. Buddhazilla


    Might be dragon. Might be flying. Might be bug. Probably normal type.
  5. http://pyz.socialgamer.net/game.jsp Look for binary's room. Hop in SPUFgaming group chat for the password.
  6. Buddhazilla

    One for February: Skyrim

    So instead of doing four games I haven't finished yet, I figure I'd do one BIG one. And that one is Skyrim. That's right, I still haven't finished Skyrim yet, even so long after release. However, I'm not just going to be playing it. This is going to be a screenshot LP! Just for you guys! My first order of business, however, is what motif or theme to stick to throughout my adventures. Should I be a mighty and just warrior, a backstabbing (but thoroughly charming) rogue, a wise but bumbling mage, or any combination thereof? You decide! You may choose the race, or leave it up to me. I can't make any promises that the name you choose will be used, however. I will pick my favorite come Wednesday. Good luck!
  7. To everyone who didn't vote for Emperor's New Groove...
  8. Buddhazilla

    One for February: Skyrim

    Guys I need to know something. Can you name your houses in the Hearthfire add-on? I must know. It is vitally important to my LP's plot.
  9. Buddhazilla

    The Adventures of Richard Smm'aashiker

    All caught up. Where to next, gentlemen?
  10. Buddhazilla

    The Adventures of Richard Smm'aashiker

    Okay so I killed the dragon with my fists. Good times. Felt right. Its flesh is starting to burn up on its own, though. Probably nothing to be worried about. OKAY IT IS DEFINITELY SOMETHING TO WORRY ABOUT WHAT IS HAPPENING Well, that certainly felt odd. But now the guards are bickering just as much as the Jarl and his subjects. Something about a dragon bone or some shit. The dragon's flesh burned away completely, leaving only a skeleton that was oddly still connected together. I readied my best victory cry, and let it-- Oh holy shit what was that. That was awesome. It seems I can shout at things and they're blown backwards. I'm going to have so much fun with this. I decided to return to the hall of Dragonsreach to claim my reward, when... what's that sound? Sounded like a bunch of old people yelling "OHH MAH KNEEEE" at the same time. Probably nothing of consequence. Turns out it was everything of consequence. The Jarl told me that some group called the Gaybeards (or something) summoned me to the top of their mountain, and that this is no common occurrence. Oooookay then. If you don't mind I'll take my reward and get outta here. So the Jarl gave me "The Axe of Whiterun" (which I expressly sold) and my own... what was it, house carl? Cool, I get a house named Carl. I guess that's alright seeing as how I had no residency here in- Who is this. THAT'S a housecarl? She's not even named Carl! What a ripoff! I tell her to mind her own business, as I had much more urgent matters to attend to. Like getting loads of money. I make a beeline for the shops, selling all my junk, especially those useless dragon bones and scales. Who would want to lug those things around when people pay you so much money to take them off your hands? Anyway, I sell all my junk and loathingly trudge back to Dragonsreach, just to buy a few more spell tomes. I got Stoneflesh, Magelight, and Fast Healing. Those should help quite a bit during my exploits. I walk up to the gate out of town when yet another obstacle insists that they speak to me. Can't a poor dunmer monk mind his own business? They said something about a Redguard woman somewhere in the city. I replied with my signature "Whatever," and went on my way.
  11. Buddhazilla

    The Adventures of Richard Smm'aashiker

    Well, I suppose I should tell you all what I did in my time of respite. To be honest, I wasn't resting. I was actually out practicing new techniques, as well as taking the chance to explore a little. Just a little. But now, it's time to head for Whiterun to warn the Jarl about the dragons. Or something. My map says it's to the East. While looking for the gates to the city's large walls, I stumbled upon a group of people standing around a giant's corpse. Apparently they were mad at me because I had not helped them slay it, but I've never stepped foot near the place. Honest. The group said they were from the Companions, a somewhat larger group of people who do things for other people. And by do things, they mean kill people. I declined their offer to join. At last I entered the city of Whiterun. ...Doesn't look like much. Whatever. Might as well tell the city's Jarl that a shitstorm's blowing our way. When I entered the hall named Dragonsreach, another Dunmer approached me, sword drawn. I said that I had news for the Jarl, and she stepped aside so I could tell him already. I told the Jarl that the dragons were coming, and then everybody started bickering like politicians usually do. When the bickering subsided I snapped back to attention, and the Jarl told me that his court mage could use some assistance, and that there was a reward if I helped him. Don't need to tell me twice. I approached the mage, named Farengar, offering assistance. He wanted me to go to Bleak Falls Barrow and retrieve a tablet of stone with writing on it. Needless to say, he was shocked when I plainly handed over the stone. Just then, the other dunmer burst into the room, warning Farengar that a dragon had attacked one of the city's watchtowers. After some more bickering, the Jarl expected me to help fight the dragon with the other dunmer. Expecting a reward, I complied. I just realized this is getting rather dull and wordy. I'll cut to the chase. I met the soldiers near the watchtower and scouted around, when, as if on cue... A dragon. I cast my oakflesh spell in preparation, and went to town. Well, I didn't actually go back to town. I started punching the dragon. A lot.
  12. Buddhazilla

