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Everything posted by Buddhazilla

  1. Buddhazilla

    The Adventures of Richard Smm'aashiker

    Oh. Well that's great, too. Something the Martial Arts mod DID add was flippy-doos every time I jump. I'll screenshot myself mid-jump later.
  2. Buddhazilla

    The Adventures of Richard Smm'aashiker

    Yeah apparently the Martial Arts mod comes with extra awesome execute animations. Like suplexes. That was a very nice surprise. Almost done with today's screenshots. Just one more part.
  3. Buddhazilla

    The Adventures of Richard Smm'aashiker

    That's one dead spider. So this guy named Arvel was trapped by the spider's web and shit and he's like "Help help please cut me down I'll help you get to the treasure in there blah blah" so I punched him down from the spider web (don't ask how) and... The bitch started running. That shit ain't gonna fly with me, boyo. SUPLEX'D. Thank you very much. Onward! Holy shit ZAMBIES. KILL THE ZAMBIES. I killed them. Ran up to a rather important looking door. There were sliding discs on it with symbols. They looked rather familiar. How about that. Open, says me. And so it did.
  4. Buddhazilla

    The Adventures of Richard Smm'aashiker

    This like my umpteenth playthrough of Skyrim, I just never got far along the main quest in any of my runs before I deleted each one. I'm going all the way this time. Also, I don't think there were extra standing stones around the main 3, just the ones at the monk camp. I'll check again.
  5. Buddhazilla

    The Adventures of Richard Smm'aashiker

    There were some bandits outside the Barrow. Made short work of them. Somehow managed to get inside without alerting everyone inside. That door is huge. There's some people up ahead. Tried sneaking up, but I apparently wasn't sneaky enough at a snail's pace. So I punched them to death. Further into the cave, I see another guy. I try to sneak up as he pulls the lever, and... Oh. That was unfortunate. For him. Apparently there's some kind of combination lock. Yep. Moving on, I hear the signature skitter and squeak of Skeevers. FUCK IT, I AIN'T ABOVE PUNCHIN' RATS. YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I go deeper into the dungeon yet again, noticing more and more copious amounts of spider web. There must be a lot of spiders here. Or just one big one.
  6. Buddhazilla

    The Adventures of Richard Smm'aashiker

    The extra stones are still there. I'll probably go round them all up after I talk to the Greybeards.
  7. Buddhazilla

    The Adventures of Richard Smm'aashiker

    I did. The whole fighting monk bit was me getting the unarmed weapon as well as the monk robes. Pretty much.
  8. Buddhazilla

    The Adventures of Richard Smm'aashiker

    Well, here I am at Riverwood. There's a smith, a lumbermill, some houses and a shop. As a natural-born puncher (and rogue) I only stop by the shop. Sold all my crap that I took from the Imperials' corpses. Only two things he was selling caught my eye. Mostly one, though. And that would be this. This is going to be the best adventure ever. If only I could afford it. So for now I picked this up. The trader mentioned that a pack of thieves took a family heirloom to the Bleak Falls Barrow, and that he'd offer some gold if I retrieved it. Wanting to buy that ring, I set off in an instant. Near the peak of the mountain, I saw the faint glimmer of a lantern, as well as a few bandits hiding in a small building. I punched them and took their valuable goods. There it is.
  9. Buddhazilla

    The Adventures of Richard Smm'aashiker

    Well I'm out here and OH TALOS NOT AGAIN Oh okay it left. Moved down the path and... what's this? A monk gathering? Could it be? Yes, it is. It's a fighting monk gathering. They invited me to join because they saw that my knuckles were all calloused and shit. So they gave me a few books, some pointers, and these robes. You can't see it on my face but I am very happy. I continued my journey... Ah, the famous standing stones. I know exactly which one to pick... Yep.
  10. Buddhazilla

    The Adventures of Richard Smm'aashiker

    So now I'm just following the guy who helped me. Finding a way out, I guess. It leads into a cave. Great. There were some Imperials along the way. Punched them to death. I'll take their swords and armor to sell later. Other guy found a bridge. We crossed it. Woohoo. I hear rocks starting to fall... Well, we won't be going back that way. Not that I'd want to with the dragon flying around there. Oh I don't like where this is headed. RIP entire spider nest. Punched to death. Will not be missed. Holy shit a bear. I gotta PUNCH IT. MY SMM'AASHIKER BLOOD DEMANDS ME TO. Dead bear is dead. Moving on. Oh hey an exit.
  11. Buddhazilla

    The Adventures of Richard Smm'aashiker

    WHAT'S THAT? I'M TOO BUSY RUNNING FOR MY LIFE. SHIT SHIT SHIT OH TALOS RUUUUUUUUUUN OH TALOS I THINK I JUST SHAT MYSELF ... Whew, okay, safe. My mind went blank for a bit there. Too much running. I think this blond guy carried me in. Wait, I hear footsteps... ... Okay, I blacked out again. There's a naked guy over there and I have robes on now. Interesting. (I've already played through to bleak falls barrow so don't bother suggesting routes to take.)
  12. Buddhazilla

    One for February: Skyrim

  13. Buddhazilla

    One for February: Skyrim

    Guys, I'm not going to be a vampire. I don't think that could have been made clearer. Oh, right, it's Wednesday. I'll mull it over some more and get started.
  14. Buddhazilla

    One for February: Skyrim

    Not a fan of vampirism, but a huge fan of blood magic. I'll see if I can find some sort of blood magic mod. Edit: Found one, but it's not written in English well. Choices, choices.
  15. Buddhazilla

    One for February: Skyrim

    Not a big fan of the vampire stuff. Don't want to have to worry about feeding or any of that shit. I'm actually not a big fan of being a werewolf either. It just seems kinda useless and bears are cooler anyway. Like I said, I'll be doing the main sidequest chains (companions, brotherhood, etc) relevant to my character's affinities and values. I will consider doing unarmed with the Way of the Monk mod, but not much modding will be done past that. Oh, and don't worry, I'll be doing the Dragonborn DLC. Werebearbro guaranteed. Right now it's between cackling evildoer, thief who starts killing when he gets impatient, and Saxton Hale.
  16. Buddhazilla

    One for February: Skyrim

    Did some digging - you can conjure a werebear once a day, but you can't become one. So sad.
  17. Buddhazilla

    One for February: Skyrim

    So far it's between charming grand larcenist (with a temper) and cackling evildoer (also with a short temper). Also splosion, are you sure those are werebears and not werewolves? If there are werebears I have to become one. I HAVE TO. I'll also look into the Way of the Monk mod. Looks good.
  18. Buddhazilla

    One for February: Skyrim

    At this rate I'll probably be sticking with Rynjin's initial suggestion. I've always wanted to be the sort to cackle at my own misdeeds and such.
  19. Buddhazilla

    One for February: Skyrim

    I intend on doing the main quest and whatever main sidequests are relevant to my character's alignment.
  20. Buddhazilla

    One for February: Skyrim

    Video LP would take too much time to upload all the videos and edit and such.
  21. Buddhazilla

    Superbowl XLVIII

    GO NINERS >:U I'm not really into sports but the Niners are from California so I feel obligated to root for them.
  22. Buddhazilla

    Four for February

    Ah shit I was gonna post something about 44F but I forgot. I have my list, though. Deus Ex: HR Torchlight II Waking Mars The Walking Dead
  23. Anyway, for those of you who wanted to watch something tonight, might I suggest... Toonami Aftermath?