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Everything posted by Buddhazilla

  1. Buddhazilla

    Christmas General

    Didn't get terribly much, except for an airsoft Thompson submachine gun... that isn't automatic. It's still cool, though. Got some money, totaling just over $100. Meh. More gifts to come later today when my mom's family gets here. Also, have this. Yes, the singer of the Pokemon theme sang that part. You'll know which part.
  2. Buddhazilla

    Christmas General

    I don't know if this is common or not but I go to a Christmas gathering with my dad's side of the family on Christmas Eve, and my mom's side Christmas day. Loadsa presents, and also my birthday is four days after Christmas. Didn't ask for much though, so I'm probably just getting money. I did get this early as one of my Christmas presents from my mom, though.
  3. Buddhazilla

    when soccer moms invade

    amendment* you're* militia* But yes, most people completely ignore the second part of the second amendment, which details that people should be able to bear arms in a militia. I did an entire Government assignment detailing this oversight alone.
  4. Buddhazilla

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Do not associate me with your hamsteaks.
  5. Buddhazilla

    You're god damn right I mad.

    Hold on, I got something for this... Yeah, that'll do.
  6. Buddhazilla

    The Reaction Pictures Thread

    Not a picture, but uh... Why yes, that IS me in the top comments. Nice of you to notice.
  7. Buddhazilla

    Planetside 2

    Well this is rather convenient. All the douchebags will be on NC and all the kiddies will be on Vanu, while the people who actually play games will side with the Terran. Yay for TotalBiscuit. Who can't resist that classy suit and tie?
  8. Buddhazilla

    Planetside 2

    Comparing Tobuscus to PewDiePie... He's actually kinda funny, when he's not screaming at games. Not a terribly big fan of his interweb video commentaries, but just about anything is better than PewDiePie. Also, I might be leaving our outfit in favor of a more active one, if I decide on PS2 over GW2.
  9. Buddhazilla

    Mecha Update

    Found out what's making the screaming noises in mvm_bigrock. Apparently, in the cave, you can see a spy riding a minecart...that falls into the water. He makes a pit-screaming noise when that happens.
  10. Buddhazilla

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

  11. Buddhazilla

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

  12. Buddhazilla

    Mecha Update

    Aaaaaaand the item server is down. Good job Valve.
  13. Buddhazilla

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    Sorry for double post but hey look it's this.
  14. Buddhazilla

    Mecha Update

    Too overbearing. I already have my soldier set all worked out anyhow. The turtleneck and FDU would be interchangeable.
  15. Buddhazilla

    Mecha Update

    Actually, it's the Cover-Up. Looks decent, I wouldn't use it though. I really, REALLY want a turtleneck for Soldier. I'm getting sick of my ol' FDU. :(
  16. Buddhazilla

    Mecha Update

    Guys, I think we've missed something vitally important. Do you see what Heavy's holding there in that picture? Yes, that's right, it's A FESTIVE SANDVICH. Also, how soon is soon? They put it in bold and italics, so it might be even tomorrow. ...pfffffffft. Who am I kidding? It's gonna be on fuckin' Monday.
  17. Buddhazilla

    Mecha Update

    Also, can we get to decoding these piece of paper? I'd go to SPUF, but uh... refer to my signature.
  18. Buddhazilla

    Mecha Update

    New demo explody and medic healy. Fuckin'. Finally. Also the pyro scarf mask misc got in, and I am a happy man.
  19. Buddhazilla

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    Welp. There goes my Christmas boner.
  20. Buddhazilla

    War Z - Join me in lolling at this shit

    Some- no, wait, all of War Z's promo images are plagiarized from somewhere. Some are from IRL zombie gatherings, one from Shaun of the Dead, even one from The Walking Dead. Shameful, really.
  21. Buddhazilla

    Remember the Chicken Hat?

    guys guys guys guys guys I do propane.
  22. Buddhazilla

    Remember the Chicken Hat?

    brock hair oh god monarch suit oh god dr. rockzo oh god carl ehhhhhhhh
  23. Buddhazilla

    The Doomsday Thread

    Oy, I wonder how many people are actually trying to beat Majora's Mask before the 21st. That'd be fun.
  24. Buddhazilla

    The Doomsday Thread

    Right, I found my ocarina. Guess I'll be going through these last few days 'til I get this all sorted out. Maybe stop Quetzalcoatl or something. Maybe it's a meteor? Idunfuckin'know. Hey, I'm back from about 5 repeats of the same 3 days. I have had my braces removed 5 times now and I think I finally got to the bottom of this. Turns out everyone's gonna launch nukes on the dawn of the fourth day. And I mean everyone. Good times. But Buddha, you say, is there anything we can do about this? ...No. Not really. I doubt we can all reach all the corners of the earth in time to prevent every simultaneous launch. ...UNLESS OTHER PEOPLE HAVE OCARINAS. Why didn't I think of that before? I sort of already had 15 days to think of a plan.
  25. Buddhazilla

    rip garrys mod tower

    Yogscast made a thing absurdly popular. Imagine that.