    One for February: Skyrim

  13. Buddhazilla

    One for February: Skyrim

    Okay. Off to play another session. To Windhelm Whiterun! I know cities!
  14. Buddhazilla

    One for February: Skyrim

    ...When did I say I was gonna be a mage? I just picked up one Oakflesh tome because it gives you even more armor when you're wearing none in the first place.
  15. Buddhazilla

    One for February: Skyrim

    I'll see if Dance of Death works with the Unarmed weapon. It should, but I'm going to test it just in case.
  16. Buddhazilla

    One for February: Skyrim

    I think I know where to go to get the Ethereal Horse tome without having to buy it. Some guy in Falkreath just walked up to me and challenged me to a wizardry duel on one run, and dropped the Ethereal Horse tome. It might have been random chance, but I find that highly unlikely.
  17. Buddhazilla

    One for February: Skyrim

    Well alright. Didn't plan on playing them anyhow.
  18. Buddhazilla

    Quick! Get the tinfoil out! ALL OF IT!

    But if it was Uwe Boll, then Nostalgia Critic would review it. Eventually.
  19. Buddhazilla

    One for February: Skyrim

    Well class was canceled today so here's the list of mods I'm using. I'll highlight the real game-changers. Workshop More Dragon Loot Sounds of Skyrim: dungeons, wild User Requested Better Werewolf (no idea why that's there) Less Condescending Guards Hunter's Discipline 100% Faster Vanilla Horses Complete Sky Forge Whistle Breezehome Lighting Fix Unread Books Glow (used only for skill books) Quest: No Mercy Quest: And the Realms of Daedra Quest: The Bigger They Are Quest: Sea of Ghosts Lighter Tools Gemstone Quest Markers Skyforge Map Marker Spells Cast Light Conjure Ethereal Horse SkyUI Nexus Achieve That! Way of the Monk Dual Wield Parrying (for blocking while unarmed) Martial Arts SKSE for SkyUI and Achieve That!
  20. Buddhazilla

    One for February: Skyrim

    I'll put my mod list here after I get back from college today.
  21. Buddhazilla

    The Adventures of Richard Smm'aashiker

    I'll grind a little more tonight. I'll be ready to take screenshots of whatever weird stuff is thrown my way.
  22. Buddhazilla

    The Adventures of Richard Smm'aashiker

    You guys can start suggesting what to do now. I'll resume the let's play tomorrow.
  23. Buddhazilla

    Welcome to SPUF Land!

    MS Paint to the rescue!
  24. Buddhazilla

    The Adventures of Richard Smm'aashiker

    It seems I'm nearing the end of the cave, or so my adventurer instincts tell me. I feel like I've done this before. Several times, in fact. Anyway there's a wall with writing on it HOLY SHIT WHAT'S HAPPENING THOSE WORDS PENETRATED ME IN WAYS I COULD NOT IMAGINE. AND NOW THIS. Oh it's just another zambie OW DID ITS SHOUT JUST HURT ME? OW. MURDER IT. Zambie status: murdered Health status: low Stone tablet (?) status: gotten Turns out my instinct/deja vu was correct, because I was out of the place already. Anyway, time to go back to Riverwood and sell all my shit. Cool. Wait, doesn't this mean I can get... YES. IT IS MINE. ALLLLLL MIIIIIINE. AHAHAHAHA. Well, with all that taken care of, I need to rest a while. I'll continue my adventures again soon enough